
  • 网络Patent Abuse;Patent Misuse
  1. 第一节论述了专利权滥用的基本理论与实践。

    Section 1 deals with the theory and practice of patent misuse .

  2. 最后,分析专利权滥用规制的必要性。

    Finally , the analysis of the need for regulation of patent misuse .

  3. 第二,在技术标准中引入世界范围内被各个国家及国际组织广泛接受和认可的RAND原则,来规制专利权滥用问题。

    Secondly , bring RAND principle which has been widely accepted by countries and international organizations into the system to regulate the misuse of patent .

  4. 专利权滥用的主观方面是专利权人存在故意。

    The subjective aspect of the patent abuse is intentional misconduct .

  5. 我国对外贸易中的专利权滥用及其法律规制

    The Patent Abuses in the Foreign Trade of China and Its Legal Regulation

  6. 专利权滥用之强制许可原则规制研究

    The Study of Compulsory Licensing Regulation of Patent Abuse

  7. 提炼出本案中涉及的专利权滥用的具体表现形式。

    Involved in this case to extract the specific form of patent misuse .

  8. 详细并且深入的分析了对专利权滥用行为进行立法规制的必要性;

    Detailed and in-depth analysis of patent abuse of the need for legislation system ;

  9. 专利权滥用的法律规制研究

    Misuse of Patent and Regulation in Law

  10. 特别是在专利权滥用的理论研究和法律建设上存在着很大的不足。

    Especially for the abuse of patent right , theoretical study and law construction exist great shortage .

  11. 专利权滥用表现形式多样,会带来不少负面影响和消极作用。

    The forms of abuse of patent right are much . It can result in much bad effect .

  12. 我国应按照禁止专利权滥用与反垄断法并存模式,建立禁止专利权滥用制度。

    China should establish patent misuse system according to the coexistence mode of patent misuse and antitrust law .

  13. 因此,加强对专利权滥用的反垄断法控制具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is of historic significance to control the abuse of patent rights by antimonopoly law .

  14. 就专利权滥用而言,各国已把其纳入到反垄断法规制的范围之内。

    For abuse of patent , countries have already incorporated it into regulation range of the Antitrust Law .

  15. 制定指南、方针来细化对专利权滥用行为的规制已成为各国立法趋势。

    Developing guidelines and policy to refine the regulation of patent abuse has become a national legislative trend .

  16. 专利权滥用是指专利权人滥用自己的专利权优势,损害有效竞争的行为。

    The abuse of patent right means the patentee abuses his advantage of patent right and damages valid competition .

  17. 文中对反垄断法规制专利权滥用问题从必要性与可行性两方面进行了法理分析。

    The paper makes the legal principle analysis of antitrust regulation on patent abuse from the necessity and feasibility .

  18. 本文深入分析了对专利权滥用行为的内涵、构成要件及其历史发展;

    This paper in-depth analysis of the content of patent abuse , and its constituent elements of historical development ;

  19. 专利权滥用问题对我国企业的挑战越来越严峻。

    It is more and more severe that the patent right abuses sabotage competition of the enterprises of our country .

  20. 知识产权滥用主要包括专利权滥用、著作权滥用和商标权滥用。

    The abuse of IPR mainly includes abuse of patent right , abuse of copyright and abuse of trademark right .

  21. 专利权滥用的客观方面是专利权人具有生效的专利权但在行使过程中超出了正当的界限。

    The patentee has effective patent and the use of the patent beyond the proper boundaries is the objective aspects .

  22. 而本文试图通过完善《对外贸易法》来解决对外贸易中的专利权滥用问题。

    And this article attempts to improve the " Foreign Trade Law " to resolve the foreign trade of patent abuse .

  23. 以便清晰地对专利权滥用的行为进行法律界定,专利权滥用的主体为专利权人。

    So we can definite the conduct of the patent abuse clearly . The subject of patent abuse is the patentee .

  24. 随着科技的发展和技术贸易量的加大,专利权滥用行为的问题日益突出。

    The problem of patent abuse had been more and more serious along with the technological development and increase of technological trade volume .

  25. 应对专利权滥用,首先要立足现有法律体系,充分利用现有的法律规定来限制专利权的滥用。

    React to patent abusing , we can do as follows : firstly , make fully use of present law and statutes to control patent abusing ;

  26. 第二部分探讨专利权滥用的一些基础理论,对后面部分的研究做理论铺垫。

    The second part discusses some of the basic theory of patent misuse , on the back part of the study pave the way to do theory .

  27. 然后,介绍了其它主要发达国家在相关领域内的先进经验,最后,对构建我国的专利权滥用控制体系提出了几点立法建议。

    Then introduced other major developed countries in the related fields of advanced experiences , finally , our patent abuse of a control system made a few proposals .

  28. 本文对专利权滥用行为理论进行了一般分析,在对专利权滥用进行界定的基础上,分析了专利权滥用的构成要件及表现形式。

    This patent abuse of a general analysis of the theory , in the definition of patent misuse based on the analysis of patent misuse Components and manifestations .

  29. 由于专利权滥用的具体表现形式多样,本文将只就案例中涉及的专利权滥用的表现形式进行研究。

    As a concrete manifestation of the abuse of patent rights in various forms , this will only to cases involving the abuse of manifestations of the patent research .

  30. 为了维护我国经济的健康发展,完善我国控制专利权滥用的法律制度已成为一项迫切任务。

    In order to protect the development of Chinese economy , it is a must that the legal system on patent abuse should be established as soon as possible .