
zhuān lì shǐ yònɡ quán
  • right to the use of patent
  1. 销售收入中也包括迪斯尼公司通过“专利使用权转让协定”得到的一部分收入。

    Disney gets a portion of those revenues through its licensing agreements .

  2. 第一部分对专利使用权出资进行概述。

    The first part is an overview of the contribution of the patent right to use .

  3. 我想购买专有技术比购买专利使用权要好。

    I think buying the know ? how is better than the right to use the patent .

  4. 第五部分提出对专利使用权出资规范的立法建议。

    The fifth part will present some legislative proposals of the contribution of the patent right to use the norms .

  5. 韦斯基说,他对外出售专利使用权的努力并没有像他2011年所期望的那样顺利。

    Mr. Veschi said that his efforts to license the patents hadn 't gone as well as he had hoped in 2011 . '

  6. 黄(日新)正在拍卖其胶囊公寓的五年专利使用权。这种公寓是他毕生的一个成就,自去年四月以来就得到了国际媒体的关注。

    Huang is auctioning a five-year patent to his life 's work-the capsule apartmentsthat have been capturing international media attention since last April .

  7. 但是针对实践中不断增多的专利使用权出资,《公司法》并没有给出明确的支持或者否定的答案。

    However according to the growing number of investment of the patent right to use in practice ," Company Law " has not give a clear support or negative answer .

  8. 通过专利使用权转让协议购买或是“租赁”技术依然是一个可行的办法,但是在使用、所有权上依然有局限,最终在知识产权上还会面临风险。

    Buying or " leasing " technologies through licensing agreements is still a viable method however you still have limitations on use , on ownership and ultimately risks on IP .

  9. 第三部分分析了专利使用权出资应注意的出资程序、价值评估、风险防范三个问题。

    The third part will analyze the three problems of the patent right to use the contribution : the funded program , valuation , risk prevention , which should be noted .

  10. 韦斯基说,他曾认为考虑到各方愿意支付的价格,有关出售专利使用权的谈判会很轻松。

    I figured that given the price that parties were willing to pay for these patents , talks to license them would be much easier , ' Mr. Veschi said . '

  11. 同时,星巴克也与百事可乐公司建立了合作伙伴关系,共同研制和销售一款即饮的咖啡新饮品——法布奇诺(星冰乐)咖啡。此外,星巴克还与美国卡夫国际食品公司签署了专利使用权转让协定。

    Starbucks also formed a partnership with Pepsico , Inc.to create and distribute a new ready-to-drink coffee-based beverage , Frappuccino , as well as entered into a licensing agreement with Kraft Foods .

  12. 介绍了专利使用权出资、特点及相关立法规定,分析了允许这种出资的必要性和理论纷争。

    It will introduce the contribution of the patent right to use and its characteristics as well as the relevant legal rules , and the necessaries and some theoretical disputes of this kind investment will be analyzed .

  13. 第二部从对专利使用权的定性、出资适格性、与公司法精神和经济成本论吻合几方面分析了专利使用权出资的可行性。

    The second part will give analyses on the feasibility of patent rights ' fund based on whether the patent right to use qualitative and investment eligibility consistent with the " Company Law " spiritual and economic costs .

  14. 和其他公司一样,华为称其致力于在公平、合理和非歧视性的基础上授予专利使用权,但补充称,它有权要求使用其技术的公司给予“合理补偿”。

    As with other companies , Huawei said it was committed to licensing patents on fair , reasonable and non-discriminatory basis , but added that it was entitled to " reasonable compensation " from firms that used its technology .

  15. 第四部分从专利使用权的出资方式、出资后的权利行使、专利权价值变化对股权的影响三个方面讨论现行规范的协调。

    The fourth part is to discuss the coordination of existing norms by discussing the patent right to use forms of investment , capital contribution after the exercise of the rights , the influence on stock equity brought in by patent changes in the value .

  16. 本文主体主要由以下部分组成:第一部分是关于专利许可使用权出资的基本问题。

    This paper mainly consists of the followingcomponents : The first part is about the basic problems of the investment of patent right ' slicensed using .

  17. 对于专利许可使用权能否用作出资,相关法律未置可否,学界也没有定论。

    For the patent licensed using right can be used as capital contribution or not , laws made no comment , academic circles have not yet conclusive .

  18. 出售专利权,使用权,并提供技术支持。

    We sell patent right and usufruct of riaf , and provide tech support .

  19. 专利技术的使用权、制造权和产品的销售权授权接受方;

    Whereas Licensee hope to use the Patented Technology of Licensor to manufacture and sell the Contract Products ;

  20. 主流观点认为,股东出资方式仅包括五种,即货币、实物、工业产权、非专利技术、土地使用权,其他的权利不能作为出资。

    It is generally considered that the investment of shareholders only has the following five modes : currency , practicality , industrial property right , non patent technology and access of ground .

  21. 发起人可以用货币出资,也可以用实物,工业产权,非专利技术,土地使用权作价出资。

    The promoters may make capital contributions in currency , or may invest in kind , use industrial property , non-patented technology or land use rights to make capital contributions based on their appraised value .

  22. 有限责任公司成立后,发现作为出资的实物、工业产权、非专利技术、土地使用权的实际价额显著低于公司章程所定价额的

    " After the establishment of a limited liability company , if the actual values of the investment in kind , industrial property , non-patented technology or land use rights are obviously lower than the values set in the articles of association "

  23. 专利许可,其实质是专利权人将其拥有的专利使用权有偿地转移给被许可者的一种契约。

    Patent licensing , virtually is a contract with which a patent holder transfers the use of his patent to the licensees .

  24. 他说,现在就指望这些(专利申请的)投资产生经济回报为时过早,因为只有百分之三的美国专利最后售出了使用权。

    He says it is too early to expect financial returns on the investments , pointing out that only about three per cent of US patents are ever licensed .

  25. 专利权人或者专利权转让人应当向被许可实施专利人或者专利权受让人返还全部或者部分专利使用费或者专利权转让费。

    The patentee or the assignor of the patent right shall repay the whole or part of the fee for the exploitation of the patent or the price for the assignment of the patent right to the licensee or the assignee of the patent right .