
  • 网络Clinical psychology;Clinic Psychology;Psychology, clinical
  1. 临床心理学教授米奇·普林斯坦(MitchPrinstein)将受欢迎的人分为两类:讨人喜欢的人和追求地位的人。

    Mitch Prinstein , a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories : the likable and the status seekers .

  2. 他先是在普林斯顿神学院(PrincetonTheologicalSeminary)攻读,而后在芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)获得临床心理学博士学位。

    He studied at Princeton Theological Seminary before doing a PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Chicago .

  3. 内隐联想测验(IAT)在临床心理学中的应用

    The Implicit Association Test and Its Application in Clinical Psychology

  4. 当时我是一个在伯克利大学读临床心理学的Ph.D学生。

    I was a Ph.D. student in clinical psychology at Berkeley .

  5. 潘塔佐波尔斯表示,欧洲工商管理学院将基于研究的临床心理学融入mba课程的努力与商学院案例研究和鼓捣数字一起颇受欢迎。

    The efforts made by the school to integrate research-based clinical psychology into the MBA alongside the business case studies and number-crunching are welcome , says Mr pantazopoulos .

  6. 本文介绍了内隐联想测验(IAT)及其在临床心理学研究中的应用。

    This article introduced the implicit association test ( IAT ) and its application in clinical psychology .

  7. 临床心理学教授AlexGardner介绍:在周末之后,工作者们就感觉又回到了自己的群体一样,他们需要交谈,并花费时间在群体领域上。

    Workers like to feel part of their tribe again after the weekend and need to chat to each other and spend time in communal areas , according to clinical psychologist Professor Alex Gardner .

  8. 这些选择也反映了更严重的在执行功能方面的问题,JennyLarkins补充说,她是Missouri大学临床心理学专业的一名研究生。

    These choices tend to reflect more serious problems with executive functioning , added Jenny Larkins , a graduate student in clinical psychology at the University of Missouri .

  9. 敬请居住在北美的心理卫生专家和临床心理学专家报名参加IACMSP心理援助志愿者团队。

    All the mental health experts and clinical psychologists who live in North America are very welcome to join the IACMSP volunteer team of psycho and mental health aid .

  10. 自1974年美国心理学家Freudenberger将倦怠引入临床心理学的研究领域以来,在其三十多年的研究历史中,已经取得了丰硕的成果。

    Since Freudenberger , one American psychologist , imported ' burnout ' into clinic psychological fields in 1974 , in the past thirty years of research histories , have made plentiful fruits .

  11. 他是在州里注册的临床心理学医生。

    He 's registered with the state as a clinical psychologist .

  12. 目前,我们没有任何关于临床心理学的规划。

    At present we do not have programmes for clinical psychology .

  13. 围手术期病人心理应激的临床心理学和精神免疫学研究

    Clinical Psychology and Psychoimmunology Study on Mental Stress of Perioperative Patients

  14. 在社会科学研究的各个领域包括临床心理学的研究中,自尊的重要性已经被广泛接受。

    In clinical psychology , the importance of self-esteem has been widely accepted .

  15. 社会与临床心理学杂志上的一项研究发现了这个结论。

    So finds a study in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology .

  16. 临床心理学关于笔迹的研究

    The Studies of Handwriting Analysis in Clinical Psychology

  17. 罗夏测验在儿童临床心理学中的应用

    Application of Rorschach Test in children clinical psychology

  18. 临床心理学和精神病学博客的一些匿名作者在此讨论了该研究结果。

    The anonymous blogger on Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry Blog discussed that study here .

  19. 美国积极临床心理学的研究现状

    The Research State of American Positive Clinical Psychology

  20. 在临床心理学领域运用结构方程模型的思路与步骤

    Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Clinical Psychology

  21. 有社会学及临床心理学背景

    in sociology and clinical psychology .

  22. 我国临床心理学工作现状调查与展望

    A Survey of Current Status on Clinical Psychological Work in China and Look into Its Future

  23. 中国临床心理学杂志

    Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology

  24. 虽然精神分析始终是法国临床心理学的主要理论根据,但两者毕竟不完全等同。

    Although psychoanalysis has been a major theoretical basis for French clinical psychology , they are not identical .

  25. 摘要本文首先从历史的角度探讨精神分析对法国临床心理学发展的影响。

    This paper first discusses how psychoanalysis influenced the development of French clinical psychology from a historical perspective .

  26. 目的探讨超前镇痛在小儿烧伤治疗中的临床心理学意义。

    Objctive To investigate the clinic psychology effect of the pre-analgecise on the burn therapy for the children .

  27. 结论:对综合医院内科不同科室就诊病人焦虑抑郁的比较研究有重要的临床心理学和临床医学意义。

    Conclusion : To study the difference of anxiety and depression of patients is important for medical in polyclinic .

  28. 就在几个选项的可能的职业,包括临床心理学,司法心理学,健康心理学和工业组织心理学。

    Just a few of the possible career options include clinical psychology , forensic psychology , health psychology and industrial-organizational psychology .

  29. 位于榜单最末的是临床心理学,它是最不值钱的大学专业。

    On the opposite end of the spectrum is clinical psychology , which came in as the least valuable college major .

  30. 结论构建以力量与美德为核心取向的积极临床心理学模式,将成为传统临床心理学的有益补充。

    Conclusion The positive clinical psychology that focuses on human strengths and virtues will be available supplement for traditional clinical psychology .