
hù dònɡ ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • interactive advertisement
  1. 尽管如此,Directtv,Comcast和TimeWarnerCable几家公司还是在互动广告上倾其所有进行投资。

    But DirecTV , Comcast and Time Warner Cable have all invested in it .

  2. 设计和销售互动广告的BrightLineITV认为该领域的利润已经初步浮现,它预计自己的收入本年将会增长到三倍。

    BrightLine iTV , which designs and sells interactive ads , says interest has surged : it expects its revenues almost to triple this year .

  3. 联合利华最近在为它的AXE牌除臭剂进行互动广告推广,观众的平均参与时间超过了3分钟。

    Unilever recently ran an interactive campaign for its Axe deodorant , which kept viewers engaged for more than three minutes on average .

  4. Bskyb,英国最大的卫星电视服务公司已经在向其900万用户提供互动广告了。

    BSkyB , Britain 's biggest satellite-television service , already provides 9 million customers with interactive ads.

  5. 由主要的有线电视内容提供商联盟CanoeVentures引领的一个新努力旨在让互动广告在今年年末普及全美。

    A new effort led by Canoe Ventures , a coalition of leading cable providers , aims to make interactive advertising available across America later this year .

  6. 所以Cablevision,一家美国有线电视公司决定于10月6日全面向用户铺开互动广告的新闻遭到了不少质疑。

    So the news that Cablevision , an American cable company , was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism .

  7. 互动广告一旦启用,Cablevision的大卫·克莱恩说,“很多流向互联网的钱将重新回到电视中,”

    With the launch of interactive advertising , " many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV , " says David Kline of Cablevision .

  8. 花费在电视互动广告上的钱仍然很少。

    The amount spent on interactive advertising on television is still small .

  9. 互动广告和它的观众今后未必会合拍。

    Interactive ads and viewers might not go well together .

  10. 理论上讲,互动广告可以达到30秒插播广告无法企及的观众参与度。

    In theory , interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not .

  11. 对IPTV广告成功战略的研究&以三星电子又一家庭互动广告活动事例为中心

    Study on the success strategy of IPTV advertisement : based on Samsung Electronics ' Another Family ' interactive advertising campaign

  12. 这一声明也得到了美国互动广告局(InteractiveAdvertisingBureau)的支持。

    The association of national advertisers and the American Association of advertising agencies released a " statement of best practices " on Thursday , which also has the support of the Interactive Advertising Bureau .

  13. MikeFung是一家互动广告公司的媒体制作人,同时他也是上海Foursquare早期用户之一。

    Mike Fung is a media producer at an interactive agency and was one of the early adopters of Foursquare in Shanghai .

  14. 然后对3G手机互动广告系统进行了需求分析,在此基础上对整个系统进行了总体设计,接着对系统的实现进行了详细介绍。

    Then the requirements on the 3G Interactive advertising system are analyzed , based on the study of above , we designed the new whole system and then described the system implementation in detail .

  15. 舆观(YouGov)为美国互动广告局(InteractiveAdvertisingBureau)所做的一份调查显示,在使用广告拦截软件的英国成年人中,有超过半数的人表示,如果关闭拦截软件是访问某网站的唯一办法,那他们会关掉它。

    More than half of UK adults using an ad blocker said they would switch it off if doing so was the only way to access a website , according to a survey by YouGov for the Interactive Advertising Bureau .

  16. 马尔凯塞是一家叫做TrueX的小型初创企业的联合创始人。TrueX是一家广告科技公司,它用一个互动广告,取代了一系列网络、移动设备和数码电视上的标准广告或视频广告。

    Mr. Marchese was the co-founder of a small start-up called TrueX , an advertising technology company that replaced a slate of standard advertisements or video commercials - on the web , mobile and digital TV - with one interactive ad.

  17. 对互动广告中的性别身份建构的统计分析

    A Statistic Analysis of the Construction of Gender Identity in Interactive Advertisements

  18. 程序由旧金山互动广告公司AKQA开发,将包括指导性训练视频。

    The app , created by AKQA , an interactive ad firm in San Francisco , will include instructional drill videos .

  19. 是广州市粤健三和软件有限公司旗下提供互动广告及网络营销解决方案的专业公司。

    Guangzhou City , Guangdong , Amoy craftsman Kenzo and Software 's interactive advertising and online marketing solutions for professional companies .

  20. 然而,随着这些识别码越来越多地用于市场营销,智能手机用户开始可以通过该识别码访问网站与互动广告,于是这种代码也开始接受“整容”。

    But as the codes began being used for marketing directing smartphone-equipped consumers to websites and interactive advertisements they started receiving makeovers .

  21. 这种强调受众参与程度,并且由受众的参与程度来决定该广告的效果的广告,就是互动广告。

    This emphasis on audience participation , and participation by the audience to determine the effect of advertising of thead is the interactive advertising .

  22. 互动广告局和普华永道在本周三发布的一项报告中称,互联网广告收入持续增长。

    Internet advertising revenue continues to rise , according to a report released Wednesday by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Price water house Coopers .

  23. 《体育画报》主管特里麦克多内尔协助创作了一段未来风格的视频,内容是一期假想的杂志,充满了神奇的图片和互动广告。

    Terry MCDONELL , who oversees sports illustrated , helped create a futuristic-seeming video of a hypothetical issue filled with whizzy graphics and interactive ads.

  24. 这种增长表明,“广告客户正从数字营销中获得强劲的业绩回报,”互动广告局首席执行官兰德尔·罗森伯格在一份声明中说。

    Such growth points to " the strong results that marketers are receiving from digital marketing , " IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg said in a statement .

  25. 他表示,尽管今年只有少数几个品牌开始试验新式互动广告,但预计明年会有数百个品牌采用这种营销方式。

    He says that while this year a handful of brands were experimenting with the new interactive advertisements , he expects hundreds of campaigns next year .

  26. 由国际数字艺术与科学学院主办的威比奖表彰网站,互动广告和媒体,网上电影和视频,和手机和应用软件。

    Presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences , the Webby 's recognized Websites , interactive advertising and media , online film and video , and mobile and apps .

  27. 只有最大限度的符合受众的需求特点的广告创意才是最人性化的。融情入景的互动广告可以让受众更加立体、多角度的接受信息。

    Only the maximum consistent with the needs of the audience the most creative features of " humane . "" Financial circumstances into view " the interactive advertising can make the audience more three-dimensional , multi-angle receive the information .

  28. 随着新技术的不断涌现,广告创意不再被传统广告设计的框架所限制,开始由平面及电视走向在线并把发展的重心转移到互动广告上。

    With the emerging of new technology , the creativity of advertising have been no longer limited by traditional advertising design , and begin to move from print advertising and television to internet , and put great emphasis on interactive advertising .

  29. 允许观众使用遥控来点击的互动电视广告已经被推行多年。

    Interactive television advertising , which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements , has been pushed for years .

  30. “从十年前甚至十二年前开始就已经在预测互动电视广告时代即将到来,”来自一家数字媒体咨询公司的科林·狄克逊如此说道。

    " It 's been the year of interactive television advertising for the last ten or twelve years , " says Colin Dixon of a digital-media consultancy .