
  1. 为提高规模化舍饲养羊系统中舍内环境和动物福利水平,有必要建立动物行为量化指标体系作为一种良好操作性的反馈评价工具。

    In order to evaluate indoor environment and animal welfare in the housing of sheep , it is necessary to establish a quantified behavioral data of sheep as feedback .

  2. 抑制DDS技术中相位舍位误差的新方法

    A new method for restraining the spurious caused by phase truncation in DDS

  3. 实验结果表明,当酶标二抗工作液中不舍NaN3时,含0.02%NaN3的ODP底物工作液能将其中的HRP全部失活;

    The results show that when the enzyme labeled second antibody working Solution is free of NaN_3 , the OPD substrate working solution containing 0.02 % NaN_3 can inactivate all of HRP in the assay ;

  4. 蓝道探员:(对讲机中)舍。我们在宿舍。

    AGENT LANDAU : ( on radio ) Bunkhouse . We 're in the dorm .

  5. 当你要求一个人跳起时,他会全心灌注在跳跃中而舍下平日示人的假面具;这时他的真本性就浮现了。

    When you ask a person to jump , his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping and the mask falls so that the real person appears .

  6. 乔伊和钱德勒在整部剧里都是好朋友,在前几季中都是舍友。

    Joey and Chandler were best friends for the series " entirety , and roommates for several seasons .

  7. 在疲劳载荷谱编制过程中,如何舍掉无损伤效应小载荷一直是一个令人注目的问题。

    In the course of constructing fatigue load spectrum , how to omit the small loads not to make damage is a problem paid attention to all the time .

  8. 在爱伦·坡众多女性受害题材的作品中,《危舍府的倒塌》是比较典型的一篇。

    Among many of Alan Poe 's tales about women as victims , The Fall of the House of Usher is a rather typical one .

  9. 而龙门石窟奉先寺中的“卢舍那佛”,则被不少学者认为是武则天44岁时的“写真”。

    Among them , a large Vairocana Buddha in Fengxian Temple is considered to be a " portrait " of Wu Zetian at 44 years old .

  10. 就从巴力比利土的庙中取了七十舍客勒银子给亚比米勒。亚比米勒用以雇了些匪徒跟随他。

    They gave him seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith , and Abimelech used it to hire reckless adventurers , who became his followers .

  11. 本篇论文选取中英字幕翻译作为研究对象,以2001年电视连续剧《康熙王朝》的字幕翻译作为案例,探讨了字幕翻译中舍的艺术。

    This thesis focuses on Chinese-English subtitle translation of the TV series The Empire of K ' ang-hsi as its research subject , analyzing the " art of elimination " in subtitle translation .