
  • 网络Wonder of the world;World Wonders
  1. 为什么要叫新世界奇迹呢?

    Why name new wonders of the world ?

  2. 我们把中国的长城看做是世界奇迹之一。

    We think of the great wall of China as one of the wonders of the world .

  3. 外宾们站着不动约莫有一分多钟之久,张口凝视着这个世界奇迹--长城。

    For more than one minute our foreign guests remained standing still gaping at this wonder of the world -- the Great Wall .

  4. 金字塔是世界奇迹之一。

    Pyramid is one of the miracles in the world .

  5. 是一大世界奇迹。

    That 's what makes it a wonder of the world .

  6. 几个世纪以来,评选世界奇迹一直为人们所着迷。

    Choosing world wonders has been a continuing fascination over the centuries .

  7. 我知道它是世界奇迹之一。

    I know it 's one of the wonders in the world .

  8. 开罗吉萨金字塔是原世界奇迹的唯一幸存者。

    The Pyramids of Giza are the only remaining wonder of the ancient world .

  9. 我们都认为长城是世界奇迹之一。

    It is known that the great wall is one of the world 's miracles .

  10. 长城是人类创造的世界奇迹之一。

    The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that created by human beings !

  11. 这就是教科书中古老图片的阴影原形,正向世人展示着“世界奇迹”。

    the shadowy original of the old pictures in school-books , setting forth The Wonders of the World .

  12. 每一个三十年都是巨大的飞跃,巨大的进步,都是创造世界奇迹。

    Every three years are giant leap , great progress , all is to create wonders of the world .

  13. 他们可能并不是众所周知的世界奇迹,但是所有这些景点给每个人都会留下点什么。

    They may not all be considered wonders of the world , but all of these locations offer something for everyone .

  14. 我一直希望看到这个世界奇迹,现在我完全明白它是为什么如此的伟大。

    I had always hoped to see this this wonder of the world and now I fully appreciate how great it is .

  15. 史前巨石阵是世界奇迹之一,现在是英国备受关注的世界遗址。

    Stonehenge is one of the wonders of the world and is now a world Heritage site in the care of English Heritage .

  16. 尽管我们面临着这些困难,我希望我们能够顺利地从计划经济转入市场经济,在20年后创造另一个世界奇迹。

    I hope that in spite of all the difficulties we have now we can make this transition smoothly and successfully and make another miracle in20 years .

  17. 当时他并没想到,自己的发现竟可与中国长城、埃及金字塔等世界奇迹齐名。

    At the time , he had no idea his discovery would be as important as other wonders of the world such as , China 's Great Wall and Egypt 's pyramids .

  18. 原来,在建造过程中,雇佣工人们为了成为这项古代世界奇迹中永恒的一部分,纷纷在巨石上留下了这些印记。

    The men building the pyramid wanted to be a permanent part of one of the Ancient Wonders of the World . In doing so , they left told us how they were organized .

  19. 金门大桥是美国最具标志性的桥,连接了旧金山半岛和马林县,被称为现代世界奇迹之一。

    Perhaps the most iconic bridge in the USA , the Golden Gate Bridge connects the San Francisco peninsula to Marin County . It has also been named one of the Wonders of the Modern World .

  20. 长城,就像埃及的金字塔,即现在的泰姬陵(1)在印度和悬挂巴比伦花园(2),是一个伟大的世界奇迹之一。

    The Great Wall , like the Pyramids of Egypt , the Taj Mahal ( 1 ) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon ( 2 ), is one of the great wonders of the world .

  21. 威尔特郡部索尔兹伯里平原上5000多年前的石柱将与雅典卫城、纽约自由女神像、原世界奇迹的唯一幸存者开罗吉萨金字塔等胜景一决高下。

    The 5,000-year-old stones on Salisbury Plain , Wiltshire , will be up against sites including the Acropolis in Athens ; the Statue of Liberty in New York ; and the last remaining original wonder , the Pyramids of Giza in Cairo .

  22. 这座金字塔是世界七大奇迹中最古老的。

    This pyramid is the oldest of the world 's Seven Wonders .

  23. 长城是世界建筑奇迹之一。

    It is one of the engineering wonders of the world .

  24. 雅典卫城是古代世界的奇迹之一。

    The Acropolis is one of the wonders of the ancient world .

  25. 中国的自豪,世界的奇迹。

    China 's pride and the world 's wonder & the Great Wall .

  26. 它会有非常漂亮的颜色,超薄,我认为它是世界七大奇迹之一。

    We think it 's one of the Seven Wonders of the world .

  27. 这是仅存下来的最古老的世界七大奇迹之一。

    It is the oldest surviving of the seven ancient wonders of the world .

  28. 鲜美西红柿等等未来世界的奇迹

    The Tasty Tomato And Other Future Marvels

  29. 长城总长为5500公里被誉为新世界七大奇迹之一。

    The great wall whose total length is5500 kilometers is1of the new world seven wonders .

  30. 为什么长城被称为世界七大奇迹之一?

    Why is the Great Wall known as one of the seven wonders in the world ?