
  • 网络drastic changes in eastern europe
  1. 东欧剧变,前苏联解体,是上个世纪末世界形势的一大巨变。

    The drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the former Soviet Union around the end of last century brought about a great change in the world situations .

  2. 东欧剧变、苏联解体与德国统一,这些欧洲自二战以来所面临的最大地缘政治变动没有成为法德合作与欧洲一体化的绊脚石。

    Drastic changes in Eastern Europe , the collapse of the Soviet Union and the reunification of Germany , which had been the most significant geopolitical changes in Europe since World War ⅱ, did not stumbled the Franco-German cooperation and European integration .

  3. 苏联解体东欧剧变;

    The disaggregation of USSR and the upheaval of eastern Europe ;

  4. 苏联解体、东欧剧变,在西方学术界掀起新一轮反对列宁主义的狂潮。

    Drastic changes leading to a trend of opposition-Leninism in Western academic .

  5. 西方传媒与苏联东欧剧变

    Western Media and the Violent Change of the Soviet Union in Eastern Asia

  6. 论苏联东欧剧变不是社会主义的失败

    On Soviet Union and East Europe Great Change is not Socialism 's Defeat

  7. 东欧剧变的原因是多方面的。

    The reason of hamster revulsion is many sided .

  8. 宗教在东欧剧变和苏联解体的过程中起到了一定的作用。

    Religion had an effect on the Soviet Union 's disorganization and eastern revulsion .

  9. 对苏联和东欧剧变的反思

    A Reflection of the Metamorphosis of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Countries

  10. 这在东欧剧变国家中也普遍存在。

    This qualitative change issue generally exists in other Eastern European countries as well .

  11. 关于市场经济体制和价值规律问题&前苏联、东欧剧变的理论问题探索

    The Market Economy System and Value Law

  12. 苏联解体、东欧剧变为欧洲高等教育一体化带来了新契机;

    Thirdly , disintegration of USSR and upheaval of Eastern Europe offer a new chance .

  13. 东欧剧变后国家与教会关系的演化

    Evolution of State and Church Relationship after the Drastic Change of the East European Countries

  14. 15年来,他们曾眼看着公司所有者从东欧剧变后的过渡中获得了巨大利益。

    For 15 years they watched as company owners won much of the benefit of the post-communist transition .

  15. 苏联解体、东欧剧变,极大地削弱了列宁主义的影响。

    Drastic changes in the form Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has greatly weakened the impact of Leninism .

  16. 经历了东欧剧变和苏联解体,社会主义运动陷入低潮。

    Having experienced the Eastern European drastic change and Soviet Union disintegration , the socialism falls into the ebb tide .

  17. 在东欧剧变后的重建期间,提前退休和残疾人补助削弱了东欧就业数据。

    The East European numbers are depressed by the use of early retirement and disability awards during the post-communist restructuring .

  18. 1991年国际社会风云变幻:苏联解体,东欧剧变国际社会主义运动遭遇重大挫折。

    In1991 , the international society changed irregularly : Soviet Union disintegrated , and tremendous changes occurred in the east Europe .

  19. 20世纪末东欧剧变、苏联解体,世界格局发生剧烈变动。

    At the end of 20 century , the world pattern greatly changed along with the Eastern Europe drastic change and Soviet Union disintegration .

  20. 20世纪90年代,随着东欧剧变、苏联解体,社会主义阵营受到冲击,朝鲜经历了一段低谷时期。

    During 1990s , with the socialist camp hit by the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and Disintegration of the Soviet Union , North Korea entered her trough period .

  21. 苏联解体、东欧剧变只能说明是僵化的社会主义观念、模式的失败而不是社会主义的失败。

    The Soviet Union disintegrates , Eastern Europe drastic change can not prove it is the failure of socialist but is the failure of the rigid Socialist idea and the mode .

  22. 随着东欧剧变,苏联解体,冷战以心脏地带的失败而告终,但历史的地理规律仍在延续。

    Along with the upheaval of Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union , Cold War ended with the failure of the Heartland , but the geopolitical law went on .

  23. 捷克斯洛伐克民族阵线政府的建立和分裂为我们理解后来的布拉格之春,甚至为我们理解东欧剧变提供了一条有益的线索。了解这一段历史有着重要的意义。

    Establishment and split of Czechoslovakia National Front Government provides a useful clue for understanding the Prague Spring , even the upheaval of Eastern Europe . To understand this period of history is of important .

  24. 东欧剧变、苏联解体,不是社会主义制度和原则的失败,而是社会主义一种特定模式的失败。

    The drastic change of the Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the former Soviet Union are not the failures of socialist system or principles but the failure of a certain specific mode of socialism .

  25. 东欧剧变、德国统一、华约瓦解、苏联解体接踵而至,原来的雅尔塔体制难以为继。

    Radical changes in Eastern Europe , the re-unification of Germany , the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the disintegration of the USSR all occurred successively , causing difficulties in continuing the original " Yalta system " .

  26. 苏联解体、东欧剧变标志着持续近半个世纪之久的冷战结束了,世界由此进入了一个新的时代&后冷战时代。

    The disintegration of Soviet Union and acute transformations of east Europe signified the end of Cold War , which lasted over half a century , then the world entered into a new age , Post Cold-War Age .

  27. 第二部分主要叙述的是东欧剧变由此启动了东欧回归欧洲的旅程,其中分析了东欧对西方模式情有独钟的原因,从政治、经济、外交和思想四个方面向西方靠拢。

    The second part mainly describes the return journey to Europe of Eastern Europe which moves closer to the West from the four aspects of politics , economy , diplomacy and ideology , and analyzes the reasons why Eastern Europe would show special performance to the Western model .

  28. 一方面,你必定会憎恨的事实是,那些混蛋还是会以各种方式挣脱枷锁卷土重来——就像东欧剧变之后一样——把一切搞糟的那群人回来了,经营着商店,老板还是以前的老板。

    On the one hand , you 've got to hate the fact that the miscreants wriggled off the hook , and that in many ways - just like after the fall of Communism in eastern Europe - the same creeps who screwed things up are back running the store , the new boss same as the old boss .

  29. 20世纪80年代中期以来,特别是东欧政局剧变之后,中欧的概念重新出现在国际政治学词汇中。

    Since the middle of 1980s , the concept of Central Europe appeared again in international political vocabulary .

  30. 捷克斯洛伐克一分为二,有深刻的历史根源和现实原因,苏联东欧的剧变无疑起了催化作用。

    The division of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic into two coun-tries has both historical roots and present causes .