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  • 网络Chinese Sketches
  1. 《利玛窦中国札记》所记的明末对外汉语教学状况

    On Chinese as a Foreign Language in last Ming Dynasty

  2. 博士与名片&中国古代文化札记两则

    Doctor and Name Card : Two Ancient Chinese Culture Notes

  3. 辩证思维火花的闪现&读中国古诗词札记

    The Spark of the Dialectical Thinking & one of the Notes Made After Reading Chinese Ancient Poems

  4. 引领行业发展保障食品安全&第二届中国兽药大会札记

    Leading the Development of Veterinary Medicine to Insure the Safety of Food in China Second Veterinary Medicine General Assembly

  5. 中国古典戏曲研究札记五题

    Five Reading Notes on the Study of Classical Chinese Operas

  6. 宇宙意识考&关于闻一多与中国古典美学的札记

    On Wen Yiduo 's Concept of the Universe Consciousness

  7. 中原史前文化的优势&中国早期文明研究札记之一

    Superiority of Prehistoric Culture of Central Plains