
  • 网络Industrial Law;LAW OF LEGAL ENTITIES;Property of Lonv
  1. 论产业法的地位

    On the Property of the Bankrupt Position of Industrial Law

  2. 在经济法体系中,产业法应居于主导地位。

    In the economic law system , industrial law should take the leading position .

  3. 产业法具有综合系统性和平衡协调性。

    It is also systemic and balance law .

  4. 产业法属于经济法的调整范畴,因为:产业法是社会本位法,是公私兼顾、以公为主的法,处于社会法域;

    Industry law belongs to economic law .

  5. 通过经济法的历史逻辑可以演绎出产业法的初始推动力;

    The initial motive force of industrial law can be deduced through the historical logic of economic law .

  6. 逐步制定一套完善的学校教育产业法,促进学校体育教育产业化的形成;

    A set of perfect laws for school sports industry should be established to speed up the industrialization of school sports .

  7. 广义劳动价值与七次产业划分法

    Labor Value in Broad Sense and Seven Divisions in Industry

  8. 从337条款条文表述来看,它完全是一项国内产业保护法。

    It is entirely a domestic industry protection law .

  9. 五次产业分类法及其指标体系设计

    The Five-Time-Industry Classification Method and Designing of Index system

  10. 产业政策法若干问题研究

    Some Problems on the Industrial Policy Law

  11. 故二者的冲突不可避免。竞争法与产业政策法的冲突究其原因主要源于生产力的发展。

    Conflicts between competition law and industry law result from the development of productive forces .

  12. 而反垄断法实施的最大难题,就是反垄断法和产业政策法的协调。

    The biggest problem for the implementation is the coordination between industrial policy and anti-monopoly law .

  13. 同时,借助信托这一渠道融资,规避了产业基金法缺失所带来的法律风险。

    At the same time , the law risk of financing could be evaded by trust company .

  14. 第四部分是对产业结构法的另一组成部分&产业结构改善法的制定和完善问题的研究。

    The fourth part is the research on the legislation and improvement of Industrial Structure improvement Law .

  15. 我国应出台一些《产业政策法》、《反垄断法》,为我国民族工业创造良好的环境。

    China should formulate industrial policy law and antimonopoly law to create favorable environment for our national industry .

  16. 产业政策法以间接诱导手段、直接管制手段和行政信息指导手段作为保障措施。

    The safeguards of industrial policy law are indirect guiding method , direct controlling method and administrative information guiding method .

  17. 评价中国制造业国际竞争力的实证方法研究&兼与波特指标及产业分类法比较

    Research on Empirical Method of Valuing International Competitiveness of Chinese Manufacturing & Comparing with Porter 's Index and Industry Taxonomy

  18. 美国的反垄断法在全球范围内也是较为完善的,反垄断法是产业组织法的重要组成部分。

    U.S. Antimonopoly Law is more perfect on a global scale ; Monopoly Law is an important part of industrial organization law .

  19. 产业政策法是宏观经济法律的重要组成部分,它由产业结构政策法和产业组织政策法构成。

    The industrial policy law , consisted of industrial structure policy and industrial organic policy , is an important part of macroeconomic law .

  20. 第三部分是对产业结构法的组成部分之一&产业结构规划法的立法选择问题的研究,着重讨论了该法的立法目标的设定、调整手段的选择、评价机制的构建和法律责任的设置。

    In this part , I discussed the object of legislation , method of adjustment , evaluation mechanism and liability in respect to Industrial Structure Planning Law .

  21. 从本质上说,竞争法与产业政策法的冲突也就是效益与公平的冲突。

    As china is experiencing economical transition , a total different process from capitalist countries , conflicts between industry law and competition law have emerged in its unique fashion .

  22. 公共经济法的体系主要由财政法、中央银行法(部分)、国有企业法、产业政策法(部分)等组成。

    The public economic law system is mainly made up of public finance law , central bank law ( part ), state-owned enterprises law , industrial policy law ( part ), etc.

  23. 对于规制的法律依据,则应当一方面加快制定适应我国规制现状的反垄断法,另一方面尽快完善、制定各具体自然垄断产业规制法。

    As for regulation law , it is necessary to make anti-monopoly law adapting to present regulation conditions of our country , and to perfect and make specific natural monopoly industry laws as soon as possible .

  24. 在这一部分笔者对循环经济的概念、原则和发展层次作了简要介绍;对产业结构法的概念、法律部门组成及其与产业结构政策的关系作了说明。

    In this part , I introduced briefly about the definition , principles and hierarchies of Circular Economy ; and also I make a description of the definition , laws which consist of Industrial Structure Law .

  25. 产业政策法是宏观调控法的重要组成部分。它以社会利益为核心,从宏观的高度对市场主体及其市场行为进行规制。

    While , industry law is an important component of macro-control law and focusing on interests of the whole society and general public , it governs subjects of market and their market behavior in the macro respective .

  26. 按照传统三次产业分类法、生产要素集约程度分类法、两大部类分类法、钱纳里&泰勒分类法,对文化产业进行属性归类,不同的归类有不同的意义。

    Different classified of the cultural industries classified properties have different meanings according to the traditional classification of three industries , the level of factors of production-intensive classification , the two major classification category , Chenery - Taylor classification .

  27. 鉴于我国产业调节法的立法现状和存在问题,必须加强立法研究,建立、完善我国产业调节法的法律体系。

    In view of the current situation of legislation and the problems of the industrial adjusting law of China , study on legislation must be strengthened and the legal system of industrial adjusting law of China shall be established and perfected .

  28. 我国最高立法机关正在审议《中华人民共和国电影产业促进法(草案)》,该草案增加了要求电影从业人员遵守法律法规,尊重社会公德,恪守职业道德的条款。

    China 's top legislature is reviewing a draft law aiming to promote the development of the Chinese film industry , which adds items urging people in the film sector to abide by laws as well as social and professional ethics .

  29. 本文首先从市场营销策略相关理论入手,运用宏观环境分析法(从PEST模型)、产业结构分析法对中国农业生产资料集团公司的营销环境进行了分析。

    First , it states the relevant theories of marketing strategy , introducing the analysis methods of macro-environment analysis ( from the PEST model ) and industrial structure analysis .

  30. 论我国信托产业的经济法调整及其完善

    On the Regulation and Perfection of China 's Trust Industry by Economic Laws