
Chapter IV , Trade effect analysis about China-Japan-Korea FTA . This chapter discusses three main issues : firstly , using the results of CGE to indicate different economic effect on China , Japan and Korea ;
A Research on the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Area
Also , this is a good try for China to establish China-Japan-Korea FTA ( CJKFTA ) .
An Analysis of Japan 's Position toward the China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Area ( FTA ) Proposal
Realistic Foundation and Mode Choosing in the Establishment of the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and Korea
Trade Flows and Welfare Effects of a FTA among China , Japan and South Korea : A Partial Equilibrium Calibration Approach
Finally , construct a GMIS model , and calibrate it to the data related trade flows among China , Japan and Korea .
Third , analysis of the economic effects of the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and South Korea to the aquatic products trade .
Finally , in the sixth chapter , it puts forward policy recommendations to promote the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and South Korea .
Recent years witness the rapid development of the regional economic developing in East Asia , building CJK FTA is a necessary process towards achieve regional integration in this Area .
Secondly , facing with the challenges and opportunities of CJK FTA , automobile industry should insist to proprietary brand and we should develop our automobile industry by our domestic enterprises .
They will also speed up negotiations on the China-Japan-South Korea free trade area and start preparing for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties in 2022 .
With the accelerated establishment of China Japan and South Korea Free Trade Zoo , China Japan and South Korea as the important economic entities of Asia have an increasingly close relationship in economy and trade .
The Establishment of the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and Korea , not only helps to promote the trading ties between the 3 countries , but it is an important step to promote the integration of Northeast Asia , even the East Asia as whole .
In November 2002 China proposed that China , Japan , and South Korea should begin a feasibility study on establishing a Free Trade Area ( FTA ) among the three countries at an appropriate time .
Demonstration analysis of China attending China , Japan and South Korea ASEAN free trade zone 's trade effect & take 1980-2007 as example
Empirical Analysis on Establishing Free Trade Area Among China , Korea and Japan
Concretely , the three countries should try hard to form the multilateral cooperation in the field of politics and on the base of 10 + 3 , gradually set up East Asian Free-trade Area including China , Japan and South Korea in the field of economy .
Because of the increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges of three countries , trade increment year by year and industry highly complementary , the establishment of a China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Zone has feasibility .