
  1. 坐1路公共汽车,在东单站下车。

    Take bus No.1 and get off at Dong Dan stop .

  2. 这就去东单的地铁吗?

    Visitor : Is this the right subway to Dongdan ?

  3. 广播:下一站东单。

    Broadcast : The next station is Dongdan .

  4. 最后我们走到东单十字路口。

    Finally we reached the crossroads at Dongdan .

  5. 东单站是个换乘站。

    Dongdan station is a transfer station .

  6. 我们非常遗憾地通知所有媒体朋友和广大球迷,原定今晨在东单体育场举行的耐克篮球公园重建捐赠仪式因故被取消。

    With great regret , Nike China announced today that Nike Basketball Park Donation Ceremony scheduled for this morning has been canceled .

  7. 东单体育中心成功运行服务质量管理体系,为北京市其他体育场馆提供了借鉴。

    The Dong Dan Sport Center successfully circulates service quality management system and provideds to draw lessons from for other venues in Peking .

  8. 小明:麦克,这是地铁一号线,咱们可以坐到东单站转五号线。

    Xiao Ming : Mike , this is subway line one , we can take it to the Dongdan station then transfer to line five .

  9. 我掐了额头上的两粒粉刺,接着去东单买了些蝴蝶牌香粉,粉红色的,是一家日本公司在上海生产的。

    I squeezed two pimples on my forehead , then went to the East market and bought some face powder , Butterfly brand , pink , made in Shanghai by a Japanese firm .