
  • 网络monopsony;monopoly;Oligopsony
  1. 文章探讨了劳动力市场买方垄断条件下最低工资对就业的影响。

    This paper studies the employment effect of minimum wages in the monopsony labor market .

  2. 在美国,一家公司利用买方垄断使供应商降低价格,不构成非法行为。

    In the US , the simple use by one company of monopsony power to extract lower prices from suppliers is not illegal .

  3. 需求波动下买方垄断电力企业的后向一体化

    Backward Integration by Electricity Monopsonist under Fluctuation of Demand

  4. 论买方垄断势力下跨国公司对当地配套企业的纵向压榨

    Analysis on the Vertical Squeeze on Local Suppliers by the Oligopsony Power of MNC

  5. 本文主要研究买方垄断(用户垄断)的存在、成因以及防范的措施。

    The article mainly researches the existence , the cause of formation and preventing measures of buyer monopoly .

  6. 买方垄断所造成的低效率,对消费者转嫁的费用负担,至少是双层或者双层以上的。

    Low efficiency brought about by buyer monopoly , and relevant costs transferred to consumer are at least double or more .

  7. 大型零售商滥收进场费等费用的买方垄断行为,危害了公平交易的市场原则和有效竞争,的是反垄断法的调整范围,反垄断法应对其加以规制。

    This monopolistic act has endangered the market principles and competition , so it fall into the scale of the antimonopoly law .

  8. 在垄断-垄断竞争的市场结构下,处于买方垄断的军方可能利用自己强大的市场支配力压低装备价格,近而造成价格侵蚀成本现象;

    On the market of monopsony - monopolistic competition structure , the buyer may use its market power to pull the prices of weapons down to the costs .

  9. 比如说,如果作为劳动力购买方的雇主拥有买方垄断权力并且能够设定薪资,那么他们就能够将付给工人的报酬维持在低于竞争价格的水平之下。

    If employers have monopsony power as buyers of labour and are able to set wages , for instance , they can keep pay below its competitive rate .

  10. 我国计划经济时期政府制定的粮食统购统销价格是国家垄断价格,其中统购价格是买方垄断价格,统销价格是卖方垄断价格。

    The government-formulated price for grain purchasing and marketing during the Planned Economy Period is state monopoly price , of which the purchasing price is buyer-monopoly price and the marketing price , seller 's monopoly price .

  11. 在现有市场垄断的研究中,主要侧重于卖方市场的垄断及其市场行为的影响,而对于买方垄断及其市场行为的研究显得较为薄弱。

    The present research of market monopoly usually puts its emphasis on the effect of the monopoly of seller market , but it is weakly on the research of buyer monopoly and its behavior of market .

  12. 继而,将最低工资制度引入劳动力市场供求曲线分析中,探讨了完全竞争劳动力市场和买方垄断劳动力市场中,最低工资对市场均衡工资和就业的影响。

    Then , we put the minimum wage system into the analysis of labor market supply and demand curve , discussing the effect of minimum wage one equilibrium wage and employment in perfectly competitive labor market and monopsony labor market .

  13. 第二,在产业链条各环节的收益分配上,渠道端的买方垄断使游船公司在获取船票收益方面处于弱势地位,仅仅占有三分之一的份额。

    Second , on the income distribution in the industrial chain links , the monopolized buyer in the channel side put the cruise company in a weak position to obtain the ticket proceeds , only occupies a third of the share .