
zhōnɡ xìnɡ jì shù jìn bù
  • neutral technological progress
  1. 中性技术进步与投资控制模型

    Neutral Technical Progress and Control Model of Investment

  2. 随机中性技术进步与投资系统解的指数稳定性

    The Exponential Stability of the Solution of Stochastic Neutral Technical Progress and Investment System

  3. 含有时滞中性技术进步的资产投资模型解的性质

    Properties of the Solution for Investment Model of Neutral Technical Progress Assets with Time Delay

  4. 中性技术进步生产函数述见

    Views on Neutral Technical Progress Production Function

  5. 对索罗模型进行了较为深入的研究:由中性技术进步的生产函数出发,推导索罗增长速度方程;

    Delves into the Solow model in three aspects : Deriving the Solow Growth Equation from production function of neutral technology development ;

  6. M.Solow曾在1957年提出了有关中性技术进步的概念,本文将就此概念做些讨论和分析。

    M. Solow advanced the definition of neutral technical progress in 1957 . In this paper , there are our analyses and some views on it .

  7. 给出了含有时滞的中性技术进步的资产投资模型,并运用积分方程理论和泛函分析,证明了该投资系统模型的等价方程,同时得到等价积分方程的表达式。

    The investment model of neutral technical progress with time delay was given . By using the theory of integral equation and functional analysis , the equivalent equations of the model are proved . Meanwhile the analytical expression of the equivalent integral equations are got .

  8. 传统的增长理论认为,卡尔多程式化事实中规则的统计变量与中性的技术进步有关。

    Traditional growth theory holds that the regular statistical variables in Kaldor 's stylized facts are related to neutral technical progress .

  9. 回归结果表明,替代效应会提高全社会的资本-劳动比,被证明是一种索洛技术中性的技术进步;

    The results showed that the replacement effect of the technological progress on employment will improve the capital-labour ratio of the whole country ; so it belongs to the technological progress of Solow technology neutral ;