
  1. 对于那些打算在自己职业生涯大展拳脚的年轻人而言,中国一线城市就好比是“高压锅”。

    The biggest cities in China are pressure cookers for youth starting out on their careers .

  2. 即便是在中国一线城市学习的大学生,每月2000元也足够他/她的日常开支了。

    Even for a college student studying in a first-tier city in China , 2000 yuan is enough to cover all his or her monthly expenses .

  3. 专家们将此归因于中国一线城市生活成本上涨和中西部地区劳动力需求的增长。

    Experts have attributed this to the rising cost of living in the country 's first-tier cities and the growing demand for labor in central and western China .

  4. 来自北京、上海等中国一线城市的游客数量增长平稳,而来自二、三线城市的游客数量增长也很快速。

    While tourists from China 's first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are growing smoothly , tourist numbers from second and third-tier cities are said to be booming .

  5. 在北京、广州和上海等中国一线城市,针对房贷成数和第二、三套住房的限购更加严格。

    Curbs on mortgage loan-to-value ratios and limits on the purchase of second and third homes were more stringent in China 's biggest cities such as Beijing , Guangzhou and Shanghai .

  6. 中国一线城市出台的一套新的法律草案将要求网约车服务的所有驾驶员拥有本地户口。

    A new set of draft laws rolled out in China 's top-tier cities would require all drivers for car-hailing services to have a residency permit - known as a hukou - in the city where they drive .

  7. 这家德国运动服装品牌正寄希望于张鹏这样的顾客以及延安这样的城市来实现增长。目前在欧洲,阿迪达斯已很难实现这样的增长,在中国一线城市也是如此,因为这些城市充斥着各种国外品牌、日渐饱和。

    The German sportswear brand is banking on shoppers like him - and cities such as Yan'an - to deliver the growth that is so elusive in Europe and in first-tier Chinese cities that are becoming saturated with foreign brands .

  8. 随着电影作为文化产业的迅速发展,在中国很多一线城市的电影市场已经接近于饱和状态,各种竞争也是非常激烈。

    With the film as the rapid development of the cultural industry , a lot of first-tier cities in China film market is close to saturation , the competition is very intense .

  9. 中国的一线城市在过去的一周,例如北京,上海,广州都没有跻身上周搜索“准备怀孕”高浏览量的城市排名前二十位。

    None of China 's first-tier cities , such as Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou , are among the top 20 cities that generate the highest number of " preparing for pregnancy " searches in the past week .

  10. 在北京和中国其他一线大城市,入托难的问题正值得迫切注意。

    The terrific headaches associated with getting kindergarten admission for their child in Beijing and some other top Chinese cities really deserves urgent attention .

  11. 在中国的四个一线城市中,北京是UberTechnologiesInc.最后进入的。

    Beijing is the last of what are generally considered China 's four tier-one cities that Uber Technologies Inc. has entered .

  12. 中国白领缘何逃离一线城市?

    What forces Chinese white-collars to flee first-tier cities ?

  13. 此外,中国的四大一线城市--北京,上海,广州和深圳并未进入榜单前40。

    China 's four first-tier cities -- Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou and Shenzhen -- did not feature in the top 40 .

  14. 上月,中国央行将非一线城市首套房最低首付款比例从25%下调至20%,试图以此来刺激需求。此举突显出了中国“双层”房地产市场中存在的冰火两重天局面。

    Highlighting the contrasting fortunes of China 's two-tier property market , the central bank last month cut the minimum downpayment requirement on mortgages outside of top cities from 25 to 20 per cent , in a bid to boost demand .

  15. 《中国投资参考》数据显示(见图表),在中国一线城市——北京、上海、广州和深圳,只有18.8%的受访者称路易威登是他们最渴望拥有的奢侈品牌,而在三线城市,这一比例为38.3%。

    Just 18.8 per cent of survey respondents in China 's first-tier cities - Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou and Shenzhen - said LV was the luxury brand they most aspired to own , compared with 38.3 per cent among consumers surveyed in third-tier cities , China Confidential 's data show ( see chart ) .