
zhōnɡ yānɡ shì chǎnɡ
  • central market;emporium entrepot
  1. 除了去中央市场(CentralMarket)挑条鱼自己烤制,我吃鱼首选地之一就是Varoulko,这是希腊首批获得米其林(Michelin)星级评定的餐馆之一。

    One of my favorite places to eat fish -- besides going to the Central Market to pick one out and have it grilled up -- is Varoulko , one of the first restaurants in Greece to receive a Michelin star .

  2. 中央市场重建事务小组

    Redevelopment of Central Market Sub-committee

  3. 游览:皇宫,金银阁寺,国家博物馆,和中央市场。

    Upon arrival at Phnom Penh , meet and visit : Silver Pagoda , Royal Palace , National Museum , and Central Market .

  4. 不管在中央市场还是在国际金融市场,总不缺乏相信金价会继续走高的人。

    In both the Central Market and the international financial markets , there is no shortage of people who believe that the price will resume its ascent .

  5. 最有名的中央大市场(GrandCentralMarket)拱廊里汇聚了全城最好的30多家美食店铺。

    Most notable is the Grand Central Market , an arcade of over 30 of the best food vendors in the city .

  6. 伴随着国内中央空调市场的高速发展,SL集团快速扩张,陆续在全国二十几个大城市设立了分公司或办事处,年营业额达3亿元。

    With the rapid development in China central air conditioner market , SL has now established more than 20 branches and offices around major Chinese cities .

  7. 凭借微处理器每台电脑的中央引擎市场约70%的份额,英特尔可以从自我强化的规模优势中受益,让它能够比AMD多投入逾3倍的研发支出。

    With about 70 per cent of the market for microprocessors the central engine of every computer Intel benefits from a self-reinforcing scale advantage that allows it to outspend AMD on research and development by more than four to one .

  8. 冰蓄冷中央空调市场营销定位及风险规避研究

    Market Positioning and Risk Research of Ice-Thermal-Storage Center Air Conditioning System

  9. 开利进军家用/轻型商用中央空调市场

    Carrier Develops Domestic / Light Commercial Central Air-conditioning Units

  10. 家用中央空调市场前景展望

    Domestic Central Air - conditioning Market in Prospect

  11. 另一方面,随着市场竞争的白热化,中央空调市场已是中国竞争最为激烈的消费品市场之一。

    The other hand , Center air-conditioning market has become one of the drastic consumable market .

  12. 西部地区不利的自然禀赋、不合理的产业结构以及中央逆市场调控的政策等,造成西部市场机制发育迟缓,仅靠市场的力量无法消化国企改制的成本;

    Unfavorable resource endowment , unreasonable industrial distribution and central government 's non-marketed based regulations result in the under-development of West China market .

  13. SL集团中央空调重庆市场的营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing of Central Air Conditioner for SL in Chongqing

  14. 上海地区中央空调清洗市场及未来

    Status of air duct cleaning market and its future in Shanghai

  15. 中国中央银行公开市场业务操作研究

    The Research on the Open Market Operation of China Central Bank

  16. 中央银行外汇市场干预研究

    Study on the Central Bank Intervention in Foreign Exchange Markets

  17. 我国中央银行外汇市场干预的现状、问题及对策

    China central bank foreign market intervention 's present situation , problem and countermeasures

  18. 本文主要对中央银行外汇市场干预的有效性进行了分析。

    This article mainly analyses the central bank 's effectiveness of intervention with the foreign exchange market .

  19. 中央银行外汇市场干预的不同决定了汇率目标区制中类型的不同。

    Categories of target zone system of exchange rate depend on different intervention of the central bank .

  20. 货币政策传导的主要问题表现在:1.中央银行公开市场操作的市场基础薄弱,利率传导机制受阻;

    The major problems in monetary policies conduction consist : 1 . The blocked channel of interest rate ;

  21. 通过允许发行债券,中央政府希望市场将迫使各地方政府拿出纪律性和透明度。

    By allowing bond sales , the hope is that the market will impose discipline and transparency on local governments .

  22. 通过向多家银行下订单,欧洲中央银行在市场中引起一阵骚动,扩大了其购入政府债券的影响。

    By placing a lot of orders with numerous banks , the central bank also created buzz in the market , which helped exaggerate the effect of its bond buying .

  23. 货币政策透明度是指中央银行与市场主体之间关于货币政策相关信息的沟通情况,可分为广义透明度与狭义透明度。

    Monetary policy transparency is the communication situations on monetary policy information between Central Bank and other market participations . It can be divided into generalized transparency and narrowed transparency .

  24. 燃气中央空调的市场发展前景主要和以下四个因素有关:当地的气候条件,社会需求量,电力和燃气的供应条件,技术经济性。

    The market development of gas-driven central air-conditioning depends on following factors : local climatic conditions , demand in society , supply of electricity and gas , technical and economical conditions .

  25. 同时,国债发行也是中央银行调控市场利率、干预宏观经济的重要手段,是传递中央银行货币政策的重要载体。

    In the same time , bond issue is an important means that the central bank controls the interests and macro economy . It is a means of transmission the monetary policy .

  26. 信息时代的到来、信息加工能力的逐步提高及日趋减少的货币基础需求,使得人们对货币政策的有效性与中央银行影响市场的能力产生了怀疑。

    With the coming of information age , the gradual improvement in information-processing capabilities and the demand reduction in money base are questioning the monetary policy effectiveness and the ability of the central bank to influence the financial market .

  27. 广义汇率目标区制包括介于浮动汇率制与固定汇率制之间的所有的汇率安排,中央银行外汇市场干预的不同,决定了汇率目标区制中类型的不同。

    Exchange rate target zone system in broad sense includes all kinds of exchange rate arrangements between the floating exchange rate system and the fixed one , and categories of exchange rate arrangements depend on different interventions of the central bank .

  28. 简要介绍了家用中央空调的市场容量及特点,对几种常见的家用中央空调设计方式进行了分析和比较,重点对家用中央空调系统设计施工中应注意的几个问题进行了探讨。

    This paper briefly introduces the market absorption and features of the domestic central air-conditioner , makes analysis and comparison of several common designs of the domestic central air-conditioner , and emphatically probes into some problems needing attention in the design and construction of domestic central air-conditioning system .

  29. 随着中央空调行业市场的发育成熟,市场的竞争也日益激烈,远大空调有限公司仍以最高的产品价格占据吸收式空调市场的半壁江山,创立了中国人的世界品牌。

    With the maturity of market of central air conditioner industry , the competition of the market is dog-eat-dog day by day too , Broad Air Conditioning still occupies half of the country on the absorbing type air conditioner market with the supreme price , have founded Chinese world brand .

  30. 本周于蒙特利尔召开的伦敦金银市场协会(londonbullionmarketassociation)年会上,中央银行在黄金市场的角色将成为辩论的中心议题。

    The role of central banks in the gold market will be a central topic of debate at the annual London Bullion Market Association conference , the largest gathering of the gold industry , in Montreal this week .