
  • 网络CJKFTA
  1. 第四章中日韩自由贸易区贸易效果分析,本章主要论述了三个问题:首先,利用一般均衡模型拟和结果,就中日韩FTA对三国带来的不同经济效果进行了阐述;

    Chapter IV , Trade effect analysis about China-Japan-Korea FTA . This chapter discusses three main issues : firstly , using the results of CGE to indicate different economic effect on China , Japan and Korea ;

  2. 中日韩自由贸易区研究

    A Research on the China-Japan-Korea Free Trade Area

  3. 另外,建立中日韩自由贸易区对中国这样一个发展中国家是一种十分有意义的尝试。

    Also , this is a good try for China to establish China-Japan-Korea FTA ( CJKFTA ) .

  4. 日本对中日韩自由贸易区的立场浅析

    An Analysis of Japan 's Position toward the China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Area ( FTA ) Proposal

  5. 建立中日韩自由贸易区的现实基础与模式选择

    Realistic Foundation and Mode Choosing in the Establishment of the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and Korea

  6. 中日韩自由贸易区的贸易流量和福利效应分析:一个局部均衡的校准方法

    Trade Flows and Welfare Effects of a FTA among China , Japan and South Korea : A Partial Equilibrium Calibration Approach

  7. 最后应用实际数据建立一个校准模型,模拟中日韩自由贸易区的福利效果。

    Finally , construct a GMIS model , and calibrate it to the data related trade flows among China , Japan and Korea .

  8. 再次,侧重于中日韩自由贸易区的构建给三国水产品贸易带来的经济影响进行判析。

    Third , analysis of the economic effects of the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and South Korea to the aquatic products trade .

  9. 第六章分析了建立中日韩自由贸易区的影响因素,并在此基础上提出了推动中日韩自由贸易区建设的政策建议。

    Finally , in the sixth chapter , it puts forward policy recommendations to promote the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and South Korea .

  10. 建立中日韩自由贸易区是东亚区域经济发展的必然产物,同时也是实现东亚区域一体化的关键。

    Recent years witness the rapid development of the regional economic developing in East Asia , building CJK FTA is a necessary process towards achieve regional integration in this Area .

  11. 其次,提出在中日韩自由贸易区建立的背景下,机遇与挑战并存,我国汽车业应坚持自主品牌,坚持走自主发展汽车业的道路。

    Secondly , facing with the challenges and opportunities of CJK FTA , automobile industry should insist to proprietary brand and we should develop our automobile industry by our domestic enterprises .

  12. 双方还将加快中日韩自由贸易区谈判,启动2022年中日邦交正常化50周年纪念活动筹备工作。

    They will also speed up negotiations on the China-Japan-South Korea free trade area and start preparing for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic ties in 2022 .

  13. 随着中日韩自由贸易区建立呼声的高涨以及自由贸易区建设进程的加快,中国、日本、韩国作为亚洲重要经济体的经贸关系越来越紧密,对中日韩贸易竞争关系的研究也得到更加广泛的关注。

    With the accelerated establishment of China Japan and South Korea Free Trade Zoo , China Japan and South Korea as the important economic entities of Asia have an increasingly close relationship in economy and trade .

  14. 建立中日韩自由贸易区不仅有利于促进3国经贸关系的健康发展,而且也是推动东北亚乃至整个东亚地区一体化进程的重要步骤。

    The Establishment of the Free Trade Area of China , Japan and Korea , not only helps to promote the trading ties between the 3 countries , but it is an important step to promote the integration of Northeast Asia , even the East Asia as whole .

  15. 2002年11月,中国提出适时启动中日韩三国自由贸易区(FTA)可能性研究的设想。

    In November 2002 China proposed that China , Japan , and South Korea should begin a feasibility study on establishing a Free Trade Area ( FTA ) among the three countries at an appropriate time .

  16. 中国加入中日韩东盟自由贸易区的贸易效应实证分析&以1980~2007年为例

    Demonstration analysis of China attending China , Japan and South Korea ASEAN free trade zone 's trade effect & take 1980-2007 as example

  17. 中日韩三国建立自由贸易区的实证分析与模拟

    Empirical Analysis on Establishing Free Trade Area Among China , Korea and Japan

  18. 具体看,在政治和安全领域,三国应该努力谋求一种多边主义的合作之路;在经济领域,三国应在10+3的基础上,逐步构建包含中日韩在内的东亚自由贸易区。

    Concretely , the three countries should try hard to form the multilateral cooperation in the field of politics and on the base of 10 + 3 , gradually set up East Asian Free-trade Area including China , Japan and South Korea in the field of economy .

  19. 中日韩三国经贸往来日益频繁、贸易量逐年增加、产业具高度互补性,建立中日韩自由贸易区具有可行性。

    Because of the increasingly frequent economic and trade exchanges of three countries , trade increment year by year and industry highly complementary , the establishment of a China-Japan-South Korea Free Trade Zone has feasibility .