
  1. 北京方面关切的是,潮水般的朝鲜难民可能会蜂拥穿越中朝边界,配备原始核弹头的朝鲜百万大军可能会爆发内乱。

    Beijing is concerned about the possibility of tides of refugees pouring across the border and unrest in a million-strong army equipped with crude atomic warheads .

  2. 既然勘界,却继续执行东北封禁和朝鲜的片面瓯脱政策,这必然为中朝边界纠纷及关系发展埋下隐患。

    Now that demarcation , continued to carry out ' Northeast banned ' and unilateral ' OuTuo ' poliy of Korea , this inevitable buried hidden trouble for sino-korean border disputes and the relation .

  3. 两份媒体援引的消息都来自中朝的边界地区。

    Both cited sources in the border areas between China and the North .

  4. 其次,它是研究19世纪末20世纪初,中朝俄边界史的宝贵资料。

    Second , It is the valuable material of the boundary history at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of 20th century .

  5. 图们江流域是中朝的边界河流,又是延边朝鲜族自治州重要的生活用水、工业用水与农业用水的水源地。

    The Tumen River is a boundary river between China and North Korea and it serves as an important water source to residents , industry and agriculture .