
zhōnɡ tú dǎo
  • Midway island;midway-island
  1. 今晨,日本人进攻了中途岛。

    And this morning , the Japanese attack Midway Island .

  2. 今晨日本人袭击了中途岛。

    This morning , the Japanese attacked Midway Island .

  3. 我们的旅行以中途岛为起点。

    Our trip takes Midway as a starting point .

  4. 在餐厅工作六个月后,斯金纳离开爱荷华州,加入美国海军,在中途岛号(Midway)与奥里斯坎尼号(Oriskany)航母上服役。

    After six months behind the counter , he left Iowa behind for the Navy , serving on the aircraft carriers Midway and Oriskany .

  5. 这种狂妄的幻想使他在中途岛战役中一无作为。

    This delusory vision kept him out of action at Midway .

  6. 他每次离开中途岛时,都会陷入长时间阴郁的冥想。

    Each departure from midway made him think long dark thoughts .

  7. 中途岛战役开始于1942年6月3日。

    The Battle of Midway began on June 3 , 1942 .

  8. 我的进攻部队如何在中途岛登陆。

    How am I expected to land my invasion forces on midway .

  9. 我们必须确定从中途岛不会有飞机来进攻。

    We must make certain that midway can mount no air attacks .

  10. 他们-定向东走了,离开了中途岛。

    I figure they moved east since we launched , away from midway .

  11. 有没有遗漏任何中途岛防卫措施?

    Is there any defense measure we 've overlooked ?

  12. 海鳗号在阴沉沉的细雨中离开了中途岛。

    The Moray left Midway in a melancholy drizzle .

  13. 今晨,日本军队又袭击了中途岛。

    This morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island .

  14. 马库斯岛、克岛和中途岛也收到了海啸预警。

    Warnings have also been I ued for the Marcus , Wake and Midway Islands .

  15. 1942年6月,日本人就已经在有决定意义的中途岛战役中失利。

    Already , in June 1942 , the Japanese had lost the decisive Battle of Midway .

  16. 那时候您已经拿下了中途岛,并且在那里等候他了。

    By that time , nagumo , you 'll have crushed midway and be waiting for him .

  17. 位置:中途岛之间的踝关节内部的脚踝和跟腱在后面。

    Location : Midway between the inside of the anklebone and the Achilles tendon in the back of the ankle .

  18. 转折点出现在1942年的6月太平洋中部的中途岛战役。

    The turning point came in June nineteen forty-two in the central Pacific in the great battle of Midway Island .

  19. 包括中途岛在内的夏威夷群岛中的十九个岛屿,就会收到环流射出的大量垃圾。

    The19 islands of the Hawaiian archipelago , including Midway , receive massive quantities of trash shot out from the gyres .

  20. 但西班牙的无辜者与战士的鲜血已经洒在西班牙的土地上,为斯大林格勒战役和中途岛大战这样反法战争的关键性胜利提供了道德依据和灵感。

    Yet the blood of innocents and fighters spilled on Spanish soil provided the moral rationale and inspiration for the crucial victories at Stalingrad and Midway .

  21. 两个和一个半半径)指宽以上(尺骨骨中心的两个手腕折痕前臂外的中途岛之间。

    Two and one-half finger widths above the center of the wrist crease on the outside of the forearm midway between the two bones ( ulna and radius ) .

  22. 在世界的另一边,日本也在中途岛海战中受到了严重的打击。

    But the Mediterranean was , ultimately , an Anglo-German diversion . In the world struggle there had been a major setback for Japan at the battle of Midway ,

  23. 对军队来说,由长期的战争环境转入和平环境,这是个最大的不同。转折点出现在1942年的6月太平洋中部的中途岛战役。

    So far as our army is concerned , this change is most significant . The turning point came in June nineteen forty-two in the central Pacific in the great battle of Midway Island .

  24. 为此,他主持购买了阿拉斯加和中途岛,与丹麦谈判购买西印度群岛,计划控制夏威夷,从哥伦比亚手中获得建造巴拿马运河的权利等。

    He operates the purchase of Alaska and Midway Island , negotiates with Denmark to purchase the Danish West Indies , plans to control Hawaii and obtain the construction right of Panama Canal from Columbia .

  25. 被公认为日美两国战事转捩点的中途岛战役只占了两页的篇幅,一些其他内容的细节却太多:一连串的将领、军队和战役如走马灯似地出现。

    The battle of Midway , arguably the defining naval engagement between Japan and America , gets two pages . At other times , there is too much detail : a succession of generals , armies and battles come and go .