
  • 网络Individual socialization
  1. 网络时代个体社会化研究的几个问题

    Some Problems in the Study of Individual Socialization in Network Era

  2. 青年过渡是个体社会化的一个重要阶段。

    The youth transition is an important stage of the individual socialization .

  3. 生物学视野中的个体社会化

    View the Process of Agents ' Socialization from the Biological Angle

  4. 家庭是个体社会化的重要场所。

    The family is an important socialized place of individual .

  5. 浅析学校对学生个体社会化的影响

    Analyze the School 's Infection on the Student 's Socialization

  6. 高校学生科技活动在大学生个体社会化中的作用

    The Role of College Student Scientific Activities in Socializing College Student Individuals

  7. 实有人格是个体社会化的结果。

    Actual personality is the consequence of individual socialization .

  8. 农村儿童、青少年正处于其个体社会化的重要阶段。

    The rural children are in an important period of their individual socialization .

  9. 探讨大学生个体社会化滞后的表现、原因及对策,对促进他们个体社会化有重要作用。

    Inquiring into the manifestations reasons and countermeasures can promote their individual socialization .

  10. 大学生个体社会化滞后的表现、原因及其对策

    The Manifestations , Reasons and Countermeasures on Individual Socialization of the College Students

  11. 影响学生实现个体社会化的最主要的因素是学校。

    The most main factor infecting the student 's socialization is the school .

  12. 学生个体社会化是其整个人生社会化的关键时期。

    The student 's socialization is the key in his entire life socialization .

  13. 教师、班级、同伴关系对学生个体社会化产生很大的影响。

    Teacher , class and fellow relationships do very infection to the student 's socialization .

  14. 认为社区教育是通过对社区发展和个体社会化的作用来推动社会现代化的发展。

    The writer believes community education promotes social modernization through community development and individual socialization .

  15. 社会个体社会化的根本途径是在实践理性中不断实现自我超越。

    The primary approach to the socialization of individuals is constant self-exceeding in rational practice .

  16. 互动与渗透:大众媒介与儿童个体社会化研究

    Interact and Penetrate : the Research on the Mass Media and the Child 's Socialization

  17. 个体社会化努力的失败&评卡夫卡的小说《判决》

    Failure of Individual Efforts in Socialization : A Critique of Kafka s Fiction The Judgment ;

  18. 助人行为是亲社会行为的一个重要组成部分,是个体社会化的结果。

    Helping behavior is an important part of social behavior , is the result of individual socialization .

  19. 重要他人是指对个体社会化具有重要影响的具体人物。

    Significant others is a concrete figure who has great impact on the socialization of the individuals .

  20. 社会互动与亲子互动是青少年个体社会化的必由之路。

    The mutual aid in society and families is the natural path to the socialization of the Juveniles .

  21. 个体社会化与个性化的关系就是个体适应社会与主动创新的关系。

    The relationship of socialization and individuation is the relationship of individual adaptation to the society and innovation .

  22. 初中学生非正式群体是学生个体社会化和个体个性化过程中不容忽视的力量。

    The informal groups among the Junior Middle students can not be ignored in the development of the individuals .

  23. 母语和外语水平的高低,语用能力的强弱,是个体社会化的重要尺度和标志。

    The native and foreign language proficiency and pragmatic competence are the essential yardstick and symbol of individual socialization .

  24. 大学生正处于青春断乳期的后期,个体社会化和成人化的过渡阶段,他们必然存在较多的心理冲突。

    College students are in youth later individual socialization and administer a transitional phase , they will have many conflicts .

  25. 人际交往是个体社会化的重要途径,也是必须具备的基本能力和素质。

    Interpersonal communication is the important way to individual socialization , also the basic quality and ability in modern society .

  26. 小学生个体社会化的发展主要取决于重要他人的类型和特征。

    The development of the individual socialization of the pupils depends on the kinds and the characteristics of significant others .

  27. 大学活动课程是实施创新教育的有效途径,有利于促进个体社会化。

    College activity courses are effective means of innovative education and would prove to be beneficial to the socialization of individuality .

  28. 大学阶段是人的自我意识成熟的关键阶段,也是个体社会化发展,适应社会的关键阶段。

    College life is not only the crucial stage of the mature of self-conscious , but also the development of socialization .

  29. 青少年时期是价值观体系形成的重要阶段,个体社会化的主要内容就是价值观体系的形成。

    Adolescence is the important stage values system formed , The main content of individual socialization is the formation of value system .

  30. 目前我国的体育教学存在着种种弊端,不能有效地促进学生个体社会化。

    But there are disadvantages in the Chinese physical education system , which can not effectively promote the individual socialization of students .