
  1. 试论中国在未来世界政治格局中的战略定位

    On the Strategic Position of China in the Future World Political Structure

  2. 当前世界政治格局的影响因素及我们的对策

    Factors having impact on world current political pattern and actions we should take

  3. 试论冷战后的世界政治格局

    On the Post-Cold-War Multi-polarization of the World Political Structure

  4. 当代世界政治格局与中国文化

    Present Political Setup of the World and Chinese Culture

  5. 第三,经济全球化极大地影响着世界政治格局的发展。

    Third , economic globalization will have a great impact on world political patterns .

  6. 世界政治格局多极化趋势日益明显;大国关系经历了重大而深刻的调整。

    The multipolar trend of political pattern of the world is obvious day by day ;

  7. 论社会进步与世界政治格局演变

    The Relationship Between the Evolution of the Worldwide Political Structure and the Progress of the Society

  8. 世界政治格局多极化的形成具有诸多方面的原因;

    The forming cause of the political multi facet trend of the world has the different aspects .

  9. 改变了世界政治格局,推进了和平与发展世界主题的确立;

    Fourthly , it altered the political structure of the world , and advanced determining the world-around issue of peace and development ;

  10. 世界政治格局伴随着前苏联的解体而发生巨变,出现了权利真空。

    With the disintegration of the former Soviet Union , the world 's Political structure has hugely changed and the power vacuum appears .

  11. 所以,面对中国的快速崛起,世界政治格局的冲撞、对抗与重新洗牌也就在所难免。

    Therefore , the fleetness facing Chinese rises abruptly , world politics pattern colliding with , antagonism also will be unavoidable with shuffling the cards again .

  12. 纵观21世纪初世界政治格局与世界经济格局的变化,总的来说是:美国经济将迎来大发展时期。

    According to changes of world political and economic pattern at the beginning of the 21st century , American economy will step into a period of great development .

  13. 新社会运动虽然目前还面临着各种问题,但是其同左翼运动“红绿联盟”的可能性,将对今后世界政治格局的变化关系重大。

    Though new social movement is now still faced with various problems , the possibility of it and left wing movement red-green alliance will concern the change oft .

  14. 世界政治格局的变化和世界形势的发展,已使发展成为更加重要和更加突出的问题。

    The change of the world ′ s political structure and the development of the world ′ s situations have made the issue of development even more important and conspicuous .

  15. 特别是随着世界政治格局的急剧变化和全球化进程的加速发展,文化在国家中的地位和作用日益凸显。

    Especially , with the rapid change of global politics structure and the accelerated development of globalization , the function of culture in one country is more and more evident .

  16. 从上世纪中、后期起,欧亚大陆就爆发了一系列足以改变地缘政治格局的宗教革命,对国际关系和世界政治格局产生了深远的影响。

    Ever since the mid-term or later period of the last century , a series of " religious revolution " which sufficiently effected the international relation and world politics erupted in the Eurasia .

  17. 进入21世纪的中国,随着世界政治格局的多极化,经济的全球化以及文化的多元化,新时期大学生爱国主义教育面临着严峻的挑战。

    China who enters 21 centuries , with world politics pattern multi-polarity , economical globalization as well as the culture diversification , the new period college student education in patriotism is confronted with austere challenge .

  18. 冷战结束以来,随着世界政治格局的变化,以经济实力为基础的综合国力的竞争成为国家间利益争夺的主要方式。

    After the end of the Cold War , the competition of national power based on economy is the main means to get hold of all kinds of benefits with the adjustment of world political pattern .

  19. 冷战结束后,经济全球化加速发展,世界政治格局趋向多极化,政党格局和政党体制也出现了许多新情况、新变化。

    After the Cold War , economic globalization has developing rapidly , the world political structure moving further toward multi-polarization , the party structure and system have also kept popping up many new situation and changes .

  20. 印度是五个地缘战略国之一,她的作用是稳定地区局势和对世界政治格局产生一定程度的影响。

    India is one of the five " geo-strategic countries " of the world . She plays the role of stabilizing the regional situation and exercising a certain level of influence on formation and change of the global political pattern .

  21. 它使中苏两党从昔日盟友变成势不两立的对手,不仅影响到世界政治格局的重新组合,而且影响到中国当代历史的发展进程。

    It resulted in that the two parties became hostile rivals from the allies in former days , which had great effect not only on restructuring of the global political structure , but on the process of Chinese modern history .

  22. 冷战结束和苏联的解体让世界政治格局发生改变,在之后相当长的时间里,意识形态的分歧已经不再成为国家交往沟通的重要制约因素。

    End of the cold war and the collapse of the Soviet union to make a major change in the world , after a long time , the differences of ideology is no longer a exchanges between countries the main restricting factors .

  23. 在这样的一个信息传播与共享都空前发展,世界政治格局也非常复杂的时期,政府如何立足于新形势,应如何有效利用新媒体进行舆论引导,树立形象,是非常值得研究的。

    In such an information dissemination and sharing are unprecedented development , the world is complicated in political situation , based on the new situation , the government how to use the new media effectively guiding public opinion , to establish image is worth studying .

  24. 世界新政治格局中的价值冲突

    On Value Conflict of New Political Pattern

  25. 摘要“冷战”结束以后,世界政治经济格局发生了很大变化。

    The layout of world politics and economy changed greatly after the " cold-war " .

  26. 进入新的世纪以来,世界经济政治格局发生了新的变化。

    As we enter new century , economic and political situation changed with time elapse .

  27. 世界经济政治格局的变化,为新闻出版业带来了前所未有的历史性机遇和挑战。

    World economic and political changes make the press and publication industry facing unprecedented historical opportunities and challenges .

  28. 科学技术已成为影响世界政治经济格局的重要方面。

    Science and technology has become an important role in the political and economic structure of the world .

  29. 这不仅宣告了几个世纪朝鲜半岛三国纷争的终结,也拉开了东北亚世界新政治格局形成的序幕。

    This was not only declared the end of the three countries ' disputes in the Korean Peninsula for centuries .

  30. 世界经济政治格局的调整给新世纪初我国高校思想政治工作带来了机遇的同时,也带来了严峻挑战。

    The change of the world economic and political patterns brings the chance as well as the great challenge to our universities .