
  • 网络Uranus;Ouranos;uranos
  1. 泰坦神,盖亚和乌拉诺斯之子,是太阳神。

    Titan , the son of Gaea and Uranus and the fathter of Helios , Selene , Eos .

  2. 大地女神盖亚,嫁给了天神乌拉诺斯,是泰坦诸神和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲。

    The goddess of the earth who bore and married Uranus and was the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes .

  3. 她是乌拉诺斯与赫墨拉之女,后与阿多尼斯结婚。

    Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordingly married Adonis .

  4. 乌拉诺斯,最早的主神,是天的化身,大地女神的儿子和配偶,泰坦诸神和库克罗普斯的父亲。

    The eariest supreme god , a personification of the sky who was the son and consort of Gaea and the father of the Cyclopes and titans .

  5. 泰坦一个巨人家族的一位成员,这个家族是乌拉诺斯和盖亚的子女,他们试图统治天国,但被宙斯家族推翻并取代。

    One of a family of giants , the children of Uranus and Gaea , who sought to rule heaven and were overthrown and supplanted by the family of Zeus .

  6. 某日宙斯临幸了慧聪女神墨提斯,事后他才忆起盖亚和乌拉诺斯的预言——墨提斯将生下比自己更强的孩子。

    One day Zeus had a liaison with one Metis , goddess of craftiness . Too late , he remembered a prophecy that predicted Metis 's children would be more powerful than their father .