
  • 网络Cross processing
  1. SA与高温交叉处理对葡萄叶片蛋白激酶活性的影响

    Influence of Salicylic Acid and High-temperature Overlapping Processing on the Activity of Protein Kinase in Grape Leaves

  2. 溢流堰在污雨水管道交叉处理中的应用

    Application of overfall weir in crossing of wastewater and rainwater pipelines

  3. 浅埋暗挖施工中的隧道交叉处理方案比较

    Treatment of tunnel crossing in the construction of shallow-covered excavation

  4. 面向对象开发技术在道路交叉处理中的应用

    Application of Object-Oriented Programming in Road Cross-Processing

  5. 本算法还解决了有关的关键技术,其中包括网格交叉处理,边界的光滑处理,网格的整合和光滑等。

    Several key techniques are also solved , including mesh intersecting , boundary smoothing , mesh smoothing and cleanup etc.

  6. 然后用不同胁迫交叉处理,检测新的特异蛋白的表达变化情况,以此作为一个方面来反映玉米响应不同逆境胁迫启动的系统抗性及其交叉适应现象。

    Then treated with more cross stresses , detected changes of its expression content in order to illuminate the mechanism of systemic resisitance and cross adaptation response to different stresses .

  7. 研究复杂背景下红外图像小目标检测问题,提出一种基于小波分析互能量交叉处理的目标检测方法。

    The small target detection method of infrared imagery in complex background of sea and sky in studied , and an algorithm based on wavelet analysis and mutual energy combination is presented .

  8. 研究实现了二轴线切割编程中的若干算法,包括电极丝轨迹的生成、轨迹和模型相关、汉字字符轮廓交叉处理和塌角预防算法等。

    Subsequently , several algorithms of 2-axis WEDM programming are researched and implemented , which include the path generation of the electrode wire , correlation of model and wire path , intersections of glyphs of Chinese characters and prevention of flaw .

  9. 结果表明:随着渗透胁迫程度加大和胁迫时间的延长,新疆大果沙枣叶片中相对含水量逐步下降,叶片膜脂过氧化程度加重,丙二醛含量持续上升,交叉处理减缓了水分胁迫的伤害程度;

    The results showed that as the time went on and the stress gradually increased , relative water content descended gradually , leaf membrane liquid peroxidation ascended , the malondialdehyde content increased evidently , the cross treatment reduced the degree of water stress .

  10. 根据多层DEM建模的概念,按岩性对多层DEM进行了交叉划分处理。

    In the light of multi-DEM set-up model idea , pursuant to lithology , the intersection division for multi-DEM proceeded .

  11. 图形法中节点对交叉的处理

    The Treatment of Intersection of Node Pairs in Graph Method

  12. 最后加入附加剩余样本进行交叉验证处理,直到算法满足收敛性准则。

    The samples of rest are used for cross validating till the algorithm is convergence .

  13. 对时间轴压缩扩展过的淡入侧的信号序列、和淡出侧的信号序列进行交叉渐变处理。

    The fade-in and fade-out acoustic signals compacted and expanded on the time axis are cross fade processed .

  14. 通过可行解与不可行解的算术交叉来处理约束条件,避免了由于引入惩罚因子而带来的麻烦。

    The constraints are handled by the arithmetic crossover of the feasible solutions and the infeasible solutions , so a trouble which is caused by introducing the penalty factor is avoided .

  15. 鉴于目前在民刑交叉案件处理上,立法上不够完善,司法上也相当的混乱的状况。

    In view of the fact that present processes to the case crossing of the civil law and criminal law , in legislation insufficient consummation , in judicature also suitable confusion condition .

  16. 结果表明:皂角的存活率、苗高、生物量以及根系比重在干旱、轻度盐分和中度干旱与盐分的交叉胁迫处理下均能维持在较高的水平;

    The results show that the survival rate , the height of seedlings , the biomass and root weight ratio all kept at a high level under drought , light salt and their intercrossing stress ;

  17. 采用协调控制的空间布局优化根据主路是否存在中央分隔带,进行了相应的设计;作为一个交叉口处理的空间布局优化主要考虑次路做单向交通以及左转待行区的设置。

    The design uses coordinated control of spatial layout optimization based on whether the main road has medial strip . The spatial layout optimization as an intersection consider that the second way is one-way traffic and turn left waiting settings .

  18. 城市排水管线与其它管线交叉问题的处理对策

    Treatment Countermeasures of Overlapping Problem About City Drainage Pipeline and Other Pipeline

  19. 工程图扫描图象中交叉区域识别处理方法的研究

    Methods for Crossing Area Recognition in Scanned Engineering Drawings

  20. 市政管道交叉冲突的处理方法

    Treatment Method Of Intersection Conflict In Municipal Pipeline Layout

  21. 增强密度纵向分辨率的交叉褶积处理技术

    The Cross - Convolution Compensation Enhancing Vertical Resolution of Dual Detector Density Logs

  22. 城市斜交叉路口平面处理

    Treatment of Urban Skew Intersections at Grade

  23. 在司法实践中,刑民交叉案件的处理一直都是个难题。

    The handling of interlocked penal and civil cases has always been a tough problem in judicial practice .

  24. 针对某些有争议的刑民交叉案件的处理,以案例指导的形式进行发布,可以保障执法的稳定性。

    The way to deal with discussing cross cases should be publicized by case guidance will ensure the stability of execution .

  25. 该方法可对多个弱目标同时实现检测、定位、跟踪和运动分析,避免了多目标跟踪中的数据关联、轨迹交叉等信号处理难点,提高了算法的适用性。

    By the method , the detection , localization and target motion analysis can be realized simultaneously for multiple targets in low SNR .

  26. 本文将在分析相关法理研究的基础上,对刑民交叉案件的处理提出一些建议。

    This paper will analyze the relevant legal principles on the basis of the study , and put forward some suggestions to deal with the criminal civil cross case .

  27. 该文在研究整个矢量化的过程中,提出了在边缘跟踪过程中的方向模板的自适应调节方法,分析了交叉点的处理方法;

    In the course of researching image vectorization , an auto-adapting adjust approach based on direction module is proposed to track image edges , and the method of processing intersection point is analyzed .

  28. 被害人过错责任对刑罚裁量及民事赔偿的影响先刑后民原则的异化与扬弃&兼论刑民交叉案件的处理模式

    How Victim s Fault Liability Affects Criminal Sentence ; The Alienation and Sublation in the Principle of ' Criminal First Civil Second ' & Solution to Cases Involving both Criminal and Civil Liability

  29. 本文介绍了输电线路平断面图的特点和绘制时对不同地物地貌的综合取舍以及对风偏、交叉跨越的处理。

    This article introduces the characteristic of the plane and profile in the power transmission line engineeing and the accept or reject after analysis by synthesis when doing with all kinds of ground object in protracting .

  30. 我国法院民刑交叉案件的处理,一直都被先刑后民的模式所垄断,不可否认,它在提高诉讼的效率和效益方面,是值得肯定的。

    Our court the cross of the civil law and criminal law was " criminal action priority over civil action " pattern , undeniably , this pattern is worth affirmation on improving lawsuit efficiency and benefit .