
  1. 互联网的体育营销欧洲洗浴用品市场

    Network Marketing of GYM Bath and shower sales slow down in Europe

  2. 互联网中文体育网页现状及对策

    Chinese Sports Webpage in Internet

  3. 互联网的体育营销

    Network Marketing of GYM

  4. 运用现代传媒理论,分析了互联网在体育信息传播中的应用现状。结果表明,互联网在历次重大体育信息传播中承担重要角色;

    Using the modern medium theory , the present study has analyzed the status of application of internet to the sports information dissemination .

  5. 从依赖网络到利用网络&谈互联网时代体育新闻版面的编处创新高校学报编辑的新职责:网络查新与学术维权

    From Depending on Network to Making Use of Network & On the Creativity of Sports Page Edition in Internet Era Novelty Assessment via Network and Protection for Academic Copyright

  6. 互联网上的体育记分板就是此类应用程序的一个例子。

    An Internet sports scoreboard is one example of this sort of application .

  7. 顺应时代发展的潮流,互联网与群众体育组织的结合,给群众体育的开展提供了更为广阔的空间。

    Conform to the trend of the era development , Internet and mass sports organization , combined with the development of mass sports to provide a broader space .

  8. 据新华社报道,九月,阿里巴巴与新浪共同成立了阿里巴巴体育集团,目的是通过互联网重塑中国体育产业的发展。

    Alibaba set up the Alibaba Sports Group together with Sina in September , with the goal of reshaping China 's sports industry through the Internet , the Xinhua News Agency reported in September .