
  • 网络industry correlation effect;industry linkage effects
  1. FDI主要通过技术溢出效应、竞争效应、人员流动效应、示范和模范效应以及产业关联效应来影响着我国高技术产业的自主创新。

    FDI affects independent innovation in the high-tech industry of China mainly through technology spillover , competition , talent flow , demonstration and model effects as well as correlative effect among industries .

  2. 因此,中国应逐步将外资激励政策从超国民待遇向提高产业关联效应、集聚效应、完善特定的需求配套等过渡,尽可能地增加从FDI中的利得。

    Therefore , in order to increase the welfare effect of FDI , China should timely adjust its FDI incentive policy from tax and rental preferential to the improvement of the regional industrial relevancy and opening extent .

  3. 集群区域MNE技术外溢能够通过竞争激励效应、产业关联效应、网络扩散效应等途径得以实现;

    Technology spillover of MNE can be realized by competition and inspiration , relationship of industries , diffusion of internet and so on .

  4. 河南旅游业产业关联效应分析

    An analysis of the industry linkage impacts of Henan tourism

  5. 西部地区具有发展旅游业的优势条件和市场需求,旅游业的产业关联效应能带动农业产业结构调整、农民收入结构的调整。

    Tourism industry can draw the adjustment of agricultural structure and income components in rural areas .

  6. 产业关联效应的计量分析及主导产业的选择

    The Metric Analysis of Correlative Effect among Industries and the Choice of Dominant Industry in Hebei

  7. 论奥运会的产业关联效应

    Discussion on Olympics Industrial Relations

  8. 因此,加快食品加工业发展是增强食品工业与农业之间产业关联效应的关键。

    So , quickening the development of food-processing industry is the key to strengthen the related effect of food-industry and agriculture .

  9. 第一章为导言,阐明了房地产业关联效应的研究背景,简要归纳总结了国内外研究现状。

    Part one is an introduction , clarifying the background of this paper , and briefly summarizes the research achievement in domestic and overseas .

  10. 其二是表现为外资企业的产业关联效应、示范效应和竞争效应等形式的间接技术进步效应。

    The second is the indirect effect of technological progress , performance of the industry association , demonstration effect and competitive effect for the foreign effect .

  11. 对此,可采用投入产出分析方法对产业关联效应“外移”的状况及相应的进出口替代效应进行测度与分析。

    Through the input-output analysis techniques , this paper measures and analyzes about the industry linkage " move outside " effect and the substitution effect of important in our country .

  12. 随着产业关联效应和经济乘数效应的凸现,越来越多的地区将旅游业确定为新的经济增长点或支柱产业。

    With the showing of industry 's related effect and economic multiplier effect , more and more regions have selected and confirmed tourist industry as new growth engine or the pillar industry .

  13. 近年来,旅游业在文化上的先导作用和强大的产业关联效应,使其对区域经济文化发展的推动作用得到普遍认同。

    In recent years , the leading role in cultural and the strong effect on industry association of tourism industry make its promotional effect on regional economic and cultural development widely accepted .

  14. 并将长三角地区与英国、美国、法国等国家文化创意产业关联效应进行静态分析并加以借鉴。

    Then compare the correlation effect of Cultural and Creative Industry of the Yangtze River Delta , British , United States , and France , and try to get lessons from what we find .

  15. 汽车制造业在我国工业中处于重要的地位,它不仅能创造巨大的工业产值,具有广泛的产业关联效应,而且能够强烈吸附高新技术,推进产业结构的高级化。

    Auto industry was an important industry in China , which not only produce high industry output value and broad industry relevancy effect , but also absorb high-tech and speed the improvement of industrial structure .

  16. 总的来说本文的思路就是要依据产业关联效应理论和区域比较优势理论,通过对主导产业和支柱产业两个方面的分析,最终找到我省应当确立的优先发展产业。

    In one word , the aim of this article is to make out the prior developing industries by analyzing the two aspects of leading industry and underpinning industry in the theory of correlative effect among industries and the theory of relative advantage of regions .

  17. 首先,本文分析技术外溢的传导途径,归纳出技术外溢的传导途径包括四种:一是竞争效应;二是技术模仿;三是产业关联效应;四是人员流动效应。

    First , this paper analyzes the conduction ways of technology spillover , and concludes the conduction ways including four kinds : the first is competition effect ; the second is technology imitation ; the third is industrial connection effect ; the fourth is personnel flow effect .

  18. 体现到对江浙沪制造业产业关联效应上,跨国公司在技术优势上受到的影响不大,在出口渠道优势受到很大的冲击,对不同行业的投资增速减缓和撤资程度不同。

    Reflected on the Jiangsu , Zhejiang and associated effects on the manufacturing industry , multinational companies on the technical advantages of being little affected by the great advantage in the export channel for the impact of investment in different sectors slowing down and withdrew to different degrees .

  19. 产业结构关联效应的现代控制模型及应用

    The modern control model and application of industrial structure effect

  20. 论体育产业结构关联效应

    Discussion on the Interrelation Effects of Sports Industrial Structure

  21. 因此本文对黑龙江省金融服务业与各产业的关联效应进行了研究,以期对黑龙江省金融服务业和其它各产业的发展提供一定的借鉴。

    This paper in order to provide certain reference to the development of Heilongjiang financial services and other various industrial .

  22. 中国汽车产业的关联效应明显,我国正处于快速经济发展阶段,研究与发挥汽车产业的产业关联效应具有重要意义。

    Since China is now under a period of fast development , it is of great significance of researching and tapping the correlation effect of automobile industry .

  23. 随着经济的发展,金融服务业与各产业的关联效应愈加重要。

    With the development of economy , the association effect between the Financial services and each industry is more and more important , therefore , which is this paper studied in Heilongjiang Province .

  24. 同时,房地产业具有关联效应,既能拉动工业与制造业的发展,又能促进部分第三产业、园林、旅游等行业的繁荣。

    Meanwhile , the real estate industry has a Correlation effect , both stimulating the development of industrial and manufacturing sector , but also to promote prosperity of some tertiary industry , landscape , tourism and other industries .

  25. 它具有对经济增长的贡献率高(发达国家汽车工业创造的财税、就业、出口占全国的比例都在10%左右)和产业关联带动效应大的特点。

    It possesses the characteristic of high contribution ratio to economy increase and high drive domino affect to associated industries . For instance , in developed countries , about 10 % of fortune , tax , employment , export created by automobile industry .

  26. 大型体育赛事的产业关联和波及效应的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Relevant Spread and Effect of Large Sports Competition

  27. 文化产业具有的关联效应越来越广,对其他产业产生了巨大的拉动作用。

    Effects associated with the cultural industries more widely to other industries has created an enormous stimulus .

  28. 第二,从国际对比视角综合分析房地产业的产业关联效应。

    Second , from the time dynamic and international comparative perspective , we analyzed the real estate industry associations .

  29. 在综合了考虑外资企业行业集聚度和产业关联的交互效应影响因素后,外资企业对内资企业的溢出效应更加显著。

    When considering the interaction effect influence of foreign-funded enterprises foreign-funded enterprises and industry association , the spillover effects of foreign-funded enterprises is more significant .

  30. 旅游产业强烈的关联效应和新农村建设任务的多样性使二者的衔接成为了可能。

    The strong correlation effect of tourism industry and the diversity of the task of new countryside construction provide the possibility of the linkage between the two systems .