
Yà dānɡ
  • Adam
  • Adam, ancester of mankind in the stories of Holly Bible
亚当 [yà dāng]
  • [Adam,ancester of mankind in the stories of Holly Bible] 传说中人类的始祖,由《圣经》故事而来

  1. 亚当按了一个按钮,然后等着乘坐电梯。

    Adam pressed a button and waited for the lift .

  2. 亚当在撞车事故中平安脱险,只受了点划伤和擦伤。

    Adam walked away from the crash with just cuts and grazes .

  3. 亚当经常呆在他祖父的办公室里。

    Adam spent a lot of time in his grandfather 's office

  4. 女孩儿一哭,亚当立即从座位上跳了起来。

    Adam jumped from his seat at the girl 's cry

  5. 亚当蹒跚而行,沿路留下毁坏的痕迹。

    Adam stumbles on , leaving a trail of devastation in his wake

  6. 亚当足够聪明,但是他也有点自私自利。

    Adam is clever enough , but he 's also something of an egomaniac .

  7. 至于她和亚当的婚约,我看兆头不妙。

    As for her engagement with Adam , I would say the portents are gloomy .

  8. 我在儿子亚当出世后开始从事自由职业,自此一帆风顺。

    I went freelance when my son Adam was born , and have never looked back .

  9. 亚当寻求上帝的指引。

    Adam sought guidance from the Almighty

  10. “听着,”我分析道,“要弄清楚亚当想要干什么很容易。”

    ' Listen , ' I reasoned , ' it doesn 't take a genius to figure out what Adam 's up to . '

  11. “你知道上周五亚当出了什么事吗?”林赛低声问托里。

    " Did you hear what happened to Adam Last Friday ? " Lindsey whispers to Tori .

  12. 他想和他最好的朋友亚当一起去东欧旅游两个月。

    He would like to spend two months visiting Eastern Europe with his best friend Adam .

  13. 亚当。斯密问题”有不同的逻辑层面

    The Adam Smith Problem has different levels of logics . “

  14. 亚当:炸鱼条。可好吃了。

    Adam : " Fried fish sticks . Yum . "

  15. 亚当:杰里米,你今晚要去约瑟的派对吗?

    Adam : Jeremy , are you going to Jose 's party tonight ?

  16. 亚当提出了多媒体应用的问题,从而引发了许多有益的讨论。

    Adam raised the issue of multimedia applications and much useful discussion ensued .

  17. 亚当:哦,我明白你的意思了。

    Adam : Oh , I got you .

  18. 亚当:在尝过那个皮塔三明治蛋卷后,我决定制作自己的“弗兰肯食品”。

    Example : Adam : " After eating that gyro egg-roll , I decided to make my own Frankenfood . "

  19. 在天堂里,亚当对上帝说“我太寂寞了,我须要一个人陪我.”

    In the Eden , Adam told the God : " I 'm lonely , I need a company . "

  20. 亚当:我开始以为苏珊这个人很酷,但接触得多了,才发现她真是个不易察觉的神经质。

    Adam : I thought6 Susan was7 a cool person8 until9 I moved in with her and turns out she 's a major10 closet11 psycho .

  21. 彼得•兰扎和亚当的哥哥瑞安被美国联邦调查局质询但并不是嫌疑人,执法部门的消息人士告诉《people》。

    Peter Lanza and Adam 's older brother Ryan were questioned by the FBI but are not suspects , a law enforcement source tells PEOPLE .

  22. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)高级自由编辑亚当•拉辛斯基主持了伊萨克森的谈话。

    Fortune senior editor at large Adam lashinsky moderated the talk .

  23. 对于新手来说,一切都是那么震撼人心。这次,奇德和亚当直接雇用了WestPoint贫民窟的一整个妇女团体。

    It must have been a shock for the newcomers ; this time around , Chid and Adam had hired the entire group from the slum of West Point .

  24. 曾任巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)全球市场数据主管的亚当•班尼特(AdamBennett),早在1999年就注意到了这方面的机遇。

    Adam Bennett , formerly head of global market data at Barclays Capital , spotted the opportunity back in 1999 .

  25. 小说的第一部中有《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆之城》(Batman:ArkhamCity)的画师亚当•阿彻作品的影子,将于2014年3月出版。

    The first graphic novel , which features art from Batman : Arkham City artist Adam Archer , launches in March 2014 .

  26. 亚当•汤姆森(AdamThomson)巴黎、詹姆斯•波利提(JamesPoliti)罗马和邓肯•罗宾逊(DuncanRobinson)补充报道

    With additional reporting by Adam Thomson in Paris , James Politi in Rome and Duncan Robinson

  27. 亚当•伯斯沃斯,Keas公司创始人兼CEO

    Adam Bosworth founder and CEO , keas

  28. 去年夏天,高盛(GoldmanSachs)聘请了亚当•格兰特(AdamGrant),他是一位作家兼学者,并曾作为顾问为谷歌(Google)和制药企业默克(Merck)工作过。

    Last summer , Goldman Sachs hired Adam Grant , an author , academic and consultant who has worked with Google and Merck , the drugmaker .

  29. 在第七季最后一集《再见》当中,瑞秋嫁给了相恋已久的由帕特里克·J·亚当饰演的男友麦克·罗斯。

    In the final episode of season seven , which is titled " Good-Bye , " Rachel marries her longtime boyfriend Mike Ross , played by Patrick J Adams .

  30. 无独有偶,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的分析师亚当o乔纳斯也将特斯拉的目标股价定为320美元,并称它是世界上最重要的汽车公司。

    Not to be out-done , Adam Jonas of Morgan Stanley established a $ 320 price target and calls Tesla it the most important car company in the world .