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zhuān xīn
  • concentration;attentive;devotion;intent;be absorbed;attend;deep;immersion;married;whole-hearted;concentrate one's attention;devoted to sth. wholeheartedly
专心 [zhuān xīn]
  • [be absorbed;concentrate ones attention;devoted to sth. wholeheartedly] 用心专一,一心不二

  • 专心致志

  • 专心研究

专心[zhuān xīn]
  1. 我觉得保持沉默、做一名专心的听众比较明智。

    I felt it politic to keep my peace and play the part of the attentive listener .

  2. 华盛顿研究机构第三条道路(thirdway)最新发布的一份研究报告显示,上幼儿园时,女孩比男孩更加专心,更守规矩,更具韧性,更加灵活和独立。

    By kindergarten , girls are substantially more attentive , better behaved , more sensitive , more persistent , more flexible and more independent than boys , according to a new paper from Third Way , a Washington research group .

  3. 他专心注视着屏幕,只是心不在焉地点了点头。

    He nodded absently , his attention absorbed by the screen .

  4. 唐与他右边的女孩在专心交谈。

    Don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right .

  5. 马丁不与外界接触,专心写书。

    Martin shut himself off from the world to write his book .

  6. 把那讨厌的东西关掉,专心听我讲话好不好!

    Why don 't you switch the darn thing off and listen to me !

  7. 你使我不能专心工作。

    You 're distracting me from my work .

  8. 我专心工作,以致忘了时间。

    I was so intent on my work that I didn 't notice the time .

  9. 专心干你的活吧!

    Keep your mind on your work !

  10. 他发觉对着麦克风他很难专心工作。

    He found it hard to work with a microphone pointing at him

  11. 我辞职是为了专心写小说。

    I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction .

  12. 对这事你还得专心一点。

    You 've got to be fairly single-minded about it

  13. 成年人很少会专心地看电视。

    Adults rarely give the television their undivided attention .

  14. 她专心思考面临的一些实际问题。

    She kept her mind fixed on the practical problems which faced her .

  15. 任何一个在专心听的人都会领悟他所说的大意。

    Anybody who 's listening will get the drift of what he was saying

  16. 是否能专心学习并取得一定成就要靠他自己。

    It was up to him to concentrate on his studies and make something of himself

  17. 我专心听你所讲。

    You have my undivided attention

  18. 她们的出席令与会者明显兴奋起来,作为回应这两位女士也专心倾听起来。

    Conference participants were clearly enthused by their presence , and the two women responded by listening intently

  19. 我做事太过专心以致于对周围发生的事情丝毫未察觉。

    I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me .

  20. 然而,只要他专心学习,他就可以继续留在寺庙里。

    He was , however , allowed to stay on at the temple as long as he restricted himself to his studies

  21. 上课时他一向专心听老师讲课。

    He always listens to the teachers attentively in class .

  22. 她专心于工作。

    She devoted her attention to her work .

  23. 假如你不更加专心地工作,你将被解雇。

    If you don 't concentrate more on your work you 'll be dismissed .

  24. 算账得专心,一不留意就爱出错。

    You must pay careful attention when doing accounts . You 're likely to make errors if you 're not careful .

  25. 她被判犯有驾驶不专心之罪。

    She was convicted of driving without due care and attention .

  26. 专心学习,别东张西望的。

    Concentrate your mind on study . don 't look around .

  27. 她专心听着,把他说的话一字不漏地记下来。

    She listened attentively and set down every word he said .

  28. 他专心于在从事的工作。

    He fixed his attention upon what he was doing .

  29. 安静些,孩子们,我正专心做数学题呢。

    Be quiet , children . I am absorbed by the mathematical problem .

  30. 专心驾车,切勿分神。

    Don 't be distracted while driving a car .