
  • 网络product personalization
  1. 树立正确观念,掌握WTO规则,找准市场角色和定位,进行企业过程再造,使企业经营特色化,产品个性化,是企业增强竞争实力的最佳选择。

    But It will be dangerous for the enterprises . The best choice of improving competition ability is setting up correct business concepts , grasping WTO rules , finding a exact market position , implementing BPR , making enterprises characteristic and products individual .

  2. 针对MSNV6.5的不足,增加了联系人搜索的功能,优化了产品个性化用户体验功能、增加了内嵌网络浏览器。

    Aiming at the shortage of MSN V6.5 , the new version adds the function of searching contacts , Web browser embedded and optimizes the production personalization .

  3. 建立了关于产品个性化定制的空间模型。

    This paper constructs a special model for the product customization .

  4. 陶瓷产品个性化发展途径分析

    The porcelain and ceramic product character turns the development discussion and analysis

  5. 服务产品个性化之利弊与个性化程度决策

    Discussion on Individualization of Service Products and Extent of Individualization

  6. 产品个性化定制模型研究

    Study on the Model of Product Customization

  7. 模块之间的自由组合给产品个性化的实现提供了空间。

    The freedom of mutual unite between modules is helpful to the realization of product individuation .

  8. 产品个性化不突出;

    The products have no individuality ;

  9. 为了满足叉车产品个性化、多样化的需求,叉车控制器需要具备一定的通用性和开放性,供叉车厂技术人员对其进行二次开发。

    Forklift controller requires certain versatility and open for forklift products to meet individual and diverse needs .

  10. 随着客户对产品个性化和交货期要求的提高,机械制造行业的市场竞争日益激烈。

    Due to the high requirement to individualized demand and in-time delivery , there are intense competitions in the machine building industry .

  11. 他们建设由通用和个性化平台组成的混合型设施,前者以流水线方式生产通用零部件而后者则用专业化车间的方式生产体现产品个性化的零部件。

    They create hybrid facilities consisting of flow-line-like components where they build the common platforms and job shop-like components where they customize the products .

  12. 掌握好饮食文化、产品个性化、勾调方案优选的特征特点;

    Full understanding of the characteristics of regional food culture , liquor product individuality , and liquor-blending programs is the prerequisite for good liquor-body design .

  13. 可重构制造系统正是在这一背景下提出的,它能够以较低的成本提高企业对外界环境变化的响应能力,满足顾客对产品个性化的需求。

    It can enhance the responsive ability to the changes of the environment with economical cost to satisfy the individual needs of the different customs .

  14. 在消费品工业领域,消费者对产品个性化的需求越来越多,这对产品设计提出了更高的要求。

    In the field of industrial product consumption , consumer demand more products with personality , it is very important to improve product design method .

  15. 信息技术的普及,社会对产品个性化、多样化的需求及买方市场的出现,给小企业挑战大企业提供了有利的条件和机遇。

    Popularization of IT and emergence of need for product personality and variety as well as a vendee-market provide opportunities for small companies to challenge big companies .

  16. 随着市场的多变以及市场对产品个性化的需求,多品种、小批量生产方式已经逐渐成为制造业的发展主流。

    With much change of the market and the diversification of customer need , variety and small batch production mode has become the main way of manufacturing gradually .

  17. 另外一个因素是消费者对产品个性化的要求上升从小型消费品到工业机械等产品的“按需定制”程度都趋于上升,以适应用户需求。

    Other factors include greater requirements for product customisation the increasing " tailoring " of products from consumer gadgets to industrial machines to suit the requirement of the user .

  18. 在此基础上本文分析了外域游客的旅游需求,主要包括旅游信息需求,旅游文化需求,产品个性化需求,旅游形象需求和旅游环境需求。

    With the above analysis , the thesis analyzes international tourists demands , including the demands of tourism information , culture , product individualization , tourism image and tourism environment .

  19. 消费者对产品个性化要求的不断增多,市场竞争的日益激烈,使制造企业必须向多品种小批量的客户定制模式转变。

    The growing competition in the global market and the consumers ' increasing demand for individuality and diversity makes manufacturers to turn their production pattern from high-volume to high-mix and low-volume .

  20. 在新经济环境下,企业经济运作具有经营全球化、生产自动化、管理信息化、交易智能化、产品个性化等特征。

    Under the environment of so called " New Economy ", there are some new characteristics have appeared in running business which are operating globally , computerization of production process , information orientation in management , transacting intelligently and diversification of products .

  21. 特别是近些年来,随着企业多元化、产品个性化等经营空间不断扩大,集团公司已成为一种常见的组织模式,它在现代市场经济活动中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Especially in recent years , along with the development of business diversification and products personalization , business scope expands ceaselessly and group company has become a common organization mode and plays a more and more important role in modern market economic activities .

  22. 运用该模型,重点讨论了双头垄断市场中的企业应该如何进行产品个性化定制的战略投资和确定其定制范围及常规市场价格,从而使其利润最大化。

    To maximize the profit of an enterprise customer in a duopoly market , this paper discusses two issues through the use of the model : how to make the investigation strategy and how to determine the customization scopes and the conventional market price .

  23. 先进制造技术和现代信息网络技术的飞速进步推动了产品个性化定制的快速发展,仅依靠现有的配置技术已无法提供与客户需求准确一致的个性产品。

    With the rapidly developing of the advanced manufacturing technology and the modern information network technology , product customization was pushed forward in high speed . It is hard to supply the accurately and consistently personalized product to customer requirement with the existing configuration technology .

  24. 为适应市场动态多变的要求,满足不同层次消费者对产品的个性化需求,大批量定制(masscustomization,MC)生产模式被越来越多的企业所应用。

    In order to meet the requirements of the dynamic changing market and personalized products for different consumers , the production mode of mass customization is applied in more and more enterprises .

  25. 即使是掌握了更多数据、因此可以据此对产品进行个性化的谷歌(Google),对其Android手机操作系统的宣传语也是“和而不同”(Betogether.Notthesame)。

    Even Google - which commands even more data with which to personalise its services - touts its Android mobile phone operating system under the slogan " Be together . Not the same . "

  26. 本文从CD产品的个性化包装谈起,就产品包装为什么要个性化,以及个性化包装实施的必要性、以及诸多因素如何导致个性化包装的产生,进行了分析和阐述。

    This thesis discusses from the individuation packing of CD product , analyses and expatiate the reason for individuation of product packing , and the necessity of implementing individuation packing , and some factors that make for the emergence of individuation packing .

  27. 以提高产品的个性化为优化产品的主要任务。

    Customizing the software is the main task of optimizing product .

  28. 越来越多的消费者对产品产生个性化需求。

    More and more customers have specific needs on products .

  29. 现代工业产品的个性化

    The Research on the Individuation of Modern Industry Products

  30. 产品外形个性化定制概念设计模型

    Concept Design Model for Customization of Product 's Shape