
  • 网络uxin banner;Uxin;Uxen Qi;Uxin Qi
  1. 第一部分:笔者首先针对乌审旗生态移民政策实施背景进行分析,而后针对该地区生态移民政策的具体实施状况及成效进行阐述。

    Firstly , the author first aims at background of the Uxin banner ecology immigrants policy , and then analyzes based on specific implementation measures and effectiveness of the local ecology immigrants policy .

  2. 近45年内蒙古乌审旗气候变化对沙尘天气的影响

    Climatic Change and Its Effect on Dust Weather in Uxin Banner of Inner Mongolia in Recent 45 Years

  3. 基于遥感与GIS的乌审旗土地利用变化研究

    Research on Land Use Change of Uxin Qi

  4. 基于3S技术的内蒙古乌审旗景观格局研究

    Research on Landscape Pattern of Uxin Qi in Inner Mongolia Based on " 3S " Technology

  5. 乌审旗草场中营养类型为碳氮型(CN)的草场占据最大比重。此外,还有碳氮-灰分型(CN-A)、碳型(C)草场。

    The CN of the nutritive type of the grassland takes the big proportion , besides , there are CN-A and C types .

  6. 从总体看,乌审旗草地质量较好,但产草量较低,草地资源属于中等中下级水平;

    To the whole , the quality of the grass is better , but the quantity is lower .

  7. 在榆林、乌审旗、苏里格庙和神木等地区的上古生界天然气勘探、开发阶段取得了显著效果,使长庆油田上古生界天然气储量连续八年保持稳定增长。

    , so that the Upper Paleozoic gas reserve has been stably increasing for eight years in Changqing Oilfield .

  8. 流化床气化炉内煤颗粒的升温过程及影响内蒙古乌审旗土地沙漠化退化过程研究

    Temperature rise process of coal particle in a fluidized bed gasifier and its influence Research on Desertification of Uxin Qi in Inner Mongolia

  9. 本文拟从乌审旗生态移民行政补偿的实施状况、存在的问题和原因以及对策三大部分入手,进行相应论述。

    According to Uxin banner ecology immigration administration compensation implementation condition , and the existence problems , this article proposes from three major parts .

  10. 乌审旗位于鄂尔多斯草原的核心区,保存了典型的蒙古族传统文化,其经济的迅猛发展为文化的发展奠定了基础。

    Wushen County lies in the core of Ordos prairie , and keeps typical Mongol traditional cultures whose foundation is the rapidly economical development .