
zhǔ jì zhǎng
  • Controller;comptroller general
  1. 在某些公司CFO、主计长或者其他会计部门职员在他们的常规职责之外承担了这项职能。

    In some companies the CFO , controller , or accounting staff performs this function in addition to their regular responsibilities .

  2. 主管方案规划、预算和帐务助理秘书长兼主计长

    Assistant Secretary-General for Programme Planning , Budget and Accounts , Controller

  3. 方案规划、预算和财务厅长兼主计长;

    Director of programme planning , budget and finance and controller ;

  4. 主管行政和管理的副秘书长帮办兼主计长

    Deputy to the Under-Secretary General for Administration and Management , and Controller

  5. 英国主计长

    By the Paymaster General , UK

  6. 安第斯保险主计长协会;

    Association of Andean insurance controllers ;

  7. 一个公司的主计长的职位应该比总裁助理的职位高吗?

    Should a company controller 's position be rated higher than that of assistant to the president ?

  8. 调整分录的编制非常具有挑战性,所以通常由主计长或优秀的会计师承担。

    Making adjusting entries is very challenging , so it is usually done by the controller or an excellent accountant .

  9. 主计长负责保持充分的内部控制并编制会计账簿和财务报表。

    The controller is responsible for the maintenance of adequate internal control and for the preparation of accounting records and financial statements .

  10. 一个公司最高的会计官员叫会计主任或主计长。

    The chief accounting officer of a company is the controller , or comptroller , as he or she is sometimes called .

  11. 由联合国主计长领导的方案规划、预算和账务厅是主要的控制机制。

    The UN Office of Programme Planning , Budget and Accounts , headed by the UN Controller , is the main control mechanism .

  12. 最高管理层一般包括总经理或首席执行官、主计长、财务主任和秘书。

    The top level of management usually includes a president or chief executive officer ( CEO ), a controller , a treasurer , and a secretary .