
  • 网络Personal TV;Person TV;PTV
  1. 个人电视节目推荐系统的结构与原理

    The Structure and Theory of Personalized TV Program Recommendation System

  2. 但是对于个人电视节目与电影的下载业务,还是有其发展空间。

    But downloads of individual television programmes and films are already available from MovieLink , Amazon , Apple and others .

  3. 比利∶看!拖鞋!随身旅行包!还有附加电视游乐器的个人电视!你喜欢这些吗?

    Billy : Look ! Slippers ! And a travel kit ! And personal TVs with video games ! Do you like all this ?

  4. 那你不应该一个人看电视。

    Then you shouldn 't watch it on your own .

  5. 我个人觉得电视上好的剧目很有意思。

    Personally , I find a good play on tv 's interesting .

  6. 大热天,你拿走一个人的电视。

    You take away a man 's TV during the heat wave .

  7. 后来我们家又给她买了一台电视,这样她就可以自己一个人看电视剧了。

    Later my family bought her a television so she could watch modern dramas all by herself .

  8. 人们把越来越多的时间花在一个人看电视或上网,而并非与家人共聚。

    People increasingly spend more time alone watching TV or surfing the Internet rather than spending time with family .

  9. 和别人一起吃不仅有益心情,还意味着你不会是一个人对着电视、无意识地把薯条塞到嘴里。

    Eating with others has not only emotional benefits but also means you 're not sitting in front of the television alone mindlessly moving your hand from chip bag to mouth .

  10. 其中一个实验中,他们先让100个人观看电视剧(《广告狂人》和《白宫风云》)或非虚构类节目(《宇宙解码》和《鲨鱼周:大白鲨的反击》

    In one , they asked about 100 people to first watch either a television drama ( Mad Men or The West Wing ) or a nonfiction program ( How the Universe Works or Shark Week : Jaws Strikes Back ) .

  11. 两个人在国家电视台节目上小口喝着橙汁的时候,弗罗斯特施展了他一贯的亲和魅力。

    Frost had displayed his usual matey charm as the pair sipped orange juice on national TV .

  12. 在学生观看一系列有长有短的视频片段的同时,一台fMRI设备会追踪他们大脑的血液流动情况。帕金森将这一体验比作与掌握遥控器的另一个人一起搜索电视频道。

    As an fMRI device tracked blood flow in their brains , the students watched a series of video clips of varying lengths , an experience that Parkinson likened to channel surfing with somebody else in control of the remote .

  13. 我个人关于看电视的观点是简单的。

    My personal argument for watching TV is that its easy .

  14. 下班后回到位于北京南部的一居室小公寓,一个人盯着电视看。

    Then he goes home to his one-bedroom apartment in the south side of Beijing to stare at TV shows alone .

  15. 这也是微软公司将通过个人电脑、电视、移动设备如手机把人们联系起来的整体战略的一个方面。

    It is also an element of Microsoft 's overall strategy to connect people across PCs , televisions and mobile devices like cellphones .

  16. 二十一世纪的头一个十年,有一个人给中国电视的荧屏上增加了一抹亮色,他就是著名编剧兰晓龙。

    The first decade of the twenty-first century , a man to the TV screens in China , adding a touch of bright , he is well-known writer Lan Xiaolong .

  17. 当一个人正在看电视时,如果有人――朋友,亲戚,小孩,可能是一个他很久没见过的人―千进入房间,这个人必须继续观看电视,不然他就会乱了头绪。

    If someone enters the room while one is watching television a friend , a relative , a child , someone , perhaps , one has not seen for some time one must continue to watch or one will lose the thread .

  18. 他把个人回忆录与英国电视的故事紧密结合在一起。

    He intertwines personal reminiscences with the story of British television

  19. 我个人的想法认为电视对人类是有害的。

    It 's my considered opinion that TV is harmful to people .

  20. 阿克斯罗德已经计划了一个西蒙个人支持奥巴马的电视商业广告。

    Axelrod had planned to shoot a television commercial with Simon 's personal support of Obama .

  21. 每天晚上,他们各自关在房间里一个人读书或看电视。

    Each evening they holed up in separate rooms of their home reading or watching TV alone .

  22. 可以是你的朋友,也可以是同一社区的一个人,或者是电视上的什么人。

    A peer could be a friend , someone in the community or even someone on TV .

  23. 触屏,声音,自然语言的输入,智能手机,智能个人电脑,智能电视。

    Touch , voice , natural language input , Smart Phones , Smart PC 's , Smart TV 's.

  24. 不。听着,孩子,我只想一个人呆一会儿看看电视,明白吗?

    No. Look , kid , I just want to be left alone and watch tv , okay ?

  25. 乔布斯没有发明个人电脑,与电视一样,这是多人同时努力的结果。

    Jobs did not invent the personal computer like the television , this was the simultaneous work of many hands .

  26. 周日,世界杯英格兰队所在的班机上差点多出一个人有位在电视上扮演足球运动员的喜剧演员差点混上飞机。

    The England World Cup squad almost had an extra man aboard their plane on Sunday a comedian who plays a footballer on television .

  27. 我认识一个人,他看完电视后每天去酒吧待两个小时-他并不喝酒。

    I known one guy who wishes each day going out to the bars for two hours – and he doesn 't even get a drink .

  28. 鉴于个人电脑业务、电视业务和其他业务的重组,索尼公司还宣布将在全球裁员5000人,计划于2015年3月前完成。

    The company also said it 's cutting its global workforce by about 3 percent or 5,000 people by the end of March 2015 as it restructures its PC , television and other businesses .

  29. 尤其是网络视频、个人媒体、传统电视等媒体向互联网的渗入使得网络中的流量急剧上升,这使得运营商的运营和管理成本大幅度增长。

    Especially the infiltration of video , personal medium , traditional television and other forms of medium into the Internet made the network traffic increased dramatically , which cause the operating and managing cost of ISP grow rapidly .