
ɡè rén lì yì
  • personal interests;self;personal profit
  1. 科学的爱有可能纯的或混杂个人利益。

    Love of science can be pure or mixed with personal profit .

  2. 一个纯的情感是没有混杂其它的情感,也绝不寻求个人利益。

    A pure emotion is one which is not mixed , which never seeks personal profit .

  3. 个人利益同国家利益不可分割地联系在一起。

    The interest of individuals is indissolubly linked with that of the country .

  4. 不要老在个人利益的小圈子里打转儿。

    Don 't keep going round and round pursuing your own selfish interests .

  5. 个人利益应当服从集体利益。

    One 's personal interests should be subordinated to the interests of the collective .

  6. 这个词是短语“tothrow(someone)underthebus”的简写形式,意为:将某人推下水,即为了个人利益牺牲或者背叛别人。这个短语至少在1991年时就开始使用了:

    This verb is a tidy shortening of the longer idiomatic phrase " to throw ( someone ) under the bus , " which has been in the language since at least 1991 :

  7. 这种婚姻安排是出于个人利益或者某些策略考虑,比如政治婚姻。

    Instead , such a marriage is orchestrated for personal gain or some other sort of strategic purpose , such as political marriage .

  8. 富达国际(fidelityinternational)解雇了两名驻香港的资深基金经理,理由是他们违反了公司的内部规定,将“个人利益置于公司利益之前”。

    Fidelity International has fired two veteran fund managers in Hong Kong for breaching its internal compliance code and putting " personal interests ahead of those of the company " .

  9. 2004年,哈里伯顿公司断绝了与包括KBR前董事长杰克•斯坦利(JackStanley)在内的两位前任雇员的关系,因为他们获得了与该项目有关的不正当的个人利益。

    In 2004 , Halliburton severed links with two former employees including Jack Stanley , former KBR chairman , for having taken improper personal benefits in connection with the project .

  10. 虽然承担责任意味着牺牲个人利益,但是你能从中体会到一种更加深刻的成就感。

    And though it requires sacrifice , it brings a deeper fulfillment .

  11. 他是一个总是谋取个人利益的人。

    He is a man who always figures for self-interest .

  12. 集体主义反对把个人利益置于集体利益之上,但决不限制个性的发展。

    Collectivism transcending on individualism does not mean to confine individual development .

  13. 正确处理集体与个人利益分配关系。

    Handle the collective and personal distribution of interests correctly .

  14. 她总是为他人着想,从不考虑个人利益。

    She always thinks of others and never of self .

  15. 对个人利益与社会利益一致性的批判;

    The criticism to consistence on individual and social interests ;

  16. 从人民的需要出发,而不是从个人利益出发。

    Start from the needs of the people , not from self-interest .

  17. 它有效的限制了公职人员的个人利益的无限扩张。

    It effective limits the officer of the infinite dilate personal interests .

  18. 很好地把国家利益、集体利益和农民个人利益结合起来;

    Nicely put personal interests together with the national interests , collective interests ;

  19. 出于个人利益考虑,男子开始介入女子的工作领域。

    Men begin to enter female jobs out of consideration for personal interest .

  20. 为个人利益而采取妥协原则。

    To compromise one 's principles for personal gain .

  21. 个人利益和社会共同利益的这种既对立又统一的关系决定了道德于人类生活是绝对必要的。

    The opposition and unification determines the necessity of morality for human life .

  22. 个人利益观的提升既带来了积极影响,也带来了消极影响。

    That bring out positive and negative effects .

  23. 为个人利益而对程序进行的未经授权的拷贝也是一种盗窃形式,被称为软件盗版。

    Unauthorized copying-a form of theft-of programs for personal gain is called software piracy .

  24. 追求个人利益的思想方式已经快过时了。

    The pursuit of self-interest is a form of thought that is going out .

  25. 现在他们希望花更多的时间来追求个人利益。

    Now , many wanted to spend more time on their own personal interests .

  26. 那家伙是个自私的人,总是把他的个人利益放在第一位。

    The guy is a selfish man , always looking out for Number One .

  27. 我们应该把国家利益置于个人利益之上。

    We should set the interests of our country before that of our own .

  28. 该文化重视个人利益,即使是在一个家庭里面,个人利益也要求得到尊重。

    American culture attaches great importance to individual interest , even in a family .

  29. 我们坚持个人利益服从整体利益,个人荣誉服从团体荣誉。

    We insist the personal interest obedience overall benefit , individual honor obedience association honor .

  30. 公共利益和个人利益之间应该建立良性互动关系;

    A well-run interaction relationship of public benefits and individual benefits should be set up ;