
gè tǐ chā yì
  • individual difference
个体差异[gè tǐ chā yì]
  1. PCR转阴时间有明显个体差异性。

    The time of PCR from negative to positive had obviously individual difference .

  2. HLA的多态性决定了免疫应答和疾病易感性的个体差异。

    HLA polymorphism decide to the individual difference of the immune response and the disease susceptibility .

  3. 与一些刻板印象相反,大部分青少年认为他们必须容忍个体差异(虽然他们发现在拉帮结派风气盛行的高中,这并不是很容易)。

    Contrary to some stereotypes , most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals ( though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish environment of high school ) .

  4. GIS专业英语教学个体差异研究

    A Study on Individual Differences from ESP Teaching for GIS Majors

  5. Q值个体差异较大。

    The Q value is diversities between individuals .

  6. DNA损伤及修复能力是影响GPA基因突变频率个体差异的的决定因素之一。

    DNA damage and repair ability is one of determinants influencing the individual differences in GPA mutation frequency .

  7. 人类基因组计划的研究表明,人类基因中99.9%的遗传密码DNA都是一样的,只有大约0.1%的基因不同,具有个体差异。

    Human gene group plan shows that 99.9 % genetic codes of whole DNA are common other than nearly 0.1 % of DNA different , exhibiting specificity .

  8. 正常Wistar大鼠脾器官内结构个体差异的体视学研究

    A Stereological Study of Individual Disparity on the Intrinsic Architecture of Spleen of Normal Wistar Rats

  9. 对基本遗传算法运用Hamming距离控制种群的个体差异;

    Hamming distance is used for the control of individual differences .

  10. SD大鼠是药代动力学的动物实验理想动物,它有个体差异小、成本低、适合药代动力学重复采血的优点。

    SD rats are ideal animal in clinical Pharmacokinetics research for its little individual difference , low cost , blood re-collectable .

  11. 但由于个体差异,建议修复前先行螺旋CT影像学检查,评估颧骨的形态和骨量,以提高种植的安全性和有效性。

    In order to improve security and validity of implantation , it is better to take spiral CT examination to evaluate the bone volume and shape of zygomatic body before zygomatic-area implant .

  12. 其中,QoS监控模型解决了服务提供者虚报QoS属性值问题;目标消费群模型解决了服务消费者评价标准个体差异性的问题。

    QoS monitoring model solved the problem of dishonest QoS provided by the service provider ; target consumer group model solved the problem in objective feedbacks .

  13. 红霉素对PGS的疗效有明确的个体差异。

    The effects of erythromycin on PGS were different individually .

  14. Snyder(1974)提出自我监控来解释自我呈现中的个体差异。

    Snyder ( 1974 ) developed self-monitoring to interpret the individual differences in self-presentation .

  15. 胺碘酮在药代动力学方面具有巨大的个体差异,有关其血药浓度的研究少见报道,对于胺碘酮的血药浓度与QT间期、QT离散度的相关性研究未见报道。

    Because of the enormous difference among individuals in the aspect of pharmacokinetics , the study on amiodarone 's serum concentration was limited .

  16. IAC内面神经及耳蜗前庭神经粗细存在个体差异。

    The size of the facial nerve and cochleovestibular nerve in IAC has individual difference .

  17. 阿霉素的药代动力学存在明显的个体差异,血药峰浓度、Vc、K12与疗效相关。

    The pharmacokinetics of adriamycin showed a significant individual difference , The peak concentration 、 Vc 、 K12 correlated with curative effect .

  18. Gardner(1985)则认为它是影响学习效果的四个主要个体差异因素之一。

    Gardner ( 1985 ) pointed out that it was one of the four main factors of individual differences that affect learning .

  19. 该方法的主要特点是以实时取得的SEMG功率谱信号为基础,确定最大功率谱附近的谱能量与全信号段谱能量之比为特征值,将人的个体差异影响降低到最低程度。

    The method defines the ratio of maximum energy band spectrum to total power spectrum as an eigenvalue of SEMG , which decreases the individual difference effect to the lowest .

  20. 结论ACL股骨前束隧道放置偏前、膝关节间的个体差异和移植物在不符合距离变化&屈曲角度曲线的角度上固定,是ACL重建术失败的主要因素。

    Conclusion The anterior placement of the anterior bundle point , individual diversity and graft fixation that is out of the curve of distance change-flexion angle are the main factors leading to reconstruction failures of ACL .

  21. 目的:考察肝移植术后早期环孢素A(CsA)全血谷浓度及其相关因素。结论:他克莫司药动学的个体差异较大,应加强全血谷浓度监测,确保用药的安全有效。

    Objective : To study the whole blood trough concentration of CsA in the early stage after liver transplantation and correlative factors . The whole blood trough concentration of tacrolimus should be monitored to ensure safety and efficacy .

  22. 由于氨基酸的替代、基因表达的更改与基因拼接的变化,SNP能够影响基因组的功能,进而导致各种疾病的发生与药物代谢的个体差异[5]。

    SNP may affect gene function resulting from amino acid substitution , modification of gene expression or alteration of gene splicing and are closely associated with various common diseases and individual differences in drug metabolism [ 5 ] .

  23. 结果表明采用滤波频带为25~500Hz或者更窄,同一受体和个体差异的中潜伏期反应波形变异性明显减少。

    The intrasubject and intersubject variability of MLR waveform was markedly reduced by an analog filter window of 25-500 Hz or narrower .

  24. 用形态系数法和Wingate法确定无氧功率实验适宜负荷时,其准确性易受肌肉质量、训练水平等个体差异的影响。

    The accurates of the Wingate method and the anthropometric parameter method for determining the OR are liable to be affected by individual differences in factors such as the muscle quality and training level .

  25. 结论TOSC水平与抗氧化剂和生物样品的浓度相关,且在小鼠间个体差异不大,可作为一项有意义的生物标志物用于化学品评价。

    It also showed that the variations of TOSC among the individual mice were small . Conclusion These results indicated that TOSC was related to the concentrations of antioxidants and biological samples , hence , it could be used as an effective biomarker for evaluating oxidative effects induced by chemicals .

  26. 语言输入的个体差异对英语教学的影响

    Individual Effects on Language Input Teaching & the Corresponding Teaching Enlightenments

  27. 学生的个体差异及其教学含义。

    The students ' individual diversity and their meaning of teaching .

  28. 女性的个体差异、道德多元选择就是女性多元化的具体体现。

    Woman 's individual differences and moral pluralism are concrete reflections .

  29. 尊重个体差异,因材施教。

    Esteem the different of individual , individualized instruction . 4 .

  30. 个体差异影响学习者二语的习得速度及最终成功。

    Learner differences affect the rate and ultimate success of SLA .