
lín chuánɡ yào lǐ xué
  • clinical pharmacology
  1. 基因转录另路剪接及其在临床药理学的研究进展

    Alternative splicing of gene transcription and its progress in clinical pharmacology

  2. 药物防治的临床药理学与水产药物学问题

    Clinical Pharmacology and Aquatic Materia Medica in Pharmacal Treatment and Prevention

  3. 非处方药分类管理制度与临床药理学的发展

    The Sorting Administration System of OTC and Development of Clinical Pharmacology

  4. 抗心律失常药胺碘酮临床药理学研究进展

    Advance in search for clinical pharmacology on antiarrhythmic drug of amiodarone

  5. 神经网络模型及其在临床药理学中的应用

    Neural networks model and its application in clinical pharmacology

  6. 在体微透析技术及其在临床药理学中的应用

    The technique of in vivo microdialysis sampling and its application in clinical pharmacology

  7. 紫杉醇的临床药理学和化疗新进展

    Advances of Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy of TAXOL

  8. 表阿霉素临床药理学分析

    An analytical study of clinical pharmacology on e-adm

  9. 抗生素临床药理学研究

    The study on clinical pharmacology of antibiotics

  10. 加强临床药理学实践教学为培养临床药师服务

    To Strengthen Practical Teaching of Clinical Pharmacology and to Server the Education of Clinical Pharmacist

  11. 中国临床药理学杂志

    The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

  12. 开设临床药理学课程的实践探索

    Practice and Exploration of Clinical Pharmacology

  13. 循证医学与临床药理学

    Evidence-based Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology

  14. 不同剂量炔诺酮庚酸酯长效避孕针的临床药理学研究

    Clinical pharmacological study on different doses of norethisterone oenanthate ( net-oen ) as a Longacting injectable contraceptive

  15. 抗肿瘤药物临床药理学

    Clinical pharmacology of anti-neoplastic drugs

  16. 结论:在临床药理学教学中采用互动式教学法可行。

    Conclusion : It is feasible to use the interactive teaching method in theory course of clinical pharmacology .

  17. 本文简要介绍循证医学,并探讨循证医学与临床药理学的联系。

    This paper briefly introduces the conception of evidence-based medicine ( EBM ), and quests the relation between EBM and clinical Pharmacology .

  18. 小分子与生物大分子的相互作用研究已经成为化学、生命科学及临床药理学的重要研究内容。

    The molecular interactions between molecule and biological molecular have become of an important research field in chemistry , life sciences and clinical medicine .

  19. 方法:随机抽取2002年度门急诊处方,根据临床药理学知识及文献资料,对不合理的抗生素用药处方进行分析,并加以分类统计。

    Method : The prescriptions of outpatient and emergency department were random selected and irrational antibiotics prescriptions were analysed according to pharmacological knowledge and literatures .

  20. 方法:从临床药理学及病理生理学角度评价与分析该类药物在心血管系统的应用新进展以及在非心血管系统中的新用途。

    METHODS : Patho-physiologically and pharmacologically , we analyse and evaluate the progress of these drugs used in cardiovascular diseases and new usage in other diseases .

  21. 方法随机抽取该院2003年度门诊、急诊处方,根据临床药理学知识及文献资料对抗菌药物不合理应用情况进行分析。

    [ Methods ] Prescriptions of the outpatients department and emergency department in 2003 were randomly collected and analyzed according to clinical pharmacological knowledge and documental data .

  22. 本文折射出我国临床药理学的发展,也反应了我国新药政策在管理执行中对我国临床药理学科和中国临床药理学杂志发展的促进作用。

    It also refles that administration and implementation of the national drug policy have promoted the advance in the China 's clinical pharmacology and Chin J Clin Pharmacol .

  23. 本文关注现今倍受争论的可可粉、黄烷醇与健康问题。摘录自英国期刊《临床药理学》。

    An extract from the Clinical Pharmacology by Norman K Hollenberg , Harold Schmitz , Ian Macdonald , Neil Poulter presents the issues concerning cocoa , flavanols and health .

  24. 方法:随机抽取我院2005~2006年门、急诊处方,根据临床药理学知识及文献资料,对不合理应用抗菌药物的处方进行分类、统计与分析。

    METHODS : Prescriptions from outpatient and emergency departments of our hospital were randomly selected , and irrational antibiotics prescriptions were sorted , audited and analyzed as per related pharmacological knowledge and literature .

  25. 在临床药理学的研究中,我们要更充分地应用循证医学的方法,克服现存循证医学中的局限性,以此推动临床药理学的建设和发展。

    We should more competently use the method of EBM , and correct the defect of EBM in the researches on clinical pharmacology so as to prompt the construction and development of clinical pharmacology .

  26. 研究小分子与生物大分子相互作用已成为化学、生命科学及临床药理学的重要研究内容,但是农药小分子与生物大分子间的相互作用研究尚未得到普遍重视。

    The interaction between small molecule and biological macromolecules has become of an important research field in chemistry , life science and clinical medicine . But less attention has been paid to the interaction between pesticides with biological macromolecules .

  27. 结论:《中国临床药理学杂志》临床治疗随机对照试验论文数呈逐年增加,但也存在一些问题,其质量仍有待提高。

    Conclusion : A1though the quantity Of RCT in The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology has been increased significantly year by year , but there still exist some problems , the quality of RCT papers needs more improvement to guarantee RCT to be more precise as it demands .

  28. 本文简要介绍TTX的起源、毒性作用机制、毒性控制、临床及药理学上的应用,及其存在的问题和应用前景。

    In this text , the origin of TTX , the mechanism of toxin , the control of toxin , the application of TTX in clinically and the existing problems etc were reviewed .

  29. 酒精性心肌病:病理生理,临床与药理学

    Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy : Pathology , Physiology , Clinical and Pharmacology

  30. 国产环丙沙星盐酸盐的临床前药理学研究&Ⅱ.大鼠亚慢性毒性及一般药理作用

    The preclinical pharmacology studies of ciprofloxacin ⅱ . subacute toxicity and general pharmacological studies