
  1. 再次分析了专利权无效司法审查的特征。其审查的对象的特殊性,决定了专利无效司法审查的特征。

    Next has analyzed the object of patent invalidation judicial review .

  2. 专利权无效和侵权纠纷解决机制

    The System for Settling Disputes on Patent Invalidation and Infringement

  3. 期满未补正的,该无效宣告请求视为未提出。(三)提出异议,请求宣告专利权无效的有关事务;

    Raising disagreement , asking for the announcement of a patent right cancellation and other related affairs ;

  4. 建议作如下修改:其一,建立默认许可制度、完善许可人对专利权无效的瑕疵担保责任以及赋予专利许可实施权可转让、质押、出资的法律地位。

    Therefore , suggestions are proposed : First , establish implied license system , improve the patent invalid flaws in the implementation of the licensors ' security responsibilities and endow the right to enforcement of patent license with legal status of transfer , pledge and investing .

  5. 专利权无效纠纷指任何单位或个人认为被授权的专利不符合法律规定的条件时,依照法律规定请求有关部门宣告该专利权无效,由此在专利无效宣告请求人和专利权人之间产生的纠纷。

    A dispute in patent invalidation refers to controversy between petitioner of patent invalidation and patentee when the petitioners find a granted patent right does not confirm to the rules of law , then file a request to the relevant department in order to announce the patent right invalid .

  6. (五)专利权的无效宣告;

    Any invalidation of the patent right ;

  7. 或无法有效利用资源。(七)专利权的无效宣告;

    Or of the effective use of resources . ( 7 ) any invalidation of the patent right ;

  8. 与我国职权分离的模式最接近的日本,通过设立专利权当然无效抗辩来解决此问题。

    Japan has the closest function-power separation mode with China and solves these problems through the defense of definite invalidation of patent .

  9. (二)专利权被宣告无效后,继续在制造或者销售的产品上标注专利标记;

    Continuing to affix patent marking on the products that are made or sold after the patent right concerned has been declared invalid ;

  10. 在专利审批、专利权无效和侵权诉讼中,权利要求的解释和确定是重要的一个步骤,甚至是不可或缺的。

    In the patent examination , patent right confirmation and the judgment for patent right infringement , claims explanation and confirmation are an important process , even is indispensable .

  11. 专利侵权纠纷中的专利权无效宣告请求及其相关问题研究

    Study on Invalidity During Patent Infringement Dispute

  12. 第四十六条专利复审委员会对宣告专利权无效的请求应当及时审查和作出决定,并通知请求人和专利权人。

    Article 46 . The Patent Reexamination Board shall examine the request for invalidation of the patent right promptly , make a decision on it and notify the person who made the request and the patentee .

  13. 第四章专利申请的复审与专利权的无效宣告

    Chapter IV Reexamination of Patent Application and Invalidation of Patent Right

  14. 根据《专利法》规定,我国的专利权无效纠纷解决机制由专利无效宣告和专利无效诉讼构成,是一种行政-司法双轨制模式。

    According to the " Patent Law " in China , the system for settling disputes in patent invalidation is a kind of Administrative-Justice double system mode , which involves two parts , the patent invalidation procedure and the patent invalidation proceeding .

  15. 最后参考国外的相关制度设计和学者们对我国专利无效程序改革意见,对我国专利权无效程序的重构提出自己的建议和方案。

    Finally consulting the relevant institutional design abroad and opinions of Chinese scholars , the present author patent puts forward proposals and programs as far as reconstruction of patent invalidation procedure is concerned .

  16. 专利复审委员会对宣告实用新型和外观设计专利权无效的请求所作出的决定为终局决定。

    The decision of the Patent Reexamination Board in respect of a request to declare invalid the patent right for utility model or design is final .

  17. 修改后的《专利法》规定,法院对所有类型的专利权的无效宣告均享有司法审查权,改变了以往仅可对专利复审委员会就发明专利权所作无效宣告进行司法审查的状况。

    In the past , the " Patent Law " only provided the invention patent the opportunity of judicial reviewing , and the " Trademark Law " none .

  18. 专利制度是国家为了促进科学技术和经济的发展而设立的有关专利权的授予、无效以及保护的制度,其重点是对有效专利权的保护。

    The establishment of the franchise awards of National patent system is to promote economic , science , technology developement . it focuses on the effective protection of patent rights .

  19. 对专利无效纠纷中,对专利权是否有效,该审判庭对其进行审判后可以直接做出维持专利权有效或宣布专利权无效的判决。

    To the disputes of patent invalid , whether the patent valid or invalid : after the trial , the court can adjudge directly .