
  • 网络Richest man
  1. 内森•罗斯柴尔德(NathanRothschild)于1836年去世,当时他是世界首富。

    Nathan Rothschild was the richest man in the world when he died in 1836 .

  2. 微软(Microsoft)董事长、世界首富比尔•盖茨(BillGates)昨日警告称,限制进入美国的熟练工人数量的规定,已使美国的竞争力面临风险。

    Bill Gates , the chairman of Microsoft and the world 's richest man , gave warning yesterday that restrictions on the number of skilled workers allowed to enter the US put the country 's competitiveness at risk .

  3. 这里有一点需要说明:巴菲特最感兴趣的是生意,而不是由此带来的财富。在这一点上,他和已经让出世界首富位置的比尔•盖茨(BillGates)很相似。

    There is a point here . Like Bill Gates , whom he has toppled from the top spot , Mr Buffett is primarily interested in the business rather than the wealth that results .

  4. 以接近800亿美元净资产被《福布斯》(Forbes)列为世界首富的盖茨表示,他已直接投资了约15家公司,另外还间接投资了30家公司。

    Mr Gates , who is listed by Forbes as the world 's richest person with a net worth of almost $ 80bn , said he had invested directly in about 15 companies and indirectly in another 30 .

  5. 比尔盖茨再次成为世界首富。

    BILL Gates is once again the world 's richest person .

  6. 世界首富,我在电视上看过你。

    Richest man in the world . I ` ve seen you on television .

  7. 有一位乘客是世界首富级的阿佛烈.范德比尔特。

    The Lusitania 's passengers included Alfred Vanderbilt , one of the World 's richest men .

  8. 看来盖茨肯定要再次被列入世界首富名单。

    He looks sure to bounce right back up the list of the world 's richest people .

  9. 如果能成功炼钢,卡内基将成为世界首富

    If it works , it will make Carnegie one of the richest men in the world .

  10. 世界首富比尔·盖茨看上去似乎是坐拥万千,但是他有一个遗憾。

    The world 's richest man might seem to have it all , but Bill Gates has one regret .

  11. 去年比尔·盖茨历经三年将世界首富宝座重新攥在了手心里,今年一位新的世界首富就诞生了。

    The world has a new richest man after Bill Gates had safely secured that seat for three consecutive years .

  12. 十一位世界首富被誉为最环保人士,他们誓言要维护环境及消除地球暖化效应。

    Eleven of the world 's wealthiest billionaires named the most eco-friendly as they commit to environmental preservation and eliminating global warming .

  13. 在成为世界首富的过程中,比尔盖茨坚定不移的自信被事实不断证明了其关键性。

    In becoming the world 's richest man , Mr Gates 's unswerving self-belief has repeatedly been punctuated by that sort of pragmatism .

  14. 销售皇帝兼世界首富参见:今天晚上卖U盘,一个也没有卖出去!

    Sales of the world 's richest man , see : emperor and tonight sell U disk , a also didn 't sell !

  15. 尽管创始者比尔盖茨工作了还不到几十年,但他却是世界首富。

    Without a doubt . For starters Bill Gates is the richest person on the planet despite the fact he has not worked for decades .

  16. 她的系统解读,能帮你走进一个无与伦比的财富殿堂,领略这位世界首富令人震撼的投资公式。

    When you fully comprehend her system , it can help to develop personal wealth , and enjoy the fruits of a proven investment formula .

  17. 比尔·盖茨在过去的15年中,有14年占据世界首富的位置,现在排名第二。

    Bill Gates , who held the title of the world 's richest man in 14 of the past 15 years , is now ranked second .

  18. 这个世界首富说他的公司微软将再投入4亿美圆在印度,来发展信息科技和教育计划。

    The richest man in the world has said his company , Microsoft , will be investing four hundred million dollars in information technology and education projects .

  19. 当候选人有很高的个人资本净值,比如世界首富卡洛斯斯利姆埃卢(排行11),我们也会将其在考虑范围之内。

    When candidates have a high personal net worth like the worlds richest man , Carlos Slim Helu ( # 11 ) we also took that into consideration .

  20. 据《福布斯》杂志发布的富豪榜,目前巴菲特是世界首富,他由于擅长投资常被誉为“股神”。

    Buffett , who is the richest man in the world according to Forbes magazine , is often called the " sage of Omaha " for his successful investments .

  21. 盖茨则是一个书呆子中的书呆子,还是世界首富,他要是能上天堂那骆驼都能钻过针眼了。

    Gates is a nerd 's nerd and the world 's richest man , as likely to enter heaven as the proverbial camel squeezing through the needle 's eye .

  22. 他已经成功地从当年那个桀骜不羁的哈佛辍学生蜕变成为一名成熟的谈判者,继而转变为经验丰富的企业领导,最终成为世界首富和慈善家中的楷模。

    He successfully transitioned from cocky college dropout to brass-knuckle negotiator to seasoned captain of industry , eventually becoming the richest man in the world and a model philanthropist .

  23. 曾经的世界首富、微软公司的拥有者……对于举世闻名的比尔·盖茨,你还知道些什么?

    Bill Gates is known worldwide for being the roughly the wealthiest person on Earth , for owning Microsoft or both . But what more is there to Bill Gates ?

  24. 巴菲特现任伯克希尔?哈撒韦保险公司总裁。不过尽管两人都拥有巨额财富,但要想坐上墨西哥电信巨头卡洛斯·斯林姆世界首富的宝座,还得把目前的个人财富翻倍才行。

    Despite their enormous wealth , each of them would have to nearly double their personal wealth to take Mexican telecoms tycoon Carlos Slim 's crown as the world 's richest man .

  25. 据福布斯杂志报道,这位年仅32岁的企业家兼慈善人士是排行第六的世界首富,净产值446亿美元。

    At the young age of 32 , the entrepreneur-philanthropist is the sixth-richest person in the world , with a net worth of $ 44.6 billion , according to Forbes magazine last year .

  26. 世界首富比尔盖茨看上去似乎是坐拥万千,但是他有一个遗憾。这名白手起家的亿万富翁坦言,他觉得自己不会一门外语真是大大的失策。

    The world 's richest man might seem to have it all , but Bill Gates has one regret . The self-made billionaire said he felt stupid for not knowing any foreign languages .

  27. 第二,纳索驾轻就熟地讲述了一个引人入胜的人物故事:一个苏格兰移民小子如何成为世界首富,然后捐出自己的巨额财富,在很大程度上开创了现代慈善事业。

    Second , Nasaw deftly tells the riveting human tale of how an immigrant Scottish boybecame the richest man in the world and then gave away his vast wealth , more orless inventing modern philanthropy .

  28. 如果不是这样,请您说说看,世界首富比尔。盖茨和沃伦。巴菲特等一大批地球富翁们为何作出了这种选择呢?

    If that were not so , please you say that see , the world 's richest man , Bill Gates and warren buffett to a large number of earth 's millionaires made this choice ?

  29. 阔别全球首富宝座四年之后,比尔盖茨再次问鼎,从卡洛斯斯利姆埃卢那里重新夺回了世界首富的桂冠过去四年来这位墨西哥电信巨头一直雄踞榜首。

    Bill Gates is back on top after a four-year hiatus , reclaiming the title of worlds richest person from telecom mogul Carlos Slim Helu of Mexico , who ranked No. 1 for the past four years .

  30. 你能用个人电脑来看这篇文章,这就要归功于比尔-盖茨,因此他能成为世界首富,而不是其他人。

    More than any other entrepreneur , Bill Gates is the reason you 're using a personal computing device to look at this story right now . For that , he became the world 's richest man .