
  • 网络ACTINIDIA CHINENSIS;Actinidia Chinensis Planch
  1. 环境应力对中华猕猴桃(ActinidiaChinensis)组织培养过程生物学效应的初步研究

    Primary Study on Biological Effects of Actinidia Chinensis Callus & Seedling on Environmental Stresses

  2. 中华猕猴桃(ActinidiaChinensis)雌雄异株性状变异的研究

    Variation of Dioecism in Actinidia chinensis

  3. 中华猕猴桃多糖对小鼠皮下移植瘤B16抑制的机制研究

    Antitumor effect and its mechanism of actinidia Chinensis planch polysaccharide on B16-bearing mice

  4. 几种主要的氧化应激因子的心血管效应及其机制研究环境应力对中华猕猴桃(ActinidiaChinensis)组织培养过程生物学效应的初步研究

    Effects and Mechanism of Oxidative Stress Factors on Cardiovascular System Primary Study on Biological Effects of Actinidia Chinensis Callus & Seedling on Environmental Stresses

  5. 经初步调查鉴定我省赣中、北地区中华猕猴桃(Actinidiachinensisplanch.)的病害有13种。

    According to the primary survey , there are 13 diseases in Chinese Gooseberry ( Actinidia chinensis Planch . ) in the middle and north parts of Jiangxi Province .

  6. 以2年生中华猕猴桃(Actinidiachinensisplanch.)的根系为试验材料,通过自然失水和PEG(聚乙二醇)6000处理,研究了失水过程中吸收根和延长根的内源ABA和根系活性变化。

    The changes of ABA concentration a roots activity in extensive roots and absorbing roots of two-year-old Actinidia chinensis Planch , were investigated during water losing caused by either PEG osmosis or natural desiccation .

  7. 本试验用 ̄(86)Rb、 ̄(14)C-示踪方法研究了中华猕猴桃对钾素营养的吸收运转规律,钾对植株光合作用的影响。

    In this experiment the  ̄( 86 ) Rb 、 ̄( 14 ) C-tracing method was used to study the rule of potassium nuti-tion absorption and transfer by Actinidia chinensis planck , and the effect of potassium nutrition on the photo-synthesis of this plant .

  8. 目的:考察中华猕猴桃多糖(ACPS)对黑色素瘤B16小鼠皮下移植瘤有无抑制作用与作用强度,并探讨其抗肿瘤作用机制。

    Objective : To investigate the antitumor effect of Actinidia Chinensis Planch polysaccharide ( ACPS ) in B16-bearing C57BL / 6 mice and approach its mechanism .

  9. 钙处理对中华猕猴桃果实后熟过程的影响

    Effects of Calcium Treatments on Postharvest Ripening of Actinidia chinensis Fruits

  10. 中华猕猴桃雄性新品种‘磨山4号’

    A New Male Cultivar of Actinidia Chinensis ' Moshan 4 '

  11. 早熟中华猕猴桃新品种‘金早’

    A New Extra Early Ripening Kiwifruit Variety ' Jinzao '

  12. 中华猕猴桃施肥试验初报

    A preliminary report on reasonable fertilizing trial for Actinidia clone

  13. 中华猕猴桃胚乳植株后代的观察

    Observation of Progenies of endosperm plants in Actinidia chinensis

  14. 中华猕猴桃的解剖学研究

    Study on Anatomy of Actinidia Chinensis Planch of China

  15. 陕西秦巴山区野生中华猕猴桃资源调查

    Investigation of Wild Resources of Actinidia chinensis from Qinling-bashan Mountains of Shaanxi , China

  16. 福建省建宁县中华猕猴桃细菌性花腐病的初步调查研究

    Preliminary study on bacterial blossom blight of kiwifruit in Jianning County , Fujian Province

  17. 中华猕猴桃果实采收后某些生理特性的研究

    Some Physiological Characteristics of Yangtao Fruit after Plucking

  18. 生长抑制剂对中华猕猴桃成花和碳水化合物含量的影响

    The Effect of Growth Inhibitors Upon Floral Initiation and Carbonhydrate Contents in Chinese Gooseberry Trees

  19. 风化花岗岩水土流失区引种中华猕猴桃试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Introduction of Chinese Actinidia in the Soil Loss Area of Weathered Granite

  20. 野生中华猕猴桃开花期与海拔高度的关系

    The relationship between the flowering time and altitude of wild plants of Actinidia chinensis var chinensis

  21. 中华猕猴桃果实的生长发育过程与主要气象因素关系的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the relationship between main climatic factors and development of Actinidia chinensis fruits

  22. 本文研究了中华猕猴桃蛋白酶的一些性质和它在配制肉类嫩化剂中的应用。

    Some properties of proteinase in kiwifruit and its application to preparing meat tenderizer were investigated .

  23. 栽培中华猕猴桃的染色体观察

    Chromosome studies on cultivated Chinese gooseberry

  24. 中华猕猴桃蛋白酶性质的研究及其在肉类嫩化剂制备中的应用

    Study on the properties of proteinase in kiwi fruit and it 's application to preparing meat tenderizer

  25. 中华猕猴桃保健饮料

    Kiwi fruit juice health drink

  26. 中华猕猴桃的果实采收后有一个生理后熟期,不耐贮藏。

    Yangtao fruit after plucking has a physiological afterripening period and cannot be stored for a long time .

  27. 用酶解压片方法观察了脐橙、中华猕猴桃、杜梨的胚囊。

    Embryo sacs of navel orange ( Citrus sinensis Osb ), kiwi fruit ( Actinidia chinensis Planch var chinensis C.F.

  28. 中华猕猴桃/美味猕猴桃复合体自然居群倍性变异格局的研究

    Studies on Ploidy Variance Pattern of Natural Populations in Actinidia Chinensis Var. Chinensis / Actinidia Chinensis Var. Deliciosa Complex

  29. 船舶总纵强度的校核中华猕猴桃光合强度的初步测定

    Calculations of ship 's longitudinal strength and the research of improving measures STUDIES ON THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC CHARACTERISTICS OF KIWIFRUIT TREES

  30. 中华猕猴桃良种选育及栽培技术的研究&Ⅱ.雄株花粉贮藏试验研究

    Studies on the selection and culture techniques of Chinese gooseberry & ii . experiment on storage of male flower pollens