
  • 网络Robust;ROBUSTS
  1. 乐百氏桶装水四川营销策略研究

    Study on the Marketing Strategies of Robust Barreled Drinking Water in Sichuan

  2. 你每天都喝乐百氏奶吗?

    Do you drink the robust milk every day ?

  3. 乐百氏奶和乐百氏钙奶导致牙釉质脱矿的比较研究

    Comparative study of demineralization on bovine enamel by two kinds of sugar-containing milk

  4. 最后,针对乐百氏桶装水营口地区的营销策略进行了全面、细致和重点的分析,从营销的角度对营口乐百氏桶装水公司的具体运作方式和方法进行了描述。

    Finally , aiming for the marketing strategies of this company , the thesis carries out the complete , detailed and emphasized analysis .

  5. 国庆祝你:百事可乐!万事芬达天天哇哈哈!时时乐百氏!刻刻高乐高!心情似雪碧!永远都醒目!

    Celebrate your country : pepsi ! Everything drinks ! Wow daily ha ha ! Constantly improve ! Keke MacLeod high ! Feeling like sprite ! Always smart !

  6. 深入分析乐百氏桶装水在营口地区销售策略的实施依据以及实践活动,并给出了该公司未来营销策略的发展方向。

    Finally , it summarizes the theoretical basis and practice activities of the marketing strategies of this company , and bring out the marketing strategy in the future .

  7. 食品饮料产业:我区拥有华润啤酒、统一企业、百事可乐饮料、乐百氏矿泉水、武汉烟草、双汇食品、蒙牛乳业、光明乳业、友芝友乳业、如意来福等一批知名企业和品牌。

    Food and beverage industry : the Development Zone has some famous enterprises and brands such as and Huarun beer , President enterprise , Pepsi beverage , robust drinking water , Wuhan tobacco , Shanghui food , Mengniu milk , bright milk , youzhiyou milk and ruyilaifu .