
  1. JYS公司的企业发展历程就是中国家纺产业民营企业发展的缩影,JYS抓住了市场发展的机遇,企业获得了高速发展。

    JYS company is one of the Chinese private textile companies , which has more than 10 years history .

  2. 家纺设计与中国家纺业的发展

    Design for Family Spinning and Weaving and its Development in China

  3. 论中国家纺事业的全方位创新

    On the Comprehensive Innovation of Family Textile Cause in China

  4. 经过多年的努力,已发展成为中国家纺行业领航者之一。

    Through years of efforts , it has developed into one of the pilots in China Home Textile industry .

  5. David尊敬的朋友:您好,我是中国的家纺制作供应商。

    Dear friends : Hello , I am a Chinese supplier of textile production .

  6. 在动态的市场竞争环境下,中国的家纺行业正处在大变革、大发展的时代。

    In the dynamic market competition environment , Chinese home textile industry are forging ahead .

  7. 摘要欧美取消家纺配额后,不断增设技术壁垒,中国的家纺业要提高在国际市场上的竞争力,必须采用新技术加快产业升级。

    Due to the cancellation of quota on household textiles and more technical barriers , by the countries in Europe and the United States the competitive ability of the household textile industry in China has to be raised in the international market with industry upgrad and odvanced techniques .

  8. 另一方面应当加强对中国传统家纺设计文化的研究,设计开发出具有时代性和时尚性的采用中国传统技艺制作的世界一流家纺产品,以促进中国家用纺织品行业的发展。

    The other is enhance research of Chinese traditional design in house culture , design and develop out the top - grade product in house of world that vogue adopting the Chinese traditional technical skill , thus promote the development of the Chinese household - use textile product industry .

  9. 中国城市儿童家纺设计民族化研究

    Research of the National Identity of Domestic Textile Design for Children in China City

  10. 本篇文章中在对叠石桥国际家纺城的设计现状进行分析后,发现将中国元素应用于家纺设计具有一定的现实意义,能够让现代家纺设计更具文化内涵。

    In this article , after analyzing the present situation in home textile design of Folding Stone Bridge and realizes that there is a certain practical significance about using Chinese elements in home textile design ; it will make the modern home textile with more cultural connotation .