
  • 网络medieval history;a history of the middle ages
  1. 他开始学习政治学和中世纪史。

    He began studying politics and medieval history .

  2. 我是亚诺斯·佩克梅斯特,艾尔巴尤拉大学中世纪史系助教。

    I am Janos Pekmester , assistant professor in the medieval history department at the University of Alba Iula .

  3. 地理大发现是欧洲中世纪史上的一个重要事件。

    The geographical discovery was an important event in the Middle Ages Europe .

  4. 1983年,当时我还是一名大四学生。一天早晨,我收到了一位中世纪史教授寄来的一张明信片。

    One morning in 1983 , in my final year at university , I received a postcard from a professor of medieval history .

  5. 陈寅恪先生1954年著《论韩愈》一文,是研究中国中世纪史划时代的文章。

    Chen Yinke wrote an important paper entitled " Discussing Han Yu " in1954.It is an epoch-making study of the history of the Middle Ages in China .

  6. 如果你不是有点熟悉的欧洲中世纪史,你会发现,除了没有什么新的卡希尔的有时古怪的人物和事件的解释这里。

    If you 're more than a little familiar with medieval European history , you 'll find nothing new here except Cahill 's sometimes quirky interpretations of people and events .

  7. 宪政史一直是英国中世纪史研究的重点和热点领域,这方面的著作成果亦可谓汗牛充栋。

    The history of constitution is always the important and hot area in the study on the history of middle ages . There are a lot of productions in the study .

  8. 比较和研究亚欧两大洲主要国家过渡时期的异同,对于认识整体上的中世纪史是有意义的。

    It is of great significance for understanding the history of Middle Ages on the whole to compare and study the major countries ' differences and similarities between Asia and Europe in their transitional period .

  9. 三武一宗的灭佛是中国古代史、佛教史上的重大历史事件,也是世界古代中世纪史及佛教史上的重大历史事件。

    The Extermination of Buddhism by four emperors is the important and great event in the ancient history of China and the Chinese Buddhistic history , but also the same ones in the ancient and medieval history of the world and the ecumenical Buddhistic history .

  10. 宗教文化对服饰设计的影响&基于中世纪服装史的分析

    On the Influence of Religious Culture upon Clothing Design : Analysis on the Basis of Medieval Clothing History

  11. 加洛林文艺复兴是中世纪文明发展史上的一个重要阶段。

    The Carolingian Renaissance was a significant period in the development of the civilization in the Mid-Ages .

  12. 作为医疗实践重要机构,医院在中世纪医学社会史的研究中占据重要的作用。

    Hospital , as an important component of practice of medicine , is crucial to the research on Social History of Medicine .

  13. 卜尼法斯是西欧中世纪基督教发展史上一个极为重要的人物,被后人尊称为日耳曼使徒。

    St. Boniface was a very significant figure in the development of Christianity in Western Europe during the middle ages . He was regarded as the " Germany Apostle " after his sacrifice .

  14. 西方愚人文化源远流长,愚人村的传说、《圣经》和福柯对中世纪欧洲疯癫史的考证可以看作是这种愚人文化的文本集成。

    The western folly culture is of long standing and well established , with the legends of fools of Gotham , The Bible and Foucault 's History of Insanity in the Age of Reason as the textual epitome .