
  1. 薮中现年64岁,曾任外务省亚洲大洋洲局局长、外务审议官,最高官至事务次官,相当于副外长,是外务省级别最高的“官僚”,即公务员。

    Yabu-naka served as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ' Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau Director-General . He has been a diplomat for nearly forty years . Sato joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974 .

  2. 这名外交官是外务省亚洲及大洋洲事务局局长杉山晋辅(ShinsukeSugiyama),按计划他将于明天回国。

    The diplomat , Shinsuke Sugiyama , director-general of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau , Ministry of Foreign Affairs , is scheduled to return tomorrow .