
  1. 公司是具有法人资格的企业组织,因此具有相应的权利能力和行为能力。

    There exist some distinct differences between natural person and corporate on legal capacity .

  2. 深圳市阪神卫浴制品有限公司是一家具有法人资格的中日合作企业。

    Shenzhen Hanshin Bathroom Equipments Co , Ltd is an incorporated enterprise of Sino-japanese cooperation .

  3. 投诉服务中心具有法人资格,对其行为依法独立承担责任。

    The Complaint Service Center shall have a legal person qualification , and assume independent liability for its acts .

  4. 第五十条有独立经费的机关从成立之日起,具有法人资格。

    Article 50 An independently funded official organ shall be qualified as a legal person on the day it is established .

  5. 挪用公款给不具备法人资格的企业使用成罪时主观上应明知该企业不具有法人资格。

    The determination of misappropriating public funds to the enterprise without corporate qualification should be subjectively clarified that this enterprise has no corporate qualification .

  6. 承接对外加工装配的企业和外商的国内代理人必须是具有法人资格的经济实体。

    The enterprises engaged in processing and assembling operations and the agents of the foreign firms shall be economic entitles qualified as legal persons .

  7. 本厂具有法人资格专业的生产厂商,并有集研发、生产、品质、业务等部门。

    Factory has the legal personality of professional manufacturers , and has research and development , production , quality , business and other departments .

  8. 具有法人资格的工会组织依法独立享有民事权利,承担民事义务。

    A trade union organization with the status as a legal person shall independently enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations in accordance with the law .

  9. 保险公司分支机构不具有法人资格,其民事责任由保险公司承担。

    The subsidiaries of an insurance company do not enjoy the status of legal persons , whose civil liabilities shall be borne by the head office .

  10. 具备助产资格的医疗保健机构一般是具有法人资格的公立或者私立医院通过法律法规授权具有行政主体地位。

    Secondly , the institutions with delivering qualification are usually public or private hospitals with legal entities , they are of the positions of administrative agencies .

  11. 企业被吊销营业执照后是否具有法人资格,是当前司法实践经常遇到的棘手问题。

    Whether do enterprises have legal person 's qualifications , after it 's business license are revoked , it is a thorny problem often met in present judicial practice .

  12. 专业委员会和分会由同专(行)业或有相关业务联系的会员企业联合组成,不具有法人资格。

    Professional Committee and by the same branch of the ( line ) industry or have business links member companies joined together to form , does not have legal personality .

  13. 法人资本金是指由企业法人以其可以支配的资产或具有法人资格的事业单位和社会团体以国家允许用于经营的资产向企业投入的资本金。

    Hence , the capital corporation property is the basis of producing the corporation of the enterprise ; the labor corporation property is the decisive factor of guaranteeing the eff .

  14. 第二章,通过分析国内外关于合作社法人资格的立法实践及理论争议,认为我国合作社具有法人资格。

    The second chapter widely analyse on the legal practice and theoretical arguments about cooperatives ' legal entity , and consider that china cooperatives should be endowed with legal personality .

  15. 高校后勤集团是高等教育改革发展的产物,他不同于具有法人资格的企业,也有别于高校部处院系单位和非营利组织。

    As a result of the reform of higher education , logistic group has little relation to corporate-executive companies as well as the teaching organizations in colleges and universities and non-profit organizations .

  16. 第二十一条具有法人资格的中外合作办学机构应当设立理事会或者董事会,不具有法人资格的中外合作办学机构应当设立联合管理委员会。

    Article21a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school with the legal person status shall set up a board of trustees or a board of directors , and a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school without the legal person status shall set up a joint managerial committee .

  17. 随着我国市场化经济体制的逐步完善,电力企业历经了从政府的一个行政部门逐渐过渡到具有法人资格的独立运作公司的过程,将面临更多的困境和激烈的竞争。

    As Chinese market-oriented economic system gradually improves , power companies go through a gradual transition from an executive branch of the government to an independent operation company with legal personality . They will face more difficulties and fierce competition .

  18. 结果:①江苏省在1990年前后和2000年前后建立了共10家市级体科所,其中7家为具有法人资格的独立公益性事业单位,3家为训练单位附属部门。

    Results : ① Ten city level sports science research institutes of Jiangsu province were set up around 1990 and 2000.Seven of them are public good institution with independent legal entity qualification , the others are subsidiary department of training unit .

  19. 随着WTO后过渡期的到来,建筑工程质量检测等工程机构根据国际通用要求必须成为具有独立法人资格、第三方独立的中介机构。

    According to the content of the agreement , construction engineering organizations must be independent and to be a third - party enterprise .

  20. 医院集团(HospitalGroup)是医院重组的主要模式,是指由3家或3家以上具有独立法人资格的医院,经协商、谈判联合成有隶属关系和连锁经营的医院集团组织。

    To set up Hospital Group is one of the major forms of restructuring the hospitals , which means 3 or more than 3 hospitals forms hospital group through negotiation ot through setting up subsidiary or links .

  21. 体育学院组建具有独立法人资格饮食服务实体的可行性和必要性

    Discussion on feasibility and necessity of establishing separate legal dietetic entity

  22. 参赛单位必须具有独立法人资格。

    All the Competitors must possess the qualification of independent legal entity .

  23. 分公司不具有企业法人资格。

    No branch of a company has the status of an enterprise legal person .

  24. 具有独立法人资格及教育资质的培训机构。

    The agency must be an independent legal person qualified to provide training and education service .

  25. 这些特征表现为:母公司与子公司各具有独立法人资格;母子公司之间在经营管理上的控制性;企业集团母子公司关系的法律透析

    On Enterprise Group Parent Subsidiary Relationship

  26. 协会是在美国密西根州注册、具有独立法人资格的非政治、非营利和非宗教的组织。

    CAGD is a non-political , non-profit and non-religious independent organization registered in the State of Michigan .

  27. 具有独立法人资格,在工商行政管理局注册的境内企业;

    An independent legal entity , domestic enterprises that registered in the Administration of Industry and Commerce .

  28. 北京中外民间文化艺术交流促进会是具有独立法人资格的社会团体。

    Beijing China-foreign folk culture-art exchange and promotion association is a non-governmental public organization with independent legal personality .

  29. 公司是一家具有独立法人资格的综合性科技开发、生产及贸易有限公司。

    Beijing Pulesi Technology Company Limited is a new founded trading company based in Beijing , the capital of P.R.

  30. 绵投公司具有独立法人资格,实行商业化运作和管理。

    MT Investment Company is a company with independent legal personality , operating and being managed in commercial and market manner .