
  1. 市场经济、市民社会与个人的全面发展

    Market economy , civil society and all-round development of individuals

  2. 它对促进大学生个人的全面发展和未来职业发展都具有重要作用。

    It plays an important part in promoting their overall development and future professional development .

  3. 个人的全面发展取决于很多因素,而受教育权保障不可或缺。

    The full development of individuals depends on many factors , and safeguard the right to education is indispensable .

  4. 马克思的自由理论是奠基于高度发达的劳动生产力之上的,而自由的实现意味着个人的全面发展。

    Marx bases his views about liberty on the highly developed labor productivity ; freedom means all-round development of individuals .

  5. 我们追求卓越、挑战极限是为了个人的全面发展,我们也不会忘记肩头担负的振兴中华的光荣责任。

    We must challenge our limitations with honor in order to make ourselves outstanding and to make China powerful and strong .

  6. 人的全面发展是社会的全面发展和个人的全面发展的有机统一。人作为社会组织的一个最重要主体,其生存与发展和社会是密不可分的。

    The authors hold that the full development of man is the integral combination of the full development of the society and that of the individual person .

  7. 马克思对资本主义社会中现实的人进行了历史唯物主义地多方面地深刻分析,对个人的全面发展思想进行了科学阐述。

    Marx has analyzed profoundly the individuals in the capitalistic society from all aspects of historical materialism in which the thought of individual all-around development has been scientifically stated .

  8. 就语言学习的意义而言,《标准》所体现的基本理念是,学习语言既有利于促进个人的全面发展,也有利于个人参与社会活动。

    As for the significance of language learning , the basic rational of the Standards is that learning language is not only helpful to the all-round development of individuals but also to their participation in social activities .

  9. 然而,我们同时也得注意别过分强调个性化教育,从长远观点来看,这有可能对一个人的全面发展不利。

    But , we have to be careful at the same time not to have the individualization of education over-emphasized , as it may be harmful to the overall development of a person in the long run .

  10. 这些农村学生虽然学习刻苦,意志坚强,成绩较好,但在个人的全面发展方面,尤其在个性方面存在不少的问题,却一直被我们所忽视。

    These students often succeed in tests with hard study and firm will , but as for their full scale development , especially in their individual characters , there are many problems too , which are always ingored .

  11. 浅谈篮球运动个人技术的全面发展

    A Talk about Personal Skill ′ s All-round Development on Basketball

  12. 坚持每一个人的自由全面发展,反对抽象个性崇拜。

    Maintain " free and overall development of each individual ", and object to worship of abstract personality .

  13. 建立健康和谐的人际关系,能够为个人素质的全面发展营造良好的环境。

    A healthy and harmonious interpersonal relationships can create a favourable environment to the development of personal qualities .

  14. 对人的终极关怀:实现全体人民共同富裕和每一个人的全面自由发展。

    The ultimate concern of human : To achieve common prosperity of all the people and overall and free development of each individual .

  15. 人格是人的灵魂,拥有健全人格的人不仅能够充分发挥潜能,实现个人的全面和谐发展,而且能够最大限度的适应社会和改造社会。

    Personality is the soul of human , healthy personality let one person not only exert potential fully to achieve integrated development , but also adapt to society and rebuild society .

  16. 由于诸多方面的因素,目前艺体英语教学存在许多问题,严重忽视艺体生的个体差异,个性发展和个人素质的全面发展。

    Due to many factors , there exist many problems in the current art English teaching which seriously neglect their individual differences , personality development and the overall development of personal qualities .

  17. 马克思理论体系的核心终极价值是个人的自由全面发展,它有两个内在逻辑基点,一是劳动,二是休闲,它们交织缠绕主要蕴藏在马克思的经济学著作中。

    The kernel value of Marx 's theory system is the all-rounded development of person , which has two basic inherent logic points & one is labor , and the other is leisure ; They both mainly contain in Marx 's economic books .

  18. 在我看来,如果过去的大学教育重在专业化,那么今天,大学教育则强调个人的自由和全面发展。

    To me , if college education in the past emphasized specialization , now , it emphasizes free and well-rounded development of each individual .

  19. 用关于发展规律的知识武装现实活动着的人的头脑,了解人的发展趋势,自觉地为实现每一个个人的全面而自由的发展而奋斗。

    Based on the law of development , understand the tendency of human development so as to realize the free and overall development of everyone .

  20. 高校辅导员是高校德育工作的直接参与者,在德育教育中发挥着重要作用,其个人效力对学生的全面发展影响深远。

    Moral Education College counselors are direct participants in the moral education plays an important role , their personal effects on the overall development of students in far-reaching .

  21. 随着市场经济的发展,现实的个人的思想遇到了全面发展与单向度发展以及人的现代化与物的现代化的二难问题。

    With the development of market economy , the thought of " real individual " have been confronted with two difficult problems that the " comprehensive " development and " one-dimensional " development , at the same time , the modernization of people and things of the modern .

  22. 培训既有助于提升企业的服务质量、提高工作效率、增强企业的竞争力,又有助于开发员工的个人潜能、提高自身价值,为员工个人的全面发展创造有力条件。

    Training can improve service quality of business , and increase productivity , and enhance competitiveness , but also can develop potential of employees , and improve themselves value . Training can create favorable conditions for the overall development of employees .

  23. 中国现代化运动的终极理想就是实现社会中现实的个人对劳动时间的关注,以及通过占有自由劳动时间而达到个人的全面自由发展。

    The ultimate ideal of the Chinese modernization movement is to achieve the concern on the labor hours of the real-life individuals in the society , and realize an all-round and free development of the individuals through possession of the free labor hours .