
  • 网络Intermediary;agency;intermediary agency
  1. 上海航运交易所的功能定位及其在实践中所发挥出的作用,决定了它随着Internet的普及,必然充当起电子商务时代交易中介机构的作用。

    The functional orientation of Shanghai Shipping Exchange ( SSE ) and the effect that it exerts in practice decide that it will be the exchange agency in the electronic commerce time as the Internet dissemination .

  2. 投资银行,InvestmentBank,是一种专门从事证券发行承销、证券经纪、企业并购、项目融资、投资管理等业务现代资本市场上重要的金融中介机构。

    Investment bank is a kind of financial intermediate agency in modern capital market specializing in such businesses as security issuing and underwriting , security managing , corporation merger , project financing , corporation financial transition conducting , and investment management , etc.

  3. 领养中介机构永远都对领养家庭敞开

    Adoption agencies are always so open to alternative family adoptions .

  4. 信息总线的核心是图书馆服务代理LSP(LibraryServiceProxy),它是客户与异构信息源相交互的中介机构。

    As the core of information bus , library service proxy is a bridge between users and information resources .

  5. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  6. 他通过美国马萨诸塞州伯灵顿(Burlington)的教育中介机构美国剑桥国际教育(CambridgeInstituteofInternationalEducation)向圣玛丽中学提出了入学申请。美国剑桥国际教育负责为美国近150所学校在中国筛选学生。

    He applied through the Cambridge Institute of International Education of Burlington , Mass . , which vets applicants from China for nearly 150 U.S. schools .

  7. 监理单位作为社会中介机构进行ISO9000质量认证不同于工业生产企业。

    Supervision Unit , as a social intermediary organ , is different from industrial enterprise to be carried on ISO9000 Quality Attestation .

  8. 所以审计师在IPO过程中具有双重身份,既是IPO公司雇佣的中介机构,又是IPO资格的审核者。

    Therefore , auditors in the IPO process have a dual role . It is IPO intermediaries employed by companies , but also the assessment person of IPO qualifications .

  9. 实际上,NGO作为沟通政府与市民的中介机构和第三部门,与政府组织、营利组织(企业)一起构成社会机制三大板块。

    In fact , as a medium , NGO , along with government organization and enterprises , constitutes the three parts of the social mechanism .

  10. 我国要充分利用WTO贸易争端解决机制,通过完善应对机制,尤其是要更好地发挥我国商协会等中介机构的作用来积极应对贸易摩擦。

    We should actively settle the trade frictions by making full use of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO , perfecting the replying mechanism and exerting the functions of the agency such as chamber of commerce and industry consortium in China .

  11. 不论是你是招聘经理、HR从业人员,还是中介机构的招聘官,以下的章节将帮助你如何组成一个极具吸引力的职位广告,并增加招聘的成功率。

    Whether you are a hiring manager , a HR practitioner or an agency recruiter , the sections below will help you put together a more compelling job ad and increase your recruitment success .

  12. 但是,在你聘用律师或收款中介机构之前,霍洛维兹【她曾写过一本非常有用的书,名为《自由职业者圣经》(TheFreelancer'sBible)】还给出了下面六条建议。

    In the meantime , though , and before you hire a lawyer or a collection agency , Horowitz -- who , incidentally , wrote a terrifically useful book calledThe Freelancer 's Bible - has six suggestions .

  13. Githongo说,腐败滋生的温床是官僚、政客、安全官员和企业中介机构组成的“深藏的网络”。

    Corruption thrived in the " embedded networks " of bureaucrats , politicians , security officials , and businessmen-brokers .

  14. 房产中介机构BrokerMetrics公司提供的数据显示,在2012年第一季度,帕洛阿尔托市独户型住宅的中间价上涨了11%,库存则下降了57%。

    For the first quarter of 2012 , according to brokermetrics , the median price of a single-family P.A. home went up 11 % , whereas inventory declined 57 % .

  15. 医药知识产权的保护与医药科技中介机构的建立

    Protection of Intellectual Property and Establishment of Technological Intermediaries in Medicine

  16. 技术中介机构法律规制研究

    A Study on the Laws and Rules of Technology Intermediary Agencies

  17. 我国高等教育评估中介机构问题研究

    A Study on the Institution of Higher Education Accreditation in China

  18. 小城镇劳务中介机构功能研究

    Study on Work Agency 's Functions in Our Country 's Small Towns

  19. 中介机构代理政府采购存在的问题及解决对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Intermediary Sector when Purchasing on Behalf of Government

  20. 我国现代文化中介机构与政府规制研究

    The Study on Chinese Modern Cultural Intermediaries and Administratively Regulate

  21. 档案中介机构在私人档案管理中的应用

    The Use of Medium Organizations in Management of Private Archives

  22. 欧盟创新驿站网络对中国科技中介机构发展的启示

    Implications of Innovation Relay Center on Development of Technology Agent in China

  23. 你给中介机构发录取通知了吗?

    Have you sent an admission notice to an intermediary ?

  24. 市场中介机构是市场机制的重要载体。

    The market intermediary institution is an important carrier of market mechanism .

  25. 投资银行是资本市场上的高级中介机构,是资本运营的设计师、组织者、金融工程师。

    Investment banks are good medium in the capital market .

  26. 第三,发展房地产金融中介机构。

    Third , the development of real estate financial intermediaries .

  27. 不断健全和完善发行人以及中介机构的诚信制度;

    Continually complete and perfect the honesty system of issuers and agencies .

  28. 监事会可以独立聘请中介机构提供专业意见。

    The supervisory board may independently hire intermediary institutions to provide professional opinions .

  29. 加强制度建设,规范证券经营机构和中介机构的行为;

    Regulating the behavior of stock exchange media companies ;

  30. 对小城镇劳务中介机构组建的条件进行了系统分析,并建立了评价指标体系。

    The establishing qualifications are analyzed systematically and the evaluation index is setup .