
zhǔ diào yīn yuè
  • homophony
  1. 音乐形式则表现为从单个音的线形思维(主调音乐)到多个音的立体思维(复调音乐),最后达到二者的共存;

    Musical forms have undergone from a single sound thinking ( homophony ) to a three-dimensional sound thinking ( polyphony ), and finally achieved both coexistence .

  2. 他在浪漫派这一主调音乐盛行的时期,特例独行地沉浸于复调音乐创作天地。

    He preferred counterpoint music writing that being very special in the period of Romantic , which homophony been dominated .

  3. 钢琴地位的提升,管弦乐队的标准编制,奏鸣曲式,室内乐,交响乐,音乐平衡感,音乐教化作用,纯音乐,协奏曲,主调音乐。

    The rise of piano , standardisation of the orchestra , Sonata form , chamber music , symphony , balance , enlightenment , absolute music , concerto , homophonic .

  4. 在主调的音乐作品中镶嵌复调音乐形式的织体,用复调音乐对主调音乐进行装饰,是贝多芬善用的技术手法之一。

    In music works enchase fabric of polyphonic forms , it is universal phenomenon that homophony decorates to polyphony . It is one of the technical approaches Beethoven usually uses .