
  • 网络median filter
  1. 和领域平均法、数梯度加权法、线性插值法、中值滤波法等相比较,其效果改善明显。

    We get a better result comparing with mean filter 、 reciprocal gradient filter 、 linear filter and median filter .

  2. 中值滤波法与梯度法的互补效应在CT图像处理中的应用

    The Application of Commutative Supplement of the Method of Median Filter and Gradient in the Process of CT Image

  3. CT图象处理中一种改进的中值滤波法

    An Improved Method for the Median Filtering in the Processing of CT Image

  4. 二次中值滤波法进行VSP波场分离

    VSP wave field separation by using secondary median filter method

  5. 基于自适应检测的中值滤波法抑制探地雷达RFI

    GPR RFI Suppression Using Median Filtering Algorithm Based On Adaptive Detecting Noise

  6. 在图像预处理中,通过实验选择中值滤波法去除噪声,使用Sobel算子提取边缘点。

    In image preprocessing , through experiments , median filter is selected to remove noise , Sobel operator is used to extract edge points .

  7. 文中对比了多种预处理的滤波算法,选取中值滤波法进行噪声去除,对比了多种边缘检测算法,选取了Laplacian算法进行边缘的检测。

    A variety of preprocessing filter methods are compared and the median filtering method is selected to remove the noise . A variety of edge detection methods are compared and the Laplacian algorithm is selected to detect the edge .

  8. 然后针对探地雷达数据信号与噪声在同一时刻不同相关性的特点,提出了更好的滤波方法,即结合小波包、KL变换、以及中值滤波法的联合去噪算法。

    Then aim to the irrelevance between signal and noise of GPR at the same time , we present a better filter mean ( united denoising algorithm ) which combined wavelet packet , KL transform and median filter .

  9. 在视频图像预处理过程中,本文对多种算法进行了比较,采用邻域平均滤波法和中值滤波法对YUV原始视频图像变换后的RGB视频图像进行了滤波,去除了各种噪声对图像的影响。

    Image Pre-processing in the video process , this article has carried on the comparison of many kinds of algorithms . Adopting neighborhood average filter and median filter to RGB video images on a filter , removing the various effects of noise of the image .

  10. 目前比较成熟的风廓线雷达数据质量控制方法主要有最优插值法、WW算法、NIMA算法、一致性平均法、中值滤波法和滑动平均滤波法等。

    The mature wind profile radar data quality control method mainly has optimal interpolation method , the WW algorithm , the NIMA algorithm , the consistency of average method , the median filtering method and the moving average filtering method .

  11. 本文采用中值滤波法实现图象去噪。

    This article uses the value filtering realization image denoising .

  12. 极值中值滤波法在炉内火焰图像预处理中的应用

    Application of extreme median filter algorithm for flame image preprocessing of furnace

  13. 数字滤波的程序判断法和中值滤波法

    Programme Judging Method and Mean Filtering of Digital Filter

  14. 中值滤波法是图像平滑技术中常用的一种方法。

    Median filter is a method commonly used in the technique of image smoothing .

  15. 提出了利用中值滤波法消除图像噪声的实用方法。

    A practical method of removing image noise with medium value filter was put forward .

  16. 为了滤除图像的干扰噪声,现在一般是采用中值滤波法或加权平均法。

    As a rule , median filtering or weighting smoothing is used to dwindle noise .

  17. 目标检测中的快速中值滤波法

    Fast median filtering algorithm in target detection

  18. 计算机采集到的螺纹一维图像含有随机噪声,采用中值滤波法消除了噪声,改善了图像质量。

    One dimension thread images collected by computer are processed to filter noise and improve quality .

  19. 它不同于以往的一些噪声平滑方法,如中值滤波法,邻域平均法,梯度倒数法等等。

    It is quite different from these , such as median filter , neighbouring average , gradient inverse method etc.

  20. 首先利用中值滤波法构建中值邻域二维直方图;

    Firstly , a two-dimensional histogram with median value neighborhood was established by utilizing the advantage of median filters .

  21. 为处理真彩色图像,本文提出了对多维向量的中值滤波法&淘汰法。

    To process true - color image , this paper advances " elimination method ", the median filter method for polydimensional vector data .

  22. 并且通过实验将这种平滑方法的性能与梯度的倒数加权平均法、中值滤波法进行了比较。

    The performance of the method is also compared with that of the gradient inverse weighted smoothing method and median filtering by experiments .

  23. 根据脉冲噪声的检测结果,采用改进的自适应矢量中值滤波法对噪声图像进行滤波,自适应地调整滤波窗口的尺寸,有选择性地滤除脉冲噪声像素。

    Based on the result of impulse noise detection , an algorithm of improved adaptive vector median filtering is then presented to remove impulse noise .

  24. 采用改进的自适应矢量中值滤波法,对脉冲噪声有选择地滤除。

    On the basis of the results , an approach of improved median filtering is applied to selectively remove the impulse noises in a color image .

  25. 中值滤波法是图像处理中一种非线性滤波技术,可对图像中的噪声进行有效的抑制,成为空域平滑的重要手段。针对中值滤波法的不足,提出一种基于准十字窗口的中值滤波方法。

    Median filter is one of the non-linear filter methods , which can get rid of image 's noise effectively and has become an important approach for spatial smoothing .

  26. 包括邻域平均法、空域低通滤波法、多幅图像平均法、中值滤波法、自适应中值滤波法以及维纳滤波法。

    And include neighborhood average method , airspace low-pass filtering method , the average of multiple images , median filtering method , the adaptive median filtering and wiener filtering method .

  27. 在考察空间域和波数域划分重力区域场与局部场常用方法的基础上,提出了多环带中值滤波法。

    On the basis of inspecting common methods in dividing regional gravity field and local gravity field by spatial domain and frequency domain , the authors propose multi-ring median filtering method .

  28. 在图像平滑处理方面,本文采用中值滤波法,在提高滤波效果的同时保留了大部分的图像细节。

    At one aspect of image smooth processing , this paper adopted a mid-value filtering method which can largely improve the impaction of filtering , simultaneously by reserving most details of image .

  29. 对于连续色图像的边缘平滑,中值滤波法是一种有效的算法,它可以在边缘平滑的同时保留原有的清晰度而不模糊化。

    Median filter is a efficient method of edge smoothing for continuous - color image , which smoothes the edge form while remain its clarity , but does not make it hazed .

  30. 本文介绍了一种用于离散色图像边缘平滑处理的表决法,比较了它和平均法、中值滤波法的异同及合理性。

    This paper introduces the " vote method " of edge smoothing for discrete - color images , and discusses its differences and rationalities between this method and average and median filter methods .