
  • 网络Under-insurance;Under insured;Underinsurance
  1. 不足额保险条件下的保险代位权的行使

    Execution of the Subrogation Right in Situation of Underinsurance

  2. 不足额保险下代位求偿权行使的模式选择与程序依赖

    Mode Selection and Program Dependence of the Exercise of Subrogation Right in Underinsurance

  3. 对不足额保险下代位求偿权的探讨

    Scrutiny of Indemnity-Recovering Right of Subrogation Under Wantage Insurance

  4. 第二章是不足额保险下代位求偿权行使的冲突。

    Chapter two describes the conflicts on the exercise of the right of subrogation in underinsurance .

  5. 不足额保险下,当保险标的由于第三者责任造成保险损失后,保险人在履行赔偿义务的前提下,取得对第三者的代位追偿权。

    Under wantage insurance , when the loss is caused by a third party , the insurer gains the indemnity-recovering right of subrogation therefrom , provided that the insurer executed its duty of indemnity .

  6. 最后,笔者就不足额保险、增值保险等特殊情况对题述权利的影响进行了阐述,并就部分损失下海上保险人对保险标的的权利问题进行了分析。

    At last , the author gives a dissertation on the influence of under insurance and increased value insurance to the captioned right , and thequestion of the marine insurer 's right on the subject-matter insured under partial loss is also discussed .