
  • 网络the Indies;the East Indies
  1. 在荷属东印度群岛(也就是如今的印度尼西亚)郁郁葱葱的海岛,坦博拉火山(MountTambora)的爆发令数万人丧生。

    Around the lush isles of the Dutch East Indies - modern-day Indonesia - the eruption of Mount Tambora killed tens of thousands of people .

  2. 蔓延的疾病最终来到荷属东印度群岛。

    The pandemic spread and eventually reached the Dutch East Indies .

  3. 东印度群岛的一种木棉树,生产次于木棉的纤维。

    East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok .

  4. 明天的浪潮中我驶向东印度群岛

    I sail for the East Indies on tomorrow 's tide .

  5. 东印度群岛乔木,黄白色花,总状花序;因观赏而大量栽培。

    East Indian tree with racemes of yellow-white flowers ; cultivated as an ornamental .

  6. 他身上的热血,即使运到东印度群岛去,也不会象瓶装土啤酒那样容易变质。

    Transported to the Indies , his live blood would not spoil like bottled ale .

  7. 东北南美洲和较小的安的列斯群岛的美国印第安族人。ph.1.荷属东印度群岛

    A member of an American Indian peoples of NE South America and the Lesser Antilles . Dutch East Indies

  8. 在这些勤奋的人们手里,他们的钢铁就等同于东印度群岛的黄金和红宝石。

    Their own steel and iron , in such laborious hands , become equal to the gold and rubies of the Indies .

  9. 印度和非洲作为货币使用的各种各类的磁贝,东印度群岛最珍贵的贝壳—海的光荣。

    every variety of cowry used as money in India and Africa ; a glory-of-the-seas , the most valuable shell in the East Indies ;

  10. 在广场的大棚之下,说唱乐手们也有一席之地,他们常常呼吁社会关注东印度群岛边缘人群的困境。

    Rappers set up on the plaza across from the kraton , often calling attention to the plight of marginalized peoples of the East Indies .

  11. 我在家里呆了只有10天,就有一个朋友请我加入他的到东印度群岛的旅行。

    I had only been at home for about ten days when a friend of mine asked me to join him on a journey to the East Indies .

  12. 东印度群岛的一种菜豆属植物,尤指在印度群岛作为饲料和改良土壤的作物,叶被毛,种子小而黄褐色,豆荚圆筒形。

    East Indian legume having hairy foliage and small yellow flowers followed by cylindrical pods ; used especially in India for food and forage and soil-conditioning ; sometimes placed in genus phaseolus .

  13. 日本政府认定,有必要把荷属东印度群岛(如今的印尼)的石油控制在手里。它推测,如果对荷属东印度群岛发动袭击,将不可避免地把美国拖入战争。

    Tokyo decided it needed to grab control of oil in the Dutch East Indies , now Indonesia - an assault that , it guessed , would inevitably draw the US into the war .

  14. 富有的商人把货物发往遥远的东印度群岛去,在这些房子里安静地过着优裕的生活;如今这些人家虽已衰败,但仍然闪烁着往日繁华的余辉。

    Rich merchants , sending their wares to the distant Indies , had lived in them calm and prosperous lives , and in their decent decay they kept still an aroma of their splendid past .

  15. “例如,想一想这葡萄酒吧,”老所尔说道,“我不知道它有多少次被运到东印度群岛,然后又运回来,有一次还周游了全世界。

    ' Think of this wine for instance , 'said old Sol , 'which has been to the East Indies and back , I 'm not able to say how often , and has been once round the world .

  16. 我们为什么要在那些昨天动身到阴间去的人的名称面前,加上这么一个意义深长而缺乏诚意的词儿?而如果他不过是出发到现世的最遥远的东印度群岛去,却又不这样称呼他?

    how it is that to his name who yesterday departed for the other world , we prefix so significant and infidel a word , and yet do not thus entitle him , if he but embarks for the remotest Indies of this living earth ;