
  1. 中医阴阳学说数学表达的探索

    Exploration into the mathematical representation of the Yin Yang theory of traditional Chinese Medicine

  2. 中医阴阳学说在简化太极拳教学中的运用

    Application of Yin-yang theories of Chinese medicine in the teaching of simplified Taiji boxing

  3. 中医阴阳学说源于《易经》,而又深受老子哲学思想的影响。

    Influence of Compatibility of Shenqi-Pill by " Reinforcing Yang from Yin " on the Content of Cinnamaldehyde ;

  4. 从数理科学的角度,采用比较的研究方法,探讨并建立起了中医阴阳学说与物理学对称理论的相互关联。

    We decide to probe and set up the correlation of symmetry theory between Yinyang theory and physiology in the mathematics and physics field through comparing method .

  5. 中医运用阴阳学说来阐释人体的结构、生理和病理,并用以指导临床的诊断和治疗。

    Yin-Yang and five elements were introduced in TCM to elucidate the structure , physiology and pathology of the body , and guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment .

  6. 中医阴阳五行学说中的科学思想初探

    Progress in Science The Scientific Idea of the " Yin and Yang Doctrine " and the " Theory of Five Elements " of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  7. 中医基础理论的阴阳学说数学上是二元对称群,五行学说是五元旋转群。

    The traditional Chinese medical basic theory is expressed by mathematics , so the yinyang theory is two element symmetrical group , the five elements theory is five element group of rotation .