
jù tǐ xínɡ zhènɡ xínɡ wéi
  • specific administrative act
  1. 它不应属于行政法责任,而是一种具体行政行为。

    It is not an administrative burden but a specific administrative act .

  2. 论具体行政行为作为民事诉讼证据

    On Specific Administrative Act as Evidence in Civil Proceedings

  3. WTO规则中所涉及的有关影响货物贸易、服务贸易、知识产权、外汇管制等所有的具体行政行为,也都是行政执法的范围。

    Relevant effect commodity trade that relates to in WTO regulation 、 service trade 、 intellectual property 、 all concrete administration actions such as foreign exchange control and so on , it also wholly is the limit that the administration was enforced the law .

  4. 随后,就完善具体行政行为司法审查的一些问题进行了探讨。

    Next , it discusses some issues concerning specific administrative action .

  5. 民事诉讼中证据性具体行政行为的效力及处理机制

    Evidential Administrative Acts ' Efficacy and Handling Mechanism in Civil Proceedings

  6. 而这种特定行为的达成也就体现了交际的目的。论重新作出具体行政行为判决

    On Judgment for Conducting Specific Administrative Actions Again On Specific Object

  7. 本部分论述了具体行政行为的废止、变更、补正制度。

    This part discusses the system of abolishment , change and rectification .

  8. 第四部分,具体行政行为的无效。

    Part IV discusses the invalidation of concrete administrative act .

  9. 具体行政行为已经生效并具有可执行内容;

    The specific administrative action has taken effect and has enforceable contents ;

  10. 被申请人是该具体行政行为所确定的义务人;

    The respondent is the obligor designated by the specific administrative action ;

  11. 本文就具体行政行为的效力问题加以探讨,全部行文约5.3万字左右。

    This article aims at discussing the binding effect of concrete administrative act .

  12. 对行政越权的救济应当从抽象行政行为越权与具体行政行为越权两个方面进行。

    Exceeding powers in administration should be redressed by abstract and concrete ways .

  13. 被诉具体行政行为合法但存在合理性问题的;

    The sued specific administrative action is lawful but reasonableness is at issue ;

  14. 论具体行政行为的合法性判断标准

    Discuss the Legal Judge Standard of Concrete Administrative Bahavior

  15. 判决被告重作具体行政行为探析

    Probing into the Judgement of Conducting the Specific Administrative Act Again by the Defendant

  16. 商务部的具体行政行为;

    Specific administrative behavior of Ministry of Commerce ;

  17. 论具体行政行为中行政主体程序违法的法律救济

    On Legal Relief for Abministrative Subject Breaching the Procedure Law in Concrete Abministrative Practices

  18. 行政机关的公司登记行为是一种特殊的具体行政行为。

    Company registered act of government organization is a specific and concrete administrative action .

  19. 有明确、可诉的具体行政行为;

    Definite , concrete administrative acts to accuse ;

  20. 第六部分,具体行政行为效力的其他问题。

    Part VI discusses other questions of the binding effect of concrete administrative act .

  21. 共同作出具体行政行为的行政机关是共同被告

    The administrative organs that have jointly undertaken the act shall be the joint defendants

  22. 对抽象行政行为的听证、对具体行政行为的听证。

    Hearing in the abstract administrative behavior , hearing in the concrete administrative behavior .

  23. 具体行政行为内容合法研究

    On Content Legality of Specific Administrative Act

  24. 刍论听证在我国具体行政行为中的适用

    Hearing system applying to specific administrative action

  25. 但有下列情形之一的,停止具体行政行为的执行

    Execution of the specific administrative act shall be suspended under one of the following circumstances

  26. 权力机关撤销具体行政行为探析

    Organ of Power Recalls Specific Administrative Activity

  27. 浅议我国现行具体行政行为司法审查标准的缺陷&一起外商投资企业变更登记案的法律分析

    On Deficiencies of the Standard of Judicial Review on Specific Administrative Act Business Data Enterprises

  28. 关于具体行政行为与抽象行政行为划分存在价值的几点思考

    Differences between Concrete and Abstract Administration

  29. 与撤销或者变更具体行政行为有法律上利害关系的。

    The plaintiff is of legally interested in revocation or alteration of the specific administrative action .

  30. 从具体行政行为的效力谈治安管理处罚中应注意的问题

    Notable Problems of Punishments in Public Order and Security Administration with Effectiveness of Specific Administrative Act