
zhuān lì fǎ
  • patent law/act
  1. 论我国《专利法》第三次修改与TRIPS的衔接

    On the Connection between the 3rd Revision to the Patent Law and TRIPS

  2. 为顺应加入WTO的需要,我国于2000年和2001年相继完成了对《专利法》和《商标法》的修改。

    Our country had modified the " Patent Law " and the " Trademark Law " from 2000 to 2001 , to conform to the WTO .

  3. 大规模修改专利法,与TRIPS取得一致,在法律条文上与国际接轨,是我们的第一步。

    It is our first step to revise the patent law on a large scale to fit the TRIPS .

  4. 诺华说印度专利法的该条款违反了世界贸易组织的《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS)。

    Novartis said the Indian clause violated the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS ) rules under the World Trade Organization .

  5. 这一修改使中国的《专利法》与《TRIPS协定》关于行政决定接受司法审查的有关规定完全一致。

    This modification enabled China 's Patent Law to be fully consistent with TRIPS regarding administrative decisions which were subject to judicial review .

  6. 总观全文,笔者坚持专利法理论在一般专利主题中业已发展成熟的基本原则和概念体系,主张以恰当的法律解释方法,解决DNA序列的可专利性问题。

    In the whole , the author insists the basic principles and conceptions which has been developed from normal patentable subject , and asserts to solute the patentability of DNA by explaining the patent law creatively .

  7. 因此,他总结说,实质上,中国所适用的《专利法》第5条与《TRIPS协定》并没有区别。

    Hence , in essence , he concluded that there was no difference between Article 5 of the Patent Law as applied and the TRIPS Agreement .

  8. TRIPs协议规定了对于植物新品种权保护模式可以采取:专利法、有效的专门制度以及两种制度的结合。

    TRIPs Agreement pointed that there was three methods to protect new plant varieties : Patent law , effective special law , and integration of the two .

  9. 由一个专家委员会准备的2005年设计专利法符合trips协议之精神,政府正在对其加以积极考虑。

    The patent design act2005 , which was prepared by an expert committee , was in conformity with the TRIPS Agreement and was now under the active consideration of the government .

  10. 美国KSR案对我国专利法上创造性判断的启示

    American KSR Case 's Enlightenment to the Creative Judgment of Patent Law in Our Country

  11. 我国专利法1984年开始实施,实施时间短,加之TRIPS协议中没有对专利间接侵权作出规定,因此,我国专利法对专利间接侵权一直没有作出规定。

    We have no stipulation about patent contributory infringement in our patent law because there 's a short time when The Patent Law was implemented in China in 1984 , and there is no stipulation about this in TRIPS .

  12. 作为TRIPS协定的成员国,我国在借鉴其规定的基础上已初步形成了《专利法》、《专利法实施细则》和《专利实施强制许可办法》为主的专利强制许可制度体系。

    As a member of the TRIPS agreement , In reference to the regulations in our country has initially formed on the basis of the patent law and the implementing rules for the patent law and the measures for patent compulsory license of patent compulsory license system .

  13. 各种信息在互联网上的公开,便会针对专利法意义上的新颖性和现有技术产生影响,在1996年,欧洲专利局(EPO)进行了一次测试,以调查审查员对互联网的使用。

    Thus , the disclosure on the Internet of the information challenges the conception of novelty and prior art in the sense of patent law . In 1996 , EPO brought a test to the examiners to investigate the use of the Internet .

  14. 概述《巴黎公约》、TRIPs和中国、日本、美国专利法对为公共利益目的之专利强制许可的态度,比较各国在该领域法规规定和实践上的异同。

    This part summarizes the attitudes of Paris Convention , TRIPs and the patent laws of China , Japan and USA to the compulsory patent license for public interests , and also compares the similarities and differences of each country in this field in the aspects of legislation and practice .

  15. SIPO的网站引用其主任田力普的话说,新专利法将在今年年底之前提交给立法机关进行批准。

    The website of SIPO quoted its head , Tian Lipu , as saying that the new patent law will be submitted to the legislature for approval before the end of the year .

  16. 经过中美两国技术发展水平和实际经济发展的需要的对比,笔者认为对于美国这次在KSR案中所做的修正,中国专利法应该根据自身情况有所取有所不取。

    After contrast the level of technological and actual needs of economic development of China and the United State , I think for the changes in the KSR case of United States , the amendments made by the Chinese Patent Law in accordance with its own situation .

  17. 新颁布的专利法对这类问题有十分具体的规定。

    The new patent law is quite specific on such matters .

  18. 《专利法》的第二次修改是在2000年。

    The second amendment of the patent law is in 2000 .

  19. 近五年来印度《专利法》的修改对其制药业的影响

    The Patent Bill Amendment in India : Its impacts on Pharmaceuticals

  20. 专利法对冶金设备及技术发展的影响

    The influence of the patent law on metallurgical equipment and technology

  21. 论英国1624年《专利法》的产生及其意义

    On the Birth of 1624 British Monopoly Act and It 's Function

  22. 本文还就专利法未将网络公开列入专利公开方式,基因诊断方法存在可专利的潜在可能作了讨论。

    The Internet publication and potential patentability of gene-diagnosis are also involved .

  23. 专利法区分发明与发现的实证辩析

    The Positivism Analysis on The Invention and Discovery of Patent

  24. 专利法:一种博弈论视角下的合作机制

    Patent Law : A Cooperative Mechanism in the Perspective of Game Theory

  25. 专利法的若干问题及其立法建议

    Particular Aspects of Problems and Legislative Suggestions about Patent Law

  26. 专利法修订与印度经济的国际接轨

    Amendment of and Linking of Indian Economy to the World

  27. 修改后的专利法将在今年10月1日生效。

    The revised patent law will take effect on1 October this year .

  28. 浅析我国专利法中的许诺销售

    Analysis on Offering for Sale in China 's Patent Law

  29. 《专利法》第三次修订中的生物剽窃问题探析

    An Analysis of Bio-piracy in the Third Time Amendment of Patent Law

  30. 第二节论述我国专利法相关法律制度的完善与运用。

    Section 2 deals with China should perfect and apply patent law .