
  • 网络evolution of industrial structure
  1. 人力资源对产业结构演进的影响

    The Effects of Human Resources on the Evolution of Industrial Structure

  2. 目前,定量分析长株潭产业结构演进的文章很少。

    At present , there is few papers to analyze the evolution of industrial structure quantitatively in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan region .

  3. 根据灰色关联分析发现,约束民族地区产业结构演进的主要因素是城镇人均可支配收入,其次是人均社会固定资产投资总额、人均社会消费品零售总额与人均GDP。

    According to the gray relational analysis , the main factors constraint the industrial structure development is the evolution of urban per capita disposable income , followed by the total social fixed assets investment per capita , per capita retail sales and per capita GDP .

  4. 产业结构演进的一般规律及国际经验比较

    The General Rules and International Experiences of the Industrial Structure Evolution

  5. 体制转轨背景下的产业结构演进的动力机制及过程研究

    The Study of the Motivation and Course of Industrial Structure Vicissitude

  6. 产业结构演进(成长)是一个有规律性的动态过程。

    The development of industrial structure is a regular dynamic process .

  7. 网络经济环境下产业结构演进探析

    An Analysis on Industrial Structure Evolution in the Internet Economy Environment

  8. 重庆市产业结构演进的实证研究

    Demonstration Study on the Evolution of Chong Qing 's Industrial Structure

  9. 日本产业结构演进与调整战略研究

    Study on the Evolutionary and Adjustable Strategies of Japanese Industrial Structure

  10. 宁夏产业结构演进及优化的实证分析

    The Positive Analyses about Industrial Structure Evolvement and Optimization in Ningxia

  11. 黑龙江省产业结构演进的实证分析

    The substantial evidence analysis of Heilongjiang province industrial structure evolution

  12. 产业结构演进与城市成长相互关系的理论探讨

    Theoretical Reflection on the Relation Between Industrial Structure Development And Urban Growth

  13. 辽宁省海洋产业结构演进与部门发展动态研究

    Evolution and Dynamic Studies of Marine Industries in Liaoning Province

  14. 重庆经济发展与产业结构演进研究

    Research on Chongqing 's Economic Development and Industrial Structure Development

  15. 资源约束下的日本产业结构演进研究

    Study on the Evolution of Japan 's Industrial Structure under Resource Constraints

  16. 基于产业结构演进的四川高教结构调整

    Analysis of Sichuan Higher Education Structure Adjustment Based on Industrial Structure Evolution

  17. 第一章对现有产业结构演进趋势的理论进行了概述。

    The 1st chapter summarizes the existing theories on Industry Structure evolution trend .

  18. 阿克苏地区产业结构演进与城镇化发展关系研究

    The Relational Research of Industrial Structure Evolution and Urbanization Development in Aksu Region

  19. 加速沈阳老工业基地的产业结构演进

    Speed up industry construction evolution of Shenyang-old industrial base

  20. 第三章是港口城市产业结构演进机理分析。

    The third chapter analyses the development mechanism of port cities industry structure .

  21. 安徽产业结构演进和产业结构升级的政策建议

    The Industrial Structure Evolving of Anhui and Suggestions of Upgrading of Industrial Structure

  22. 重庆市产业结构演进中制造业发展路径研究

    A Research on Manufacturing Development Route during the Industrial Structure Progression of Chongqing

  23. 宁夏产业结构演进与经济增长系统研究

    The systemic research on evolvement of industrial structure and economic growth of Ningxia

  24. 中国海岛县产业结构演进特点研究

    Study on the evolvement trait of the island county industry structure in China

  25. 新疆产业结构演进特征及优化分析

    Evolutionary Characteristic and Adjustment of Xinjiang Industrial Structure

  26. 港口城市产业结构演进及优化研究&以日照市为例5、第五章是论文的实证研究部分。

    The fifth chapter is the positive part .

  27. 贸易增长对产业结构演进作用增强。

    The role of trade growth on the evolution of the industrial structure enhanced .

  28. 浙江产业结构演进规律与农村合作金融机构应对策略

    The Strategy of Rural Cooperative Financial Institution to Deal with Zhejiang Industrial Structure Evolution

  29. 人力资本在经济聚集及区域产业结构演进中的作用

    The Function of Human Capital in Economy Gathers and the Regional Industrial Structure Development

  30. 区域产业结构演进的马尔科夫过程

    Markov Process in Area Industrial Structure Evolution